As for career women, it affects many reasons. This can be, and global processes in the country and the world, and certain events occurring in the company in which we operate. Even some family circumstances can affect the success and career women to help us along, or to force us to make every conceivable effort in order to achieve a higher and more responsible positions. But sometimes we have to blame ourselves for what our career is not growing as fast as we would like. Sometimes, even in spite of their excellent professional knowledge and high efficiency, we have to stay long in the same place in the same position, hopelessly waiting for a promotion in his career and not receiving for his excellent work neither moral nor material satisfaction.
So what is the reason? Perhaps partly in the fact that we are making insufficient efforts to promote itself on the labour market? Maybe we made some mistakes that hinder career woman? Let's face it.
Career women: mistake # 1. Passive attitude
Many women suffer from lack of activity and assertiveness when it comes to career advancement. They expect that management will be able to see their wonderful professional knowledge, high performance and the ability to work independently and creatively, and underestimate the importance of managing his own career. And actually your boss involved in a large number of current problems, can simply ignore the fact that he does such a wonderful employee. In this situation, you need to follow the principle: "take care of herself, after all, want to do it for you".
Career women: error No. 2. Low self-esteem
Many psychologists-consultants who have studied the problem of people's behavior in the labor market, notice that women often underestimate their own abilities, skills and practical experience. We women just shy confirm their high professional qualifications. And this self-perception is a serious obstacle in the negotiations for higher wages or career advancement.
Career women: error No. 3. Commitment to excellence
Most women are demanding to themselves and strive to achieve in their work of absolute perfection. They aim to perform every task perfectly be the ideal in their professional activities. But quite often this tactic is for us women, it's just devastating. Perfection is a concept illusory, and few of us can achieve. In the pursuit of perfection, we lose precious time and effort bogged down in the details and lose the ability to see the whole situation. It is very important to know when to stop: how to perform specific work tasks, and in the process of improving myself personally.
Career women: error No. 4. Excessive emotionality
Emotion is our strength and our weakness. It is very difficult to be a woman and at the same time never get hysterical at work. Of course, today, life is going at a rapid pace, and the problems that you must solve every working day, especially complex, and therefore difficult never to break and not to lose his temper. Difficult, but possible. And not only possible, but necessary. No hysterics and tears will not lead you to the solution of business problems, but it will definitely complicate or ruin your relationship with colleagues, especially men, who will then cease to apply to you - the woman as an equal partner. They will remember that you don't want to be on an equal with them, and use tears (prohibited weapon in business relationships) as his "advantage " weaker sex" to achieve certain goals.
("Her eyes on the wet spot, " this will not soon forget.)
Career women: error number 5. "I don't know what I want"
It also relates to the question of emotion. The woman is always the individuality of multilateral, she always wants to get all that is possible, and desirable right now. However, to get from life everything at once is impossible. It is very important to decide for yourself what you expect from your career at every stage of its life. Defining your priorities in each period of life, you can avoid disappointments and to derive the maximum benefit from every situation.
Career women: error No. 6. Treacherous honesty
Imagine that you come for an interview and you are asked: "do You know how to do this or that? " For example, you have not done this, and you honestly answer: "No, I can't." This is certainly extremely wrong answer. Given that the same position that you want to get you, claiming dozens of applicants, your: "I don't" produces a very negative impression.
But if you really do not know how, should you lie? Of course, no. But what prevents you say: "I can learn" or "I will learn this", or, even better, "I will learn it in three months"? This response will make a good impression for several reasons: first, because you are ready to learn and improve their knowledge, and secondly, you will demonstrate your ability to conduct meaningful negotiations, and, thirdly, finally, your great desire to work.
Career women: error No. 7. Not to discuss their wages
Sometimes it is very difficult to raise before the leadership question about your salary. You may have noticed this for themselves. But you should be aware that your boss is not a benefactor, and he is not doing you a favor giving you a job and pay you a salary, he just buys your work. And not only work your skills, knowledge, professional experience. Finally, even your time and effort. And in return he offers you money. So that's all right - you're not he owe. And you don't beg for his salary or bonus to it, you just negotiate about it. And, by the way, before you start negotiations about raising their salaries, it would be good to do some research the current job market and just how much you stand to date.
Summing up all the above, it can be argued that a woman's career, as the quarry men, is in her own hands. Go for it!
Orange Snow
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