The most vulnerable place of many female genito-urinary system and its organs become target # 1 for the coming cold weather. Most of us, it is easier to bring home nowwww pain in the lower abdomen than the first symptoms of a cold are nasal congestion and sore throat. Some of us suffer from inflammation of the bladder, others ovaries and fallopian tubes. And some people manage parallel to hurt both. And get rid of female inflammation is much harder than that of the common cold: it is a time to let the process take its course, and the disease can easily become a chronic condition. And there to the complications at hand. How to recognize these diseases and what you need to take action to avoid complications, we spoke with the Ob-GYN maternity hospital No. 3 by Sergei Baksheev and naturopath Elena Svitko.
Target No. 1 - bladder
The female urethra is shorter and wider than the male and is practically devoid of curves, so get infection in the bladder is very simple. Her "nursery" is the anus, where dwells pathogenic flora. But in the warmer months, when there is no provocateur inflammation - cold, these microbes do not cause us harm, getting into the urethra. However, we feel too cold, as our immune system weakens, the microbes begin to multiply, causing inflammation of the joints. Don't know it's hard: the symptoms of cystitis are familiar to many women. It is burning and aching pain in the lower abdomen and sharp, stabbing pain during urination, and frequent urges to urinate with small amounts of urine. Making it is an intense smell.
Ambulance. If cystitis "caught" in the evening you come home take a shower and wash the genital mucosa with antiseptic (chlorhexidine) or just antibacterial soap. To get ready you want from the pubis to the anus. Don't forget your towel. Then wear warm socks, pajamas and go to bed, wrapped the lower part of the body with a blanket. Drink lots of fluids - drink plenty of water will increase the volume of urine output, which will wash away the germs. Please refrain from spicy, sour, oily and fried food, strong coffee and alcoholic drinks: they irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, causing exacerbation of the disease. Do not follow old recipes, the type of heating pad between my legs and a hot tub. Excessive heat will cause the lifting of the threat of infection above the kidneys. Yourself to take antibiotics is not worth it: you need to find out what the microbe caused the inflammation.
When to see a doctor? At the first symptoms of cystitis plan to visit a urologist or gynecologist. Even if in the morning all the unpleasant symptoms will pass, pathogenic microflora in the bladder will remain, and will wait for the next exposure. Do urinalysis and culture of the bacterial flora. From these studies it becomes clear what kind of bacteria caused the disease. The doctor will prescribe an antibacterial agent effective against pathogens. With proper treatment, the mucous membrane of the bladder recovers and heals in 3-4 days. And if the analyses do not show significant departures, you will be recommended to undergo ultrasound of the urinary system (perhaps the pain associated with the passage of small renal sand).
Immediately call an ambulance if the symptoms of cystitis joined severe pain in the lower back, blood in urine, fever above 38 °C, chills, stopped urinating, she had nausea, vomiting. Such symptoms may indicate the development of acute pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, which can lead to chronic renal failure and hypertension.
Folk recipe
. Antimicrobial and diuretic infusion has a blue cornflower. 1 tsp. of dried flowers pour 1 Cup of boiling water, leave for one hour. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Target # 2 - appendages
The mechanism of adnexitis (oophoritis) is practically the same as in the case of cystitis. Should you be very chilled, as the germs from the vagina spread higher and higher, causing inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Manifested by inflammation of severe pain in the abdomen and back (sacrum), which changes with the change of body position. If you rolled up under a warm blanket, the pain will subside, but as soon as there is, for example, in the toilet, adnexitis immediately remind myself. Very often, the disease is accompanied by a high fever (up to 39°C), nausea, and vomiting. And in severe adnexitis are purulent discharge.
The ambulance. If you still get wet, or cold and feel the first symptoms of adnexitis, RUB the feet with a small amount of vodka (alcohol), take a hot foot bath with sea salt (10-15 minutes), put on warm socks and go to bed. At his feet lay a few plastic bottles with hot water or a heating pad.
When to see a doctor? Your main task as quickly as possible to get on reception to the gynecologist, who will prescribe the proper treatment. You need to identify which microorganisms caused inflammation, and for that doctor needs to take a swab from the vagina, to make antibiotikogrammou and decide whether you need an antibiotic. Acute adnexitis treated in hospital with antibiotics and physiotherapy. However, if the doctor gave the go-ahead to be treated at home, the medication is not all what we need to help the body fight disease. Adnexitis, like cystitis, need to valiati" warm. In addition, 2-3 weeks you need to keep a sexual calm, not to provoke aggravation, and keep track of daily bowel movements (accumulation of feces causes additional pain). Eat lots of dairy products, calcium reduces inflammation, and eliminate provocateurs - salty and spicy food.
Immediately call your doctor if the discharge appeared streaks of blood, the fever lasts longer than 3 days or increased abdominal pain. In this form, adnexitis already fraught with failure cycle, irregular painful and profuse menstruation. In addition, untreated inflammation provokes adhesions that block the lumen of the fallopian tubes and can cause infertility.
Traditional recipes. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, you can use the herb cinquefoil goose. Take 2 tbsp. of herbs, boil them in 2 tbsp. hot water and leave to infuse for about an hour. Drink decoction on an empty stomach before meals, 1\2 Cup, 3 times a day. The outer recipe, which relieves inflammation of appendages: take 2 parts of lime flowers, 3 parts chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the mixture in the flask for 30 minutes, then strain, cool and use for douches morning and evening.
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