Monday, November 24, 2014

Touring Europe by car

Touring Europe by carMost of us, travel enthusiasts, increasingly prefer to take a trip on your own car. But, in order for the trip was a pleasant experience and not a lot of trouble, you should be well prepared and much to anticipate in advance.

So, your approximate itinerary made? No? Make, to allocate the time and the number of days that you would like to spend in a particular country or city. You have the opportunity to go wherever your heart desires, selecting routes, hotels and restaurants. Beauty! But, a lot in this journey and pitfalls.

Just define a organization trip, you can certainly own route of your trip, but you can trust a travel company. If you choose the second option, you will need a few months to call the tour company and find out which of them will take over the planning of your tour. Many of the tour companies will say that such a trip impossible, due to uncertainties with visas, and that no other travel company will not give you a 100% guarantee to leave. This is due to the fact that many tourists just stay for permanent residence in these countries, and even reserved in advance, the hotel and the presence of invitations from foreign countries will not give a full guarantee.

But the tour operators who know their worth, which for a long time working in this field, ready to undertake the preparation of your trip. Of course for the services you pay a lot of money. But if the route you can, visa entrust a travel company that has its ties in each Embassy. Will cost you an average of 150 UAH. for one person, plus 35 euros for the visa fee. Make the visa in the country in which you are going to spend the greatest amount of time, but if you give each country equal number of days, then choose Embassy of the country that you will cross first.

Once we decide on the insurance, for a two-week trip per travel you have to spend 7-10 euros. Choose policies that include medical insurance, accident insurance, choose a combination of risk to your liking.

Of course, fully entrusting your trip a travel company, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose their own routes and hotels, as most tour companies offer off-the-beaten tourist trail. So limit them in this activity, your dates and book hotel already at the end point of your trip, where you are going to spend a few days, and in other cases you will be able to find a place to stay the night in any city for a lower price, in comparison with the options offered by the tour company.

Be sure to bring a map and a navigation system, so you minimize the risk of getting lost, despite the fact that in every city you can receive the necessary information to the Bureau agencies.

Therefore, going for the first time in European tour with private transportation, we recommend to take the bus tour around Europe, in order to go after familiar routes and discover new sights, not included in a tour bus tour.

Now that you need to take compulsory:

-registration certificate

-driving licence of European-style

- green card (the middle of you buy on the border), is analogous to our motor insurance, the cost 30-70 euros

-first aid kit, fire extinguisher, studded tires and radar detectors.

On the petrol you save will not work, so I have to refuel analogous to our 95-th, the so-called "green" gasoline. On average it will cost you 1, 50 Euro per 1 l If we take the consumption of 100 l per 1000 km, and the route is about 9000 km, then you will have to spend 1350 Euro. Add to this the costs for driving on the autobahn (5-20 euros) and the payment for a couple of hours in Parking lots (5 euros for 2 hours), then the total cost of the car is 1500 Euro.

To summarize expenses for 2 weeks for three people about all the costs for documents, accommodation and meals will cost 2, 5 thousand euros. Total of 4 thousand euros for two weeks unique vacation according to your desire and a lot of impressions and memories.



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