Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hair styles and care

Hair styles and careThe hair is divided into three types: dry, normal and oily. Normal hair has a flexible structure, the well comb and have a healthy Shine. The scalp without dandruff, fluffy hair is not observed. Dry hair is prone to thinning, easily confused and have damaged ends. They are fluffy and thin, often look lifeless. Oily hair thicker than normal. They are covered with fat, and they have to wash every day because of this. And there are mixed types of hair, much depends and care for them. In any case, it is important to contact the Department of trichology centre, where you will help to identify Your hair type, choose the proper care and if necessary treatment.

The care involves a hair wash, strengthening them with masks and massage, hairstyle, haircut. Need to correlate hair care with their type - for example, dry hair need constant hydration and nutrition, careful attitude. Suitable for such egg hair mask: it is necessary to mix two eggs, add a little of bread and apply this paste on the head. After about 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. You must use a special shampoo and revitalizing balm.

For normal hair is easier to care: they need time to wash (about 2-3 times a week shampoo for normal or mixed hair), not to confuse and just in time to prevent problems. Such useful hair rinse with boiled water and dry in a natural way, without a hair dryer and not tightening them in a tight towel. Otherwise, normal hair can be dry out. For gloss will help a weak solution of vinegar.

Oily hair should be washed much more often than other types of hair - up in a day or two, and better every day. It is necessary to limit consumption of fatty and fried foods - it provokes excessive sebum, making the hair become dirty faster. For such hair will suit lemon mask: mix the shampoo for oily hair and 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice, keep it on the hair 3 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Shampoo should not be much, but in addition to lemon, you can use berries that are rich in vitamin C.

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