Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Diet for healing the gut

Diet for healing the gutThis diet normalizes metabolic processes and improves bowel. Stay on this diet for ten days, and you'll feel healthier intestines, and at the same time will reset 5-7 kg, resulting in the improvement of metabolic processes!

While compliance with such diets need more to drink non-carbonated mineral water, and also eat vitamin C. most Importantly - do not eat sugar, salt, soda, bread.

1-2 day "absolutely, hungry, try to sit on the green apples, and in the evening enjoy a Cup of tea with a spoon of honey.

day 3 - Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water without salt and sugar, a glass of mineral water; lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, tomato; dinner: 200 g of boiled rice (a little bit of soy sauce), a Cup of tea with lemon.

day 4 - Breakfast: oatmeal, a Cup of coffee; lunch: 2 apples, a slice of lemon; dinner: Apple and orange.

day 5 - Breakfast: shredded carrots, dressed with lemon juice, low-fat yogurt 150g low-fat cottage cheese, mineral water; lunch: baked potatoes, 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers pour vegetable oil; dinner: 200 g of boiled rice (a little bit of soy sauce), a Cup of tea with lemon.

day 6 - Breakfast: oatmeal; lunch: oatmeal; dinner: 200 g of boiled rice.

day 7 - Breakfast: a Cup of coffee; lunch: broth of vegetables, apples, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese; dinner: kefir.

day 8 - Breakfast: oatmeal, a glass of mineral water, broth of vegetables, three apples, oranges; lunch: yogurt; dinner: boiled fish, 2 orange, tea.

day 9

- Breakfast: yogurt; lunch: fish, tea; dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, rice, 3 apples.

day 10 - Breakfast: yogurt; lunch: tea with honey; dinner: Fig, orange and lemon.

It is not recommended diet for gut health during heavy work or strenuous exercise.


Women's Magazine

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