Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The choice of hair masks

The choice of hair masksHair masks - it is the most proper way to care for hair. The mask will protect the hair from environmental influences, will make it Shine, make them silky. They will give so they need nutrients. In addition, masks are the most effective and simple remedy for hair care. If you have curly hair, the mask will help to make the concern curliness healthier, and if you straight hair, masks will make them more expressive.

In that case, if the hair is sick, the mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week, in order to prevent rather than once a month. For best results, experts recommend to change them periodically. In this article we will tell you about all the variety of means on care of hair. All the masks you can prepare yourself at home. They do not cause allergies and efficient.

Before you start to make the mask, you need to know a few rules. First of all, apply to hair can only freshly prepared mask, which is well pounded until smooth. Keep the mixture on the head should a certain time, then the hair should be well washed.

The most effective and, at the same time, the most gentle, are clay masks. Mask of clay well cleanse the hair, scalp, add volume, increase microcirculation. When this bear antiseptic function and does not make the hair heavy.

Clay hair mask is very easy to prepare, and therefore, make them at home is not difficult. Clay is sold in pharmacies in the form of pastes and powders. To breed it should be specified in the instructions proportions. The optimal consistency of thick cream. Make a clay mask 1-2 times a week. The mask is applied to damp hair and leave for 15 minutes. Then the hair gently massage and wash off the clay. If the clay is washed off a lot of hair, don't worry - it's already dead hair, which is temporarily held in the bulbs. Yellow clay is effective for dandruff, white - by breakage and hair loss, red when irritated scalp, green for oily, blue clay nourishes the hair with oxygen, protects and cleanses the hair.

For dry and normal hair more suited mask of yogurt and kefir. The composition is rubbed into the hair and skin, then the head is covered with the film, and the top tied up with a towel. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with water.

And if your hair is burned in the sun, they will help mask with kastorovym oil, honey and aloe juice. All ingredients you must shift in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of castor oil and aloe juice 1 tablespoon of honey. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with water. The honey will help your hair to restore its structure to become soft and silky

Hair looks great after bread-herbal masks. Take equal parts of chamomile, plantain, oregano and sage and make the bottom of the flask. This infusion should soak black bread. RUB the mixture into the hair and skin. Put on the head of a polyethylene cap. To keep the mask on your head to 1-2 hours, then wash it off with warm water.

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