Monday, November 24, 2014

The Tulip festival in Canada

The Tulip festival in CanadaAnnually in the first week of may around Parliament hill in Ottawa is one of the most "colorful" holidays of spring Tulip festival in Canada.

Tulips in Canada's capital came from the Dutch, who during the Second world war, Canada has provided shelter forced to flee from the Nazi regime the Royal house of the Netherlands. And furthermore, as Queen Margaret was born on the North American continent, the government of Canada proclaimed the bathroom in the hospital, where he took delivery of the Dutch territory. The reason of such action is that, otherwise, Margaret simply could not inherit the throne, as, according to the laws of the Netherlands, the ruler of the country can only be born in the home country.

The first batch of tulips in the amount of 100 thousand bulbs was sent by order of Princess Juliana in the capital of Canada in 1945. And thanks to the annual twenty-five thousand strong supply of Ottawa became the "Tulpanov" city on the Earth. Thus, today, near the Parliament blooms more than 5 million flowers that come to see millions of tourists.

Traditionally, the festival begins with a Ball of Tulips and display modes, the chip, which is the fact that all the outfits are made of "symbolic" of the flower. The ball is held in the mirror gazebo in the spirit of the cabaret. At the event visitors can witness the performance of famous dance groups and to taste the best dishes of international cuisine with champagne.


Women's Magazine

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