Mysterious Sumerians depicted enlightened people always accrete on the nose eyebrows. Romans believed that the goddess Juno gives seven offspring, if sacrificially to shave off his eyebrows. Both extremes are not too inspiring. The shows are increasingly seeing models with sleek straight line of the eyebrows. How to repeat it?
The usual removal of hairs with tweezers is not entirely harmless. The wizard runs the risk of damaging the hair follicle, even gently pulling each hair in the direction of growth. But independently removing one hair with tweezers, you control the potential shape of the eyebrows.
Wax correction gives improved results - leaves skin perfectly smooth. Shadow for brows are equal. Cosmetologist causes warm wax thin spatula or stick in the direction of hair growth. Next to the hair for a few seconds press the fabric strip. Can pull hairs and a special stick in the wax. Before you pull the fabric strip, it is necessary to slightly stretch the skin of the century. After wax in rare cases it is not necessary to modify the "site" tweezers. But to grow hair will be much longer than the traditional correction. From redness after the procedure usually eliminates cooling gel with aloe Vera gel (helps me brought a friend from Sydney gel with aloe for sunburn).
A brow thread called "Eastern". This method came to us from India and is gradually becoming more and more popular in the West. In the East the girl plucked eyebrows by using the thread before the wedding. My course-mates, a couple of years ago moved to London two years ago there were only local Indian stores on "threading tweezing". The cosmetologist will need a clean, thin but strong silk thread that grabs hair and quickly jerks. The main difference from hair removal with tweezers in that thread at a time can capture a few hairs. Moreover, your skin does not touch the tweezers or wax strip, that is, the procedure is quite suitable to owners of sensitive skin. Thread removes even the finest hairs so it would be difficult to grab with tweezers. In Moscow will find a similar service in Armenian or Iranian salons. After this procedure, the eyebrow look is more clear. One of the beauticians had me convinced that the hair four times slower grow after hair removal twisted thread. After the plucking sometimes may be swelling (which subsides after 2-3 hours after the procedure). The main advantage is the speed with which the master handles the hairs. A couple of minutes - and shape eyebrows ready. In the correction of the threads of the skin around the eyes a little stretched (the wizard will most likely ask you just to pull the skin of the century to go hairs).
Hair removal by laser can remove hair not only on the legs and bikini area, but to eliminate once and for all "antennae" on the lips thick and uneven eyebrows. All equipment is processed by laser same as in hair removal, for example, the shins. Yes, it may be painful. But after the treatment the hair will slow down your growth. Sorry, but one session is not enough to destroy all the excess hair. The fact that the laser will only handle finish bulbs that are already on the surface. "Sleeping" will need to be refined. The interval before the next session is usually a month.
Increasingly, natural blondes little lighten the color of hair to become too ashy. Eyebrows on the open face instantly stand out. The easiest and most budget option is to paint the eyebrows with the same paint, which in the cabin were applied to hair. But the easiest option out the most risky. Carefully Vitalis in the instruction on application of paint, you will find terrible note: to paint eyebrows this paint is forbidden. In case of contact with eyes paint can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Can't find special gel ink for coloring eyebrows? Remember about my grandmother's advice and buy some hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to apply on a cotton pad a few drops and RUB eyebrow several times during the week. After a while eyebrows will be slightly lighter. By the way, in any shade of eyebrow should be, first and foremost, manicured. To give the eyebrows a completed form, a little to smooth them will help the wax or gel. I like transparent eyebrow gel from WT. Those who often experimenting with vibrant shades, like gels eyebrows with shades. They will help to give your eyebrows a little noticeable color.
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