Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Yoga: the ancient art of staying young

What is the "yoga" for the representative of the European civilization? First of all, special exercises and breathing practices. But this is only a small part of the ancient philosophical tradition, the history of which is calculated for millennia.

In the beginning was the word

The word "yoga" has many meanings, and is derived from the Vedic root yuj (team). In this sense it occurs in the rig Veda, the most ancient collection of sacred hymns, part of the Vedas. It is interesting to consider the General PRA-Indoeuropean roots of the word "yoga" present in Slavic languages. Old Aryan root yuj related Slavic "yoke (yoke) and "needle" (originally this word meant not a sewing needle, and a rod connecting the crossbar of the yoke for the oxen).

Even such a brief digression into the etymology enough to understand why the word "yoga" is credited with such different and sometimes contradictory meanings. On the one hand - "rein", "pair", "connection" with other "cutting off", "separation", "exemption". However, since the Vedic times, the word "yoga" was to contact a special method whose purpose is the control of consciousness and the liberation of the mind and body from the constraints.

What is the birthplace of yoga is India, it is well known, but its origins are steeped in a variety of legends. One of them, for example, yoga was transmitted to humans by the gods - or rather, Shiva, through his divine dance, each PA which is a yogic asana. But rather, it is a beautiful tale. Actually, to say exactly when yoga originated, almost impossible in ancient times, knowledge was transmitted orally from teacher to student - this is the path that was considered the only correct one. And yet, archaeological, ethnographic and historical studies prove: yoga as a holistic system existed during the so-called Harappan (Indus) civilization.

This is evidenced by the images on the seals of baked clay, dated to the third Millennium B.C. the Most famous of them, the print of Pashupatinath," portrayed Tara being in the horned headdress (presumably this is Shiva, sitting in a typical yoga pose known as baddha konasana".

Back to basics

The Foundation of the ancient yoga - the Vedas, the sacred Scriptures of Hinduism. From all their diversity of particular interest from the point of view of yoga are the so-called Aranyakas - texts for hermits, and the Upanishads, the first interpretation of the basic texts of the Vedas. It is the Upanishads became the mainstay for most of the later classical philosophical systems of India. Available for the modern man form the teachings of yoga found in the later Vedic texts, the Puranas, sutras and Samhita. The most famous of them - "Mahabharata", composed by sage Vyasa in the VII century BC, and, of course, "Yoga Sutra" legendary Patanjali, who is credited with the authorship of the fundamental texts on grammar and medicine (IV-II century BC).

Practical aspects of yoga have been described later, in medieval texts such as Shiva and Gheranda Samhita. The first "tutorial" Hatha yoga "Hatha yoga Pradipika", was created around the 15th century. It was first formed the idea that the physical shell (body cleansing) necessarily and logically leads to exaltation (purification) of the mind and the improvement of prana (vital energy). This idea forms the basis of the yoga, which became widespread in the West and in Russia.

The philosophy of yoga: quick

Yoga is one of six major recognized in the Indian philosophical systems. Its main feature is that it involves the comprehension of the laws of the universe through personal experience of the practitioner. Gradually the teaching of yoga has spread to many areas of spiritual and social life of Indian society and crashed into separate directions. Among them - karma yoga, bhakti yoga, Jnana-yoga, and others.

The most complete and versatile system can be called Raja-yoga described in the Yoga-sūtra. According to Patanjali, the goal of yoga is "the elimination of uncontrolled fluctuations of consciousness", in other words, achieving full control over the work of consciousness on all levels. Required tools - the following 8 steps:

Yama - universal ethics including: Ahimsa - nonviolence, not causing harm to yourself and others; Satya - truthfulness in words and thoughts; Asteya - not greed, modesty; aparigraha - unselfishness; Brahmacharya - stremlenie good.

- Niyama - the rules of internal discipline, among which are: saucha - physical and moral purity; santosha - internal satisfaction with themselves, other people and external circumstances; tapas diligence and perseverance in the practice of yoga; Swadhyay is the study itself, the capacity for continuous learning; Ishwara Pranidhan - devotion to God, the aspiration of the mind beyond the boundaries of identity.

- Asana - yoga postures and physical aspects of the practice.

- Pranayama - control of prana or, more narrowly, the conscious control of the breath.

- Pratyahara - abstraction of the senses from external objects.

- Dharana - concentration, retention of consciousness on the selected object.

- Dhyana - meditation.

- Samadhi - the state of "samotnosc": merging consciousness of subject and object of meditation.

In the modern world, especially in the West, yoga is often reduced to a asanas and pranayama, to bypass the first two steps. Meanwhile, in ancient India, the observance of Yama-Niyama was considered mandatory for the members of the upper classes, which, in fact, practiced yoga. In essence, the first and second stages is a set of moral-ethical norms, aimed at maintaining social and internal well-being.

And if you really want to promote, the principles of Yama-Niyama should be observed. At the same time, even one only the practice of asanas and pranayama positive effect on people that his way of life and behavior themselves are gradually changing. And he comes to pit-name, so to say, empirically.

As for 5-8 degrees, they are not achievable for all. Moreover, for most members of the Western community of these aspects of yoga are not of practical interest: generally speaking, the philosophical roots of yoga in its popular version shown in the lowest degree.

But even this is enough for self-improvement: while performing the asanas, we gradually become more open and friendly, less distracted and restless, more energetic.

Modern yoga is an ideal practice in order to harmoniously exist in society, it simultaneously liberation from a society and its acceptance. The idea is that by strengthening the body to know themselves, to find their place in the world, to establish harmonious relations, and, finally, to feel happy.

The main directions of yoga

Yoga and the art of love

Yoga-complexes "Good morning" and "good night"



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