Thursday, July 31, 2014

3 recipe for flat tummy

Rounded tummy

3 recipe for flat tummy

More recently, you had a perfectly flat tummy, which you were so proud, and now in its place there is something loose, swollen and awkward. Do not rush to faint and find out the prices for liposuction. Most likely, you have excess fluid in the body. May will soon begin critical days or yesterday you drank a lot of water? Here are some great recipes to help you get rid of such horror as bloated stomach.

Recipe 1

Take ½ Cup rinsed millet, pour a glass of boiled water of room temperature. Massage this mixture roars within 15 minutes, until the water will become milky color. Enjoy this miraculous liquid. Repeat this procedure a couple of times a day and soon you forget what a bloated stomach. By the way, it is also a great tool for weight loss.

Recipe 2

Take 2 tbsp of fennel seeds, pour 1 Cup boiling water. After 10 minutes, strain the infusion through a strainer and drink preferably overnight.

Recipe 3

Take extra blitz diet.

For Breakfast, eat oatmeal, cooked in water, drink down with mineral water.

At lunch, eat an Apple, ripe banana and a big bunch of grapes, drink herbal tea with lemon.

Hours at 5 PM, eat some fennel. This is a good way to combat flatulence.

Before going to sleep - pontarelli cereal and drink the infusion of mint.


Cellulite, this hate "orange peel", can really ruin your life. And if a couple of extra pounds around your society with high aesthetic ideals can you forgive, then flabby bumps on your butt and thighs hardly. Moreover, cellulite is the kind of stuff from which to get very, very hard. With him you need to deal comprehensively: proper nutrition, sports, anti-cellulite creams and massages. If you overlooked one or more components, the results do not wait. Some special diet against cellulite does not exist and, of course, for the week "orange peel" you do not remove. This process is long, but with proper patience and persistence of some stubborn girl get rid of cellulite for a long time. You need to rebuild your diet and lifestyle. Here is a sample list of foods that you can include (and exclude) from the total diet to fight cellulite:

- eat instead of lean meat, fish and poultry,

- eat as much fresh, raw vegetables and fruits,

- in the morning, eat oatmeal or wheat gruel,

cook without salt and cream sauces,

- do not use semi

- eliminate fatty meat, coffee, tea, sugar, alcohol,

- milk and dairy products eat in small quantities,

- drink herbal green tea,

- forget about the pate, sausage, smoked meats and salinity,

- banned pastries, cakes, sweet pastries,

- do not smoke.

Aboutbwise chest

Unfortunately, it happens when you drastically lose weight. And all because of your unwise approach to losing weight: want to lose as many pounds as possible in less time. In the first thin chest, as it is almost all composed of fat cells. If you have a decent chest of the 3rd dimension then, after a dramatic weight loss, you have all chances instead of chic bust to get dull ears of a Spaniel".

Therefore, starting a diet, you should start the exercise. Does not mean long-term starvation: in this system, power sports is dangerous (from overwork you and skates fold). Yes and after a few days of fasting you will not be able to press shake or jog. It is better to combine a moderate diet and intense exercise, then your Breasts will not obvisnut, and even and tighten. So, to preserve ( or restore) a good breast forms you need:

- to train the upper part of the chest muscles with dumbbells or trainer (under the guidance of an experienced coach),

- massaging the breast, applying a lifting creams,

- be sure to include in your diet are eggs, fruits, beef, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, fish, boiled chicken, skim milk.



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