Logical material is a set of 48 logical blocks, distinguished four properties:
1. shape - round, square, triangular, rectangular;
2. color - red, yellow, blue;
3. size-large and small;
4. thick-thick and thin.
These games help to accelerate the process of development in preschoolers simple logical structures of thinking, and mathematical concepts. With these games, the children successfully acquire in the future basics of mathematics and computer science.
The main purpose of the use of didactic material (on behalf of the author called "blocks Denesha"): to teach preschoolers to solve logical tasks on the breaking properties.
The main skill needed to solve logical problems is the ability to identify objects in a variety of properties, call them adequately label their absence, to abstract and to keep in memory one, two or three properties, to summarize the items one by one, two, or three, properties, taking into account the presence or absence of each.
With children 3-4 years relevant simple games and exercises, which aim at the development of the properties, of the words "same", "not as" in shape, color, size, thickness.
Simple games
1. "
Find all the pieces (blocks), as this" by color (size, shape). "Find not such a figure as this" by color (shape, size).
2. Find all shapes with this colour and the shape (size and shape, size and color).
"Not find figures like this" by color and size (in color and form, shape and size; the color, size and shape).
"Find like this" in color, but a different shape or the same shape but a different size or the same size but different colour.
A more complex variant: find the same, as shown the figure, color and shape, but different size (the same size and color, but the other form; the same shape and size, but different color).
From randomly selected figures try to build as much as possible a long chain. Ways to build chains:
a) it is not near the figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness);
b) it is not near the same in shape and color figures (by color and size; the size and shape, thickness and so on);
to next figures were the same size, but different shape and so on;
g) that there were pieces of the same color and size, but different shape (same size but different colors).
"Second row"
Put in the range of 5-6 of all shapes. To build underneath the second row, but so that under each figure, the top row was the figure of another form (color, size); same shape but a different color (size); another by color and size; not so in shape, size and colour.
In this game can participate no more than four children, the figures are divided equally between the participants. Each player in turn makes his move. In the absence of figures turn is skipped. The winner is the one who first lay out all the pieces. They can be worn in different ways. For example:
(a) figures of a different color (shape, size);
b) shapes of the same color, but different size or the same size to another form;
the figures of other colors (color and size, the size and thickness);
g) the same figures by color and shape, but different size (the same size and shape but different color);
d) move the pieces of a different color, shape, size, thickness.
"Divide shapes"
For the game will need toys: Teddy bear, doll, rabbit, etc. Ask the children to divide shapes between the bear and the rabbit so that the bears were all red shapes. Check whether the children has distributed toys. Ask them to answer the following questions:
What shape were the bears? (All red).
-And the Bunny? (Not all red). Try dividing the figures in another way:
(a) to the bears were all round;
b) to the hare went all large;
to the hare went all yellow and so on, a More sophisticated version of this game:
Divide shapes so that the bears were all blue, and the Bunny all square.
Check out what shapes only got Teddy bear? (Blue square).
Only Bunny? (Square, not blue).
What figures came immediately and bear and hare? (Blue, square).
And what figures nobody came? (Not blue, not square). Try other ways of job.
Divide shapes so that:
the bears were all triangular, and the Bunny is all great;
bear got all the little, and hare - all rectangular;
the bears were not round, and the Bunny is all yellow. Finally, the most difficult version of the game "Divide shapes. Divide the figure between Pinocchio, Cheburashka and Dunno so that Pinocchio was all round figures, Cheburashka - all yellow, I dunno all large.
What figures only got Pinocchio? (Round, yellow, small). What figures were Cheburashka? (Yellow, small, not round). Tell me, what figures only got the dummy? (Large, not yellow, not round). What figures came immediately and Pinocchio and Cheburashka? (Round, yellow, small). What pieces went immediately and Pinocchio and the dummy? (Round, large, not yellow). The dummy with Cheburashka? (Large, yellow, round).
What shape came all three characters? (Round, yellow, large).
What shape was drawn? (Large, non-circular, not yellow). Preferably together with the children to create new jobs, and better than new games.
Then offer new games and exercises with blocks, where their properties are depicted on the cards.
So color is designated spot (in this figure, the color of the spots identified by the letters: "to" red, "W" yellow, "" blue).
Value - the silhouette of the house (large, small).
Form respectively the outlines of shapes (round, square, rectangular, triangular).
The thickness of the conventional image of the human figure (thick and thin).
Cards are discussed with children, specifies which properties are marked on them. Discusses with the children and the blocks, using the cards, call the name of each block. In the dictionary children appear the following definitions: "... it is red, large, round, thick block. On the card marked with red color, then you can put the red blocks".
The exercises are: child or group of children presented with a card and offered to find all of the same blocks, to call them. For variety you can use the card with eight cells, where the first one shows the property. The child fills in the remaining cell blocks corresponding property. The game is called
"All in a row".
After mastering these skills can make the task more difficult. Now the children will identify the properties of the blocks, as the word, and using cards.
Features of game:
"Who will collect the blocks! ", "Order", "On the place". For example, the presenter says: "Who are most likely to collect all the red blocks", "Sasha asked to collect all round blocks, All thick blocks put in its place - in a large Hoop... "
It is important that children, fulfilling's task, did everything quickly and efficiently.
All units in these games should be in the playing field of view that provides support for direct perception of the properties of the block in solving the problem.
In subsequent tasks, it is recommended to complicate the task, and to develop the ability to identify the properties of the blocks according to the word without relying on clarity. The blocks are cleaned in a box or under a napkin. Game images Mouse game Mouse-noroski") help to interest the child in the selection blocks "stocks for the winter in mink (box), choosing the word leading red or round...
Successfully carried out and other games:
"Entrenched houses", "Who quickly hide".
Houses settle yellow resident units, or square. In the other game offers to hide all the red blocks; thick blocks... the Winners are those who are the first and correctly will do the job.
In subsequent children learn words and signs, indicating the absence of properties. You will need the card, which marked the property is crossed by two lines. For example:
For the learning of words: not red, not round, small, necessary games: "
Translators", "Help Dunno". Century these games you want to tell dunno about blocks, translate into words what is the significance of the card, to teach dunno different to talk about color, size and so on. For example, on a yellow rectangular block, you can say that it is not red and not blue, the shape is not round, not triangular, thick (thin), large (small).
Similar games exercises can be performed both individually and with groups of children. If the children are in kindergarten, these jobs better to spend outside of the classroom in the morning and evening periods of time, on the walk.
Subsequent work with children focused on the development of children's ability to operate simultaneously two properties. Better to start with games
"On his twig", "Who is the owner? ", "Find the exit". Arrange the blocks to fairytale characters in accordance with the specified properties. "Cheburashka does not like red toy and doesn't want to play a round. The hare need red and triangular, etc. to figure Out where you should not hang square and red, yellow and triangular... blocks in the game "On his twig".
After mastering the previous tasks in children is the ability to generalize at the same time on two properties with regard to the presence or absence of each: the presence of both a set of properties, in their absence, by the presence of one and the absence of a second. It is recommended to use games and exercises Help the dummy". Selected fairy tales and are called blocks, what each of them wants to take". For example, Thumbelina "chooses" yellow and square. Dunno yellow, but not square, Malvina - square, but not yellow. Piero is not yellow and not square. Be sure to scan all sets of blocks of characters with the children.
And finally, the most difficult task - this task to split in two properties. With consistent training of children in the previous material can also address more complex tasks. Children are encouraged to divide the blocks between sleep and Pinocchio. I sleep all round, and Pinocchio is all red. In the process of solving this problem there is a problem: there are items simultaneously and red and round, there is not red and not round. Thus the children can themselves come to the conclusion that true red and round blocks to put between the characters, and not round and not red out of this space. The next possible use of more complex games where the ability to operate simultaneously three properties. These games are similar to the previous one.
Option logic games for kids are playing with hoops. When preparing preschoolers for such games should help children develop a clear view of the inner and the outer region with respect to some closed lines.
The dealer puts down on the floor Hoop encircles pointer that place, which is inside the Hoop, and adds that all the rest of the floor is out of the Hoop. You can ask the question, where sits the child (inside or outside of the Hoop). You are then prompted the child to become inside the Hoop.
All this can be repeated with the rope laid it on the floor so that it formed a closed-loop line. Razumkov this line, the children are convinced that in relation to it there are no such places which you could say that they are inside or outside this line.
Before the game with two hoops will need the following preparatory work: leading shows two children wrap different colors, such as blue and red, and places them on the floor as shown in the figure. It turns out, what place (what part of the floor) is located inside both rings; inside the blue, but outside the red Hoop, inside red, but out of the blue Hoop; outside both hoops.
Then the child is invited to be inside both of the hoops, the other inside the blue, but out of the red, the third is inside the red, but outside of the blue, and the fourth out of both hoops.
To prepare for the game with three hoops first of all, it turns out, as is each of the areas (1) to (8) in relation to the three hoops. Here is a description of some of the games with hoops.
Play with a Hoop
On the floor lies the Hoop. Each child in the hand of one block. The children have blocks in accordance with the job of leading. For example, inside the Hoop all the red blocks, and outside the Hoop all the rest. Children ask questions:
What units are inside the Hoop? (Red).
What blocks were outside the Hoop? (Not red). True it is this response, because it is only important what's on the inside of the Hoop are all red blocks and any other is not there, and the property units out of the wrap is determined by the properties of those that lie inside.
When the repeat play, the children can choose which blocks to put inside, outside, and then to each other define in one word shapes out of the Hoop.
Game with two hoops
On the floor two colored wrap (blue and red), hoops intersect, therefore, have a common part. The facilitator asks someone to get up
- inside the blue Hoop,
inside the red Hoop,
inside both hoops
out of the red Hoop,
- inside the blue, but out of the red,
inside the red, but outside of the blue,
out of the blue and red hoops.
Then the children have the blocks so that the inside of the blue Hoop was all round blocks, and inside the red Hoop - all red. At first difficult problem of where to put red and round blocks. Their place in the General part of the two hoops.
After performing the practical task of arrangement of blocks, children respond to four questions:
- What units are inside both of hoops?
- Inside the blue, but outside the red Hoop?
Inside the red, but outside of the blue?
Out of both of hoops?
It should be emphasized that the blocks should be called here with two properties, shapes and colors.
Game with three hoops
In the game with three hoops solved more complex than in the game with two hoops, the problem of classification of blocks three properties.
The dealer puts down on the floor three colored (red, blue, yellow Hoop, as shown in the figure, i.e., to form 8 regions.
Once these areas are appropriately named in relation to the hoops (inside all three hoops, inside red and blue, but with out the yellow, and so on), it is proposed to arrange the blocks, for example, so that the inside of the red Hoop was all red blocks inside the blue - all square, and inside yellow-all large.
After performing practical tasks, children respond to eight (standard for any version of the game stirrup hoops). What units are:
1) within all three hoops;
2) inside the red and blue, but outside of the yellow Hoop;
3) inside the blue and yellow, but no red Hoop;
4) in red and yellow, but out of the blue Hoop;.
5) inside the red, but out of the blue and out of yellow Hoop;
6) inside the blue, but outside of the yellow and red Hoop;
7) inside the yellow, but no red and outside of the blue Hoop;
8) out of all three hoops?
In the game with three hoops modeled the decomposition of the set into eight classes (pairwise non-intersecting subsets) with three properties (to be red, be square, be great).
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