Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Child injuries. First aid

Child injuries. First aidChildren sometimes get various household injuries. How to deal with them, and whether to handle everything yourself?

Sometimes it is necessary to trust the child in the hands of an experienced physician, and sometimes enough improvised.


The most common household injury is a common injury. In General, nothing terrible bruises there, except for the bruises of the head or joints. On the place of injury is formed bruise gradually changes color from blue to yellow-green. All depends on the location of the injury and the size of the hematoma. With the usual small bruise cope with a cold compress, putting the ice (you can use any product from the freezer) wrapped in a cotton cloth, a sore point. If the pain is strong, you can give a bit of analgesic drug inside (be sure to pay attention to the age restrictions of the drug! or take advantage of local analgesics - ointments, gels. If the place of injury form, the tumor should consult a physician, severe swelling and sharp pain may indicate fractures or cracks in the bones, sprains, ligaments tears. In such a situation is to be examined, possibly x-rays. Contusions of the head, accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea and dizziness can be a sign of concussion, which cannot be diagnosed at home. Injury may be accompanied by bruises and cuts that must be processed to prevent infection. General recommendations when injuries - cold compress, rest, perhaps drawing a grid of iodine a day after injury.


A small piece of foreign body accidentally trapped in the tissue, can be painful and unpleasant, and perhaps almost imperceptible. In any case, the splinter should remove the foreign body can cause severe suppuration. If you

"catch" a splinter with tweezers or a needle, wash hands, Bessarabia place of entrance splinters and remove. If sanosuke piece is too deep it can be deleted at the nearest hospital, making local anesthesia and slightly notched skin. If you remove the thorn house, be sure to squeeze from the wound a little blood, to remove any residual infection. If the wound is not bleeding, just seal it with medical tape. If not complete removal of splinters may form an abscess, which we will discuss shortly.

Ulcers, abscesses

Usually occur at the place where the infection. The General principle is not very different from dealing with conventional purulent pimples - disinfection, removal of pus with pulling ointments or mechanically. Ointment - Ichthyol ointment Vishnevsky, etc., are sold in any drugstore if pharmacy near there (in the campaign or far from the residential centre) you can use washed finely chopped leaf plantain, pre-wrapped it in the cloth. If the amount of inflammation is high, or the size of the ulcer inspire doubt, you must consult doctor in case of furunculosis will require not only the home of manipulation, but also doctor prescribed antibiotics.

Solar and heat stroke

To household complications include solar and thermal shock. Protection against them is simple - light cotton clothes, normalized stay in the sun or in a hot room, the rejection of alcoholic drinks during hot Sunny walks. The characteristics of both shocks is similar: nausea, vomiting, dark eyes, dizziness, fainting. In the case of heat stroke possible difficulty breathing, or full stop. In any case, if the patient's condition does not inspire fear, led (carry out) it in a cool place with good air, slowly normalize body temperature cool the skin, give a drink of water and ingesting. In case of deep fainting necessarily called an ambulance.

Dislocation, fracture

In the case of dislocation or fracture in self do not need. Should immediately call an ambulance, however, some first aid you can provide. In the case of dislocation must immobilize the place of dislocation using bandages or splints, will not prevent a cold compress. In the case of fracture of the methods are about the same to fix the location of the fracture and bring the patient to a medical facility. Sprains and fractures are very painful, that is why reliable fixing the damaged area will help the patient to move the transport to a medical facility with minimal losses. If bleeding from an open fracture, it is necessary to stop the blood with tight bandages, but do not hold it for longer hours.


Bites of insects or animals can be not only painful, but dangerous. In the case of allergic reactions needed an injection of antihistamines in case of a snake bite - injection serum. Dogs, cats, wild birds and animals can be carriers of various infections, so a medical examination and a course of injections will not hurt. When the bite of snakes are of the opinion that it is sufficient to incise the wound and suck out the venom, spitting out his. In principle, you can do it, if you believe in the lack of caries, Primachenko language and other micro-injury to the mucosa. In the event of any significant poisoning is a human reaction to a particular poison, so isn't worth the risk, leave this method in extreme cases, and if we have to use it, be sure sure to spit often sucked away the blood with poison. To cauterize the wound, to give the victim alcohol to draw blood harness is not necessary - these methods do not help, but rather hinder further treatment.


Quite dangerous small insects. Bite you mite can be seen only after a thorough examination, which must be carried out after walking through the forest. Ticks are also vectors of disease, therefore, seeing a tick on your skin, you must immediately delete it. This can be done in a medical facility, you can try to cope on their own. If you have to do everything yourself, do not smear the tick with oil, expecting that he will get himself did not come out, simply suffocate. The tick should be removed as a screw or nail is slightly shaking as if unscrewing it from the wound. Removing the insect you need to disinfect the wound, hands and tools.



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