Many deny that fate ordained and consider all simple coincidence. But how then to explain the fact that the diversity of men you chose it. And now without second half not imagine my life.
French psychologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann believes that each person is like a hermit crab, our personality sentenced to perpetual seclusion in the sink, and the only chance to get out of it is to confide in a loved one. Additionally, scientists claims that every person has the need for contact, and therefore the search for the beloved is absolutely.
Looking for a way
There are several images in our head: imaginary and real. The imaginary image is that imposed on us media, the real is the man who really will do. Sigmund Freud first expressed the idea that we meet only those who already exists in our subconscious mind. "To find the object of love is ultimately means to acquire it again" - so we could formulate the law of mutual attraction of different people. Marcel Proust has in mind the same thing, saying that first we draw the person in your imagination and then meet him in real life.
"Partner attracts us because his way from childhood lives inside us, " says analyst Tatiana Alavidze, therefore, a Prince or Princess is the person we waited and "knew" already".
Two halves of one whole
Too many hopes we place on relationships and therefore are looking for in our partner what is missing for us. In other words, we are looking for a mirror that reflects a positive image of ourselves. It also happens that there are qualities that we in the us, on the contrary do not like, and therefore we are looking for a partner who is suffering the same as we are only in a more pronounced form. In this way we do not notice their problems, while the partner becomes the bearer of all those properties that we don't love in itself
The main thing is not to be missed
Miss man or woman of your dreams is possible due to the small unpleasant details: the arrows on the stocking ugly grimaces - it would seem nothing special, but the magic in this case will not work. The situation when people are not on time, not so rare, although it also happens that they get the chance to meet again.
Women's Magazine
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