"He threw me, threw me, bastard, " she's crying a friend of mine, let's call her Tanya. - Began to change, and then... " From Tanya left her husband. The regular. And the extent of my sympathy for her is as great as the feeling that the situation was quite predictable. Because part of the ability to bring a man to desire to flee headlong Tanya is a great master. I even was able to advise her special training courses titled "How to make the beloved bastard". Would it fortune. But we can take a couple of lessons for free.
So, who is our Tanya and why no man is able to get on with it? She is beautiful, smart, attractive and interesting lady who owns the art of cooking pasta with tuna and knows a lot about oral sex. She had a prestigious job, a decent salary, extensive closet, club card is famous a fitness center and a telephone cosmetologist in the address book of the mobile phone is fast call. It would seem, what else can a dream man? It turns out that there are several qualities that can outshine all the advantages of this genius of pure beauty.
The bitchiness.
"Men want starv! "I often said Tanya. And she's right. Bright and independent woman with character always gets the opposite sex. Yes, men want starv! But here's the problem - just want. Then how to live with them is very difficult. Bitch, demanding, and uncompromising, at any time she is ready to slam the door, if something will not go as she had planned. To domesticate this lady cannot be with a man who stressed you do not cherish, too.
Too high requests. The second thing you need to firmly grasp women wanting to get rid of the beloved in the shortest possible time: excessive need to kill the man love. Of course, the head of the family should be cherished, nurtured and to ensure a favorite, but some women tend to build this idea into the cult.
Our Tatiana is one of those. The concept of "hard times" for it does not exist, the total budget is the salary of her husband. "By the way, in 34 years, it could be twice as much", is often teased by her husband Tatiana. She also never missed an opportunity to remind the faithful, that for his sake she refused several promising fans, so now he is obliged to compensate its loss. On this basis it could, for example, to spend huge amount of money on a coat, saying: "Why not? I fuck, gorgeous woman! "
By the way, the coat was lovely and everyone enjoyed. In Addition To The Jurassic. Only after a long time after the divorce, he admitted to friends that he had to incur substantial debts.
Tannins requests slowly but surely killing the blessed. She was raised in Yuri diffidence, he grew weary of her inability to make her happy, annoyed by trifles, to pluck malice, of course, on the family. And, in the end, our heroine cried out: "How he has changed! Was good, but was... " What's here? Next to the capricious lady any man would turn into a horned artiodactyls.
The instinct of the owner.
However, stay with agricultural animals was for Tatiana little. It is the animal - must be manual, decided our heroine and put her husband in a cage. Not literally, of course, though it had the opportunity, she certainly would have done. Tanya began to control every step of the jury. She resentfully Dula lips, if he was going to go all-male company in a sports bar or a fishing trip. Delays to the work caused her indignation, multiplied by the jealousy of the female colleagues. "We are a family and should always be together! "'she repeated day after day.
First Yuri suffered, refused to get-togethers with friends and overtime tried not to take it. But then he got tired.
Jealousy must be reasonable. So, one day our hero was invited to a Cup of tea cute employee...
Affectedness. Must be a woman some mystery. Any of us have heard the truth of these hundreds of times. But some take it too literally, as a girl from the old joke, who slept in the header, to intrigue her husband.
And so, our Tanya... She and vixen, and a crybaby, and a social climber, and severe babysitter, and strong-willed woman, and requiring the attention of the child. It got so many different personalities that her husband sometimes just got lost at the crossroads. "I have no idea who I will Wake up tomorrow! " - complained to friends Jura. At first it was funny, then beginning to tire. Men do not understand hints and don't want to be in constant tension, to be able to rebuild after the mood favorite. Sometimes it is worth to be easier.
The hysterical. Here is what is able to keep his mind of any man. Women's logic and so in most cases crushes the male psyche. But if the lack of constructive relationships the man is still able to be lenient, to hysterical - ever.
The rapid flow of tears on any occasion, whether delay in operation or not a closed tube of toothpaste, eternal dissatisfaction, cries, and in special cases and flying in the head plates - don't make life any men. Not once or twice, I've seen tremendous scene, as Tanya and Yuri. After an exasperated Jura flew from house to hang out and be cool," Tanya was wiping tears and smiled: "Let him go, the man needs to keep in good shape, otherwise he will relax and sit on the neck".
But my female solidarity in these cases was a boycott. However, to explain to Tanya that men's nerves are not made of iron, though we sometimes want to believe it, I don't dare - and suddenly the next plate would fly already in me?
The complex is a perpetual victim. This is another way in which our heroine had a husband in the tone." And, hand on heart, not only of her husband. Everything around her and is always guilty. Colleagues weave intrigue, friends laughing behind his back and discuss her husband specially nagged at her, all doing not so - it walks, talks, eats, sleeps, works, talking on the phone. All are doing it out of spite, and she was so tired to deal with it! In the end, Tanya reduced communication with relatives, was brought out from the house of friends, close colleagues. And account for their loneliness and insecurity "exhibited" naturally Jure. After the divorce, he complained: "I thought I was being strangled! This helpless woman blocked my access of oxygen, refused to admit his guilt and always considered myself a victim! "
Tanya did not understand that to live with eternal guilt nobody can. If long and hard to extrude person, sooner or later the body will activate a defense mechanism, and he will simply run away. So, she was really surprised when he had filed for divorce.
Disrespect. Actually Yuri had been seriously affected by family breakdown. In spite of that, he has long loved his wife and was willing to put up with the peculiarities of her character, he simply could not imagine life without his beloved. Whenever he thought he had reached the handle and is ready to put an end, it is the love that stopped him. Yuri honestly fought for the family, looking for compromises, tried to solve the problem. But one day, when he after a scandal rushed to pack our things, Tanya threw him in the back: "the Rag! You're just not able to cope with a real woman! " He could pass it off emotions, to decide what the words said in the heat of the moment. But he realized that to live with a woman that even under the influence of emotions can humiliate your man, he will never...
"He threw me, threw me, you bastard! "she yells into the phone. Yes, a good deed will not name. But, lady, aren't we make of the favorite villains?
Dorogov E.
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