Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sergey Bezrukov finally said who played Vysotsky (VIDEO+PHOTO)

In this Monday, April 16, and the transmission of the First Russian channel has finally revealed the truth about the actor who played Vladimir Vysotsky, the picture of Peter Buslov will take place "Vysotsky. Thank you for living".

Sergey Bezrukov finally said who played Vysotsky (VIDEO+PHOTO)

Ivan Urgant, in his project "Evening Urgant" asked the guest transfer Sergei Bezrukov, was it true that he played the role of Vladimir Vysotsky, what Bezrukov gave a short and straightforward answer.

Sergey Bezrukov finally said who played Vysotsky (VIDEO+PHOTO)

In order to achieve maximum similarity with Vladimir Vysotsky, superimposed silicone mask made using the sophisticated technology. All participants signed up for the strictest secrecy about the performer of the role of Vladimir Vysotsky. After the release of the film with a Bang sparked controversy around who played a major role. The filmmakers have not discovered the intrigue.

Sergey Bezrukov finally said who played Vysotsky (VIDEO+PHOTO)

Add that Marina Vlady, figuratively speaking "wrapped" project, calling it "base product of the film industry"

"I saw the son boasts of that, seeking for an actor the greatest similarity with Vysotsky, they are made up of silicone with a death mask of him, which I took. It is not only scandalous, and even scary. It is immoral and unethical. And if I was religious, I would say that it is a sin".

According to the materials of the Russian media


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