There are a number of beliefs and actions that prevent to find a favorite pastime.
Find a job you love can be given to everyone!
There is an opinion that favorite thing as true love: it can be read right from the first glance. And to find it, like real love, not given to everyone, it's luck. Several times I heard the phrase: "You're lucky you have a favorite thing".
The belief that in order to find a favorite thing, be lucky, based on the fact that every day we see around us a large number of people working in the wrong place. And then we can seem that way, that's life, that it should be. And that job is something like a miracle.
In fact, due to the fact that few people really know what they want to do professionally, finding his calling may seem like something supernatural. But that should not stop your search interesting for you.
True love to find useless she is. But with work it's different. And not only with the work. To understand what you want that you are fun - it's work too, sometimes quite long, but definitely useful.
It means having to listen to myself, the need to pay attention and notice what you like and what not. In addition, it means the need to maintain what you like and what you don't like to reject and not to deal with them: "Okay, so be it, I will do it".
Often, when we compromise, abandon their dreams and stop looking for what you want to do. Even if at the moment you are forced to be contented with reality, don't stop there, keep looking. Their job itself is not there.
Exercise # 1
- Take a pen and paper and write down 10 sentences, which will begin with the words: "I must...". You need to write down 10 things that, in your opinion, you have to do in life;
- Now write down 10 sentences, which will begin with the words "I can't...". In this part of the exercise, you need to write down 10 things that you cannot, in your opinion, do;
- Read aloud what happened. What sense is written?
Now cross out in the first ten sentences, the word "should" and replace it with the word "want". In the next ten sentences, cross out the word "may" (the particle "not" leave), and replace it with the word "want";
- Read what you got. What sense is what happened, now?
By doing this exercise, you may have noticed that all of the recorded or you want to do, or do not want. However, when you say to yourself "should" or "can't" instead of "want" or "don't want", it blocks energy and does not give you get from what you are doing, pleasure, or refuse to do it. Practice in all that you do, revealing either his desire or his unwillingness. The more you understand and know about your "want" and "don't want", the easier it will be to apply it to their work.
The lack of a goal to find a job
Often the desire to find a job you love is not because we do not set such a goal. For example, just to find a job is important because it is necessary for something to live. And to gain our goal is to find a job, do steps: prepare resume, send it to employers.
And that soul is what you can do at your leisure, if you have time. And if there is no goal, there is no consistent actions that will help to find something. Aim to find a favorite thing.
Analyze what steps will help you advance in this direction. What do you still need to find a job? That can help you find a job you love? Make a plan of action. And exercises that I suggest will help you to make the first steps in this direction and closer to the target.
Sometimes we say to ourselves: "If I don't know what I want, what's the use to do something? That's when I'll understand, then it will start moving". But we're not doing practical action, we risk remaining at the same place. Job search for the soul - this is the case, and not thinking, and it requires activity.
Continuation expect in the magazine
How to find a job you love. Part two
Female passion
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