Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Diet for immunity

Diet for immunityWant to resist colds? Want to strengthen your immunity, badly shaken from the experience, crowded and hopelessly damaged the environment?

Then take the first step towards your immune system and give her a helping hand: organize nutrition - balanced winter diet containing a sufficient number of substances necessary for normal functioning of the immune system.


First of all, your diet should be adequate in proteins. The antibodies, providing the body's resistance to diseases are proteins and their synthesis required the whole set of amino acids, and in sufficient quantity. Deficiency of any of the amino acids lymphocytes are immune cells that synthesize immunoglobulins is simply not able to build a normal non-defective immunoglobulins, and in the need for immune response quantity. Particularly detrimental effect on the immune deficiency of essential amino acids: tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine. Many of these names are familiar from the labels on the boxes and jars with food supplements for health. So why take all of this in the form of dietary supplements, if a complete set and interchangeable, and essential amino acids can be easily obtained food? Moreover, under normal caloric winter diet should not exceed 2000 calories a day. I brought the minimum winter calories for middle aged women, who are much concerned about their body and are physically inactive lifestyle. For women more active and less anxious, as well as for men, teenagers, youth winter diet should be greater than. More than 2000 kcal possible, but less is not: this will greatly lower their resistance to disease.

The diet must be protein, both vegetable and animal origin - when the total number of protein 100 grams per day (in terms of pure protein). Lack of essential amino acids can occur only in strict vegetarians, eliminating from the diet all animal products, including milk and eggs. Animal products with a high content of protein is meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese (15-20% protein). Plant foods high in protein - mushrooms, legumes, grains (10-20%), bakery products (7%). Ideally, of course, to combine animal and vegetable proteins.


For the formation of immunity necessary fats because the walls of lymphocytes and macrophages - cells that save the body from the invasion of enemies, pathogens are composed of lipids, including cholesterol, which is so panicky and strive to completely remove from the food. Cholesterol must be present in the food but in moderation. So don't make stupid not exclude completely the eggs and animal fats and do not sit in the winter on "low fat" diets: these diets are only for the summer time, and it is valid only short-term "low fat" diet. In winter, every day can be consumed without remorse 10 g animal fat plus 20 grams of vegetable oil. As animal fat can eat butter or lard. Yes, I misspoke! Fat is not such a harmful product and does not need to fear. It is high in fat content of arachidonic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acid) in the body sinteziruyutsya mediators of the immune response. So the trouble is not in the fat, and the amount thereof. Numerous and varied margarine on caloric content and the combination of vegetable and animal fats vary widely (300-600 kcal), so the consumption of margarine count themselves based on the information on the label.


Well, now let's talk about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should act fast utilizable (sugar), slowly digestible (starch) and ballast (fiber for proper digestion). Carbohydrates as well as proteins and fats necessary for synthesis of new cells and are present in all biological fluids: blood, lymph, urine, secretions of the glands, intercellular fluid. And mediators of the immune response are transported in the body specifically in biological fluids. Even the mediators is very diverse molecules include peptides, proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins, lipids and therefore for their synthesis requires normal uninterrupted supply the body with nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The supply of nutrients is assumed by you, and how to recycle and what to eat - the body itself will understand.

A healthy body

Will do the calculation for proteins-fats-carbohydrates in the daily diet of 2000 kcal. To ensure normal body protein you need to eat per day to about 300 g meat/fish/poultry/cheese/cheese (60g protein), 100 g cereal (15 g protein) and 350 g of bread (30 g protein). The remaining 5 grams of protein "completes" vegetables. The caloric content all the "pull" of about 1600 kcal. Another 250 calories will add pure fats better and vegetable (20 g vegetable oil - 170-180 kcal) and animals (10 g butter - 70-80 kcal). About carbohydrates don't worry - with cereals and bakery products you enter them enough. The remaining 150 kcal take on fresh fruits-vegetables - here organic acids and fiber. If you are a loyal fan of a separate power supply - you can still create a "immunity" diet, just eat meat and dairy and cereal products at different times.

For normal immune system needs a daily supply of the organism's full set of necessary vitamins. This set is contained in a balanced daily diet with a total calorie 5000-6000 kcal. Persons engaged in physical labor and balanced daily diet, can not worry about vitamin provision: if, in their high-calorie diet of enough vitamins - supplements are not needed. But if the daily calorie less, then you will never get full enough vitamins, as it is not properly fed. So it is better POSTROUTING vitamin preparations from the cans-boxes.


But the provision of vitamins and their absorption by the body better if the vitamins come from food - not only from the cans. As the source of so much important for immunity vitamin C, which the Russians fondly referred to as "ascorbico" for the winter is quite good sauerkraut, dried rose hips, and now popular in Russia hibiscus (synonyms: hibiscus, Sudanese rose), citrus and kiwi fresh harvest and frozen summer berries. Well, the historical sources of vitamin C, raw potatoes and broth from the needles, sung by Jack London, " you have will not, therefore, at the time of epidemics should have ascorbic acid in the drugstore.

For immunity necessary fat-soluble vitamins a and E and a sufficient amount of fat for absorption. With food it is possible to obtain half of the daily dose of these vitamins. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils and Margarines. Vitamin a lot in the liver and fatty fish. Relatives vitamin a carotenoids (including the best known is beta-carotene) is a are powerful antioxidants and immune stimulants. Carotenoids rich in all intensely colored yellow, red, orange and dark green vegetables and fruits.

Much has been written about bioflavonoids, vitamins of group R - who also perform in the body the role of antioxidants and immune stimulants. Many of them found in fruits, especially shade of purple (blueberries, black currants, red grapes, citrus peel, green tea, and - forgive me sober for this advice! - in red wine. However, you should remember that the doctors of the past centuries were prescribed to patients red wine and chicken broth. For immunity need the b vitamins, especially B6. With them no problem - these vitamins are contained in the shell of rice and other cereals, utrobnom bread, yeast, and liver. Problems with their number and combination. Because the immune system cannot urge any one vitamin - they do not work alone, they must be ingested all together.

For the proper functioning of the immune system need the minerals zinc and selenium. Normal immunity is only possible when the normal blood supply and normal operation of the nervous system. For normal hematopoiesis necessary iron and copper, and for the transmission of nerve impulses needed magnesium and calcium. Therefore, necessary for immunity, all of these minerals. As well as vitamins, minerals for immune system needs all together, but still with all the necessary vitamins and a sufficient supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To supply the body with minerals - no problem. Excellent sources of minerals are cereals, rye and bran bread. Buckwheat contains a lot of iron, and you can even do without expensive garnets, which have always been prescribed from anemia. A classic source of calcium is dairy products. Don't forget potassium is necessary for cardiovascular activity, and, consequently, the blood supply to the organs and tissues. Potassium in many vegetables (especially potatoes) and fruits (in winter, in the absence of fresh fruit, excellent go raisins and apricots). So cereal, milk and potato dishes - excellent food for the immune system. Porridge with milk and raisins - that's a delicacy for your immune system!

Fasting days does not harm the immune system. One day a week on the water (better, of course, to this day do not have a responsible work) is the cleansing of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Also recommend "hungry" days with a sour drink for acute illness with high fever: the body will be able to withdraw all forces from digestion and throw on strengthening the immune system.

But not to overeat. Winter is not an excuse for overeating. It should be remembered that a large number of proteins creates problems with their digestion and excretion of degradation products, overloads the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, excess fats suppress the immune system, and the excess sugar is a direct path to obesity, which is another great enemy of immunity than excessive thinness. And remember that in three or four months it will be spring and all accrued during the winter pounds you will need to reset, and all intense sharp "discharges" weight - direct damage immunity...

Here is the winter diet - diet for immunity. This alignment on food ingredients and calorie content, you can make a delicious and hearty. Arm yourself with the table of caloric content of the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, cookbooks - and Bon appetit!


Zaikina O.

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