Oriental cuisine is a broad concept that includes culinary delights of Asia, India, the Caucasus and the Balkans. It is associated with a welcoming and hospitable hosts, rich feasts and taste variety.
But, paradoxically, Eastern beauties can boast the flexibility and symmetry of the camp, and men "bundle of nerves" occurs much less often than lovers of meat or pizza. It's all some features culinary traditions and preferences.
Rolls, rice or soup - no matter which country East question, but rice dishes are always present on the table. But rice is the basis of many diets for weight loss and detox: it is healthy and low calorie, but also has the ability to remove toxins and other harmful substances.
We often eat it in pohudatelny purposes, boiled without salt (and soon begin to silently hate), and adherents of Eastern cuisine and drink for the soul, prepared with imagination and fiery love. By the way, the bowl of rice is not less popular, but more healthy Breakfast than our omelettes and sandwiches.
Red, beige, yellow, black, purple - the number of varieties of this cereal can compete only with the number of ways of its treatment. Even washed the rice, depending on varieties and specialities, different: warm, hot, cold, fresh or salt water.
It is not surprising that with such diversity can eat rice every day and not to wince at the word "mono-diet".
Fish and meat
If Asian cuisine we cannot imagine without fish, Caucasian many people associate exclusively with fatty kebabs, Shawarma and other meat dishes. And totally in vain - the meat is not the main product.
If you believe the Koran in Paradise "the righteous eat poultry meat and fruit. In life on earth, in principle, they use the same thing, and meat prefer lamb. Kill the sheep or buy meat in the supermarket mainly for celebrations or receptions, in the everyday diet it is present in very modest quantities.
Unlike forbidden by the Koran pork, lamb has the "correct" oil: it is extremely low in cholesterol, but a lot of fluoride and vitamin E. Juicy lamb, and even more so the lamb, GHI and even helps prevent diabetes. To figure the impact is minimal, especially if there is a lamb in accordance with the traditions of cuisine: with herbs and fresh vegetables.
As for the fish - it's just a storehouse of vitamins and an outlet for fans diets. A lot of easily digestible protein, low fat, in addition rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids - all this allows losing weight and leading a healthy lifestyle eat the fish without any remorse.
Dairy products
Ayran, tan, Mare's milk, yogurt, yoghurt and other "Islamology" are frequent guests at the Oriental buffet. Drinks contain a lot of protein and little fat, easily digested and have a beneficial effect on the intestine. And also strengthens the nervous system, weakened steadily approaching beach season and the desire to lose weight. In hot weather "kilmallock" is mixed with a large amount of greens, cucumbers and eaten as a cold soup.
Green tea
Eastern meal is hard to imagine without steaming cups of green tea. Legend has it that gained weight geisha strict mistress houses "prescribed" a couple of cups of drink for half an hour before a meal - this tea significantly reduced the appetite.
And this is not the only "pohudatelny properties of the drink. It speeds up the metabolism, removes toxins, promotes good digestion. And scientists Queensland stated (munching on a Burger with double cheese), 3 cups of green tea a day will help you lose weight even fans of high-calorie food. Healthiest drink is combined with lemon - since the main keepers of harmony is the catechins, are better absorbed if tea added this slice of citrus.
Cabbage, whether it's cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli, features a low caloric content and high vitamin content. And seaweed, or kelp, also contains a special enzyme that breaks down fats. In Asian cooking, combine it with rice, fish or soy products, or eat as salad. In addition, dried ground seaweed used instead of salt.
In the stomach kelp greatly increases in volume, and for a long time tames hunger - so even seductive caramel apples and other desserts do not cause the desire to pounce on them and eat immediately.
Ginger, anise, Basil, cloves, coriander, cilantro, sesame seeds, cardamom, turmeric, various types of peppers abundance of spices Eastern cooking cannot fail to delight. With such support, any, even the most diet dishes are flavorful, delicious and attractive, and the desire urgently to eat anything else after lunch or dinner disappears. As well as the desire to "a little salt" dish - spicy allows to do without the "white death" and to make salt-free diet in practice. In addition, sharp spices increase metabolism and accelerate fat burning.
Traditions: eating little and slowly
Food in the East is much more than just a way to fill. This is a special ritual, particular, if you want, philosophy. It is hard to imagine eaten on the run rolls or pilaf "in a hurry", topped with ketchup and mayonnaise. Not necessarily convert to Islam or become a Buddhist, simply take note of some of the rules of the Eastern meal:
- start the food is only when you are really hungry;
- you should eat slowly, slowly, put in the mouth small pieces and carefully to chew;
- going to visit, pre-slake their hunger at home, that "this meeting is not to stand out from among the other guests";
- taking guests, offer them the most tasty and delicious, but eat what simpler. (If you invite guests as often as possible, the question of diet in General will be solved by itself.)
Belenkaya M
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