Unfortunately, this is a natural process, and return the original hair color is almost impossible. We can only try to stop graying. Do this 2 times a year take 1-2 months vitamins a, E, C, folic acid, Riboflavin.
When premature graying rinse your hair with a decoction of roots and leaves of a nettle. To prepare 50 g of dry nettle insist in 500 ml water and 500 ml of vinegar, then simmer for half an hour. The broth to cool and drain, and then RUB into the scalp every night for several days.
Gray hair can be hidden with the help of industrial dyes. Always choose the color shades on the shade lighter than the natural hair color. If the hair is still not very grey wash your hair toning shampoo color of your natural hair. If your hair is about one-third of gray, use a soft colour.
You can use vegetable dyes that will help your hair and fill them with nutrients.
If you have started to gray brown hair, use a mask:
A tablespoon of colorless henna, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, tobacco from a cigarette, pre-soaked in a little water, 5 crushed spicy cloves, a tablespoon of sour milk, 5 ml of the oil solution of vitamin a, a tablespoon of olive oil and egg yolk, stir, if necessary, add a little warm water. Should get a gruel of medium thickness. Heat the mixture on a water bath and apply to cleansed, damp hair. Wrap the head in plastic wrap, wrap the top with a towel. After 2 hours, gently comb your hair and wash your head with shampoo.
Dark hair started to turn gray, after washing regularly rinse your brew strong tea.
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