Sunday, November 2, 2014

Himself cosmetologist

It's time to please your skin on the face and to fence from the dangers that are, at first glance, simple event. For example, frequent touch, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, Smoking, alcohol, stress and so on. All of this causes irritation in the skin, and the discontent it manifests in the form of pimples, dirty pores, wrinkles and aging. Some of the factors that affect the skin, we can't prevent, because the person is always open, and therefore the restoration and care should be taken in their hands, namely the ingredients for masks. If you do not have enough courage can help and a professional cosmetologist.

Next, you will be offered various vegetable/fruit facial masks. Why will address these masks? The fact that they are made on the basis of natural components, the composition is clear. All chemistry is based on natural, harmless reactions between the ingredients. And, actually, the mask can be easily cooked at home.

Before applying the mask, you must clean the skin:

This task will fill a piece of Apple. Or you can niezatrudnianiu to make a scrub out of pureed Apple and well-milled cereals, to put it lightly.

Don't forget that for the mask are fresh products. Application is done immediately after cooking. And again natural masks are not generally used.

Now and them: Cucumber mask. Its properties are well-known: it tones, cleanses, moisturizes, whitens, tightens pores, increases the ability to stay out age spots and freckles.

Mask of tomatoes. Valued they are by the fact that vegetable this mask contains large amounts of lycopene. Tomato mask enriches the skin with oxygen and protects from harmful sun rays.

Peach mask. This mask helps to improve the complexion, softens, cleanses, moisturizes and smoothes the skin. If you RUB a piece of peach skin, then quickly relieve her fatigue.

A great variety of useful masks and their recipes can be found on the streets of the Internet, which will transform your face. Good luck with your search and remember, natural is always in fashion and honor, and most importantly does not harm.

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