Answer the following questions:
- If your life was quite certain goal, what would it consist of?
- If there was a God or other versushost, what powers it could you give? For what? What would you like to give to the world, people?
In accordance with the answers, determine their life mission and create credo.
Fear to try
Continuing from the previous paragraph, I want to note that finding something for everyone - it is purely practical. It is impossible to find a favorite thing, not trying myself in different activities. It is impossible to understand, whether you like to draw or not, if you never tried it.
Child psychologists recommend parents to drive children to different circles and sections. This is to ensure that by the end of the school child decided himself what he wants to do in life, by that time he should try yourself in different activities. To understand, like to do something or not, you are only trying to do.
Exercise # 3
- Write down on paper all the things you love to do, everything you ever did, and it was fun. You don't want to think about whether this be your case. Just remember, think.
Perhaps, once you've read the report at the Institute, and you are very excited. Or do you like to sing with a guitar. Or to go shopping. Write down everything you do with great pleasure. This exercise can be done in a few days, bringing in a list of what you remember or come up with.
- If you read the list, you will notice that all things can be divided into groups. Remember the children's exercise called the "would you"? Now, you need to do the same: to break the case on some common characteristic. One group, for example, refers to communication with people, another group - the clothes, the third - to literature, etc.
- What profession or what professions associated with each group of things that you like to do?
- Which of certain professions you prefer?
Low self-esteem
The roots of this belief lies in relation to itself. If you feel unworthy to be happy and to do what is fun, you will be hard to find or apply in their professional activities. Change your self-esteem. Is it really possible to do what you like, and still get money for it.
Reasonable risks
About it even have a saying: "Though inferior, but mine." Or "Better a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky". Sometimes we are afraid to try something new for fear of failure and the loss of those results that have been achieved. Suddenly there you go, and here we lose?
Go on a reasonable risk. Do not rush headlong into a new business, calculating the chances of success. If you have to start from scratch (and a new business is almost always to start from a position of "beginner"), provide a first rear or create a "safety cushion" of pending money just in case.
What you have achieved in life, it is very important. This is your experience, your skills, your knowledge. Wise is the man who relies on his experience.
Exercise # 4
- Write down what you do well.
As each of the items that you have recorded can help you in occupations from the previous exercise? Than your skills can help in those things that you love to do?
Disbelief in what favorite thing can bring money
Often we think that what we like is a hobby, passion, and work is something else. And it is, perhaps, one of the main obstacles to the profession of pleasure. Hobbies and work can and must be the same to ensure that we were happy and satisfied with life.
Exercise # 5
- Look at the results of the exercise No. 3. For each item, answer the question: what prevents you to earn this money?
- Write a different resume for each specific exercise No. 3 of the profession. Justify the choice of your experience and education.
- The personnel departments of various companies have a favorite question: why do you want to work in this position? You can answer it right now. Write a short essay for each profession, why you want to work in it.
Exercise # 6
Do check for those professions that you chose in exercise # 3.
For each profession, find the thing that will symbolize. It can be any thing that causes some Association with the profession. Place it in the room. Do this with each profession. Things should be the same as you locate professions.
-R Now every profession has its place in space. Stand on the spot where lies one of the things (note, on what place you got in the first place). This place is a space marked for the profession. Getting to this place, you "take" this profession, this professional niche.
How are you on this site (and in this profession)? What feelings do you have in this place? Comfortable if you here, I wonder if that is convenient? In their if you "plate"? What you want to do at this place?
Go queue designated for other professions and do the same.
If my article and exercises have helped you to choose your favorite business, congratulations! All you need to know more about this profession, to understand what you do not have enough to work in it, to browse on sites about the vacancies of the expectations and requirements of employers for the applicant to this position and write a good summary.
If you still can not locate what you would like to do, try to browse the same sites. Open in the sub-heading column the area that you are most attracted to, see what there position and profession, pay attention that arouses your interest. Send your resume and go on interviews. So you will be able to learn more about the professions and to understand, whether you are in they are in reality or not.
How to find a job you love. Part one
Female passion
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