Today, as before, in caves twilight reigns of the tomb. In the corridors, cells and temples are the tombs with the relics of the saints, in the immortality which you can verify with your own eyes. Upon their death, but their bodies for hundreds of years has not decayed. Moreover, they exude the fragrance and heal.
A little history
It all started with a small caves dug in the forest near the village of Berestovo, not far from Kyiv. In the XI century was alone for fasting, prayer and works of the future Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev, the author of "Words about the law and grace".
After the monk Hilarion was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, the administration of the monastery has been in the hands of Anthony and Theodosius of the caves. When the number of monks increased to 12, in Illarionova the cave began to form underground monastery. Soon the cave was too crowded for the monk Antonii. In 1061, putting a senior at the brotherhood of St Barlaam, he withdrew to a neighbouring hill, where he dug myself a new cell. So based Near caves. When here near St Anthony the monks gathered, formed two underground monastery, known as the Near and Far caves.
The highest feat of self-denial in the cave monastery was retreat. The monks with the blessing of the Abbot and Confessor of the monastery went into the shutter, that is, dug a small cell, which was zamurovuvalasya, leaving to communicate with the world a small window. For years they stopped to talk to people, dooming themselves to solitude. Two or three times a month Abbot or anyone else went to the narrow window, leaving a prosphora and a little water. If there was no answer, and the food remained untouched, this meant that the monk finished his earthly feat. The cell was opened and the hermit funeral right there.
The burial caves
The burial rite of the Kiev caves were significantly different from the usual Christian funeral. The deceased was washed exposed parts of the body, folded his arms on his chest, covered person, was put on the Board and laid in a specially dug locule niche for burial caves). From the cave housing the burial was closed icon or sauromalus. Three years later, the remains were discovered. Skulls and bones were placed separately in a special kostnice - larger niches or areas. In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra bodies of many ascetics were found incorrupt. In these cases, the relics remained in locular. On the boards covering them, were written icons and mentioned feats and spiritual gifts, which in life had the monk.
The myrrh-streaming chapters
In the Far caves opposite the entrance to the Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ is a deep niche, where metal and glass containers are stored myrrh-streaming chapters belonging to the saints of God.
The uniqueness of them is that they are dry and bare skin) supernaturally exude oil or ointment. Chapter piratecat not at the same time and part of their world differently. Over time people have forgotten the names of the saints whose heads are stored in caves. We only know that one of them belongs to the Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome.
Daily at 13.00 in the venerable Anthony and Theodosius of the caves in the Far caves thanksgivings, after which those present are anointed with oil from the myrrh-streaming chapters.
The miraculous power of the world
Once brought to me the girl is completely bald, " says a former vicar of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Archbishop of Kherson and Tauride Jonathan. "She's with her parents came from Germany in the session to Kashpirovsky, Russian did not know a single word. Parents "on the fingers began to ask, so I anointed the head girl of the world from the miraculous chapters.
- If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I said in a stern voice on the net Russian language.
She said: "Believe! " I anointed her head with Holy myrrh, and a few months later, Laura received a letter from Germany. Parents thanked God for the miracle the girl began to slowly grow hair.
Cave temples
In the Near caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is three underground Church: the Church in honor of the presentation of the blessed virgin Mary, in honor of St. Anthony and in honor of the monk Barlaam, the first Abbot of Pechersky.
On the territory of the Far caves there are also three underground temple, and it is in honor of Christmas, in honor of the Annunciation of the Mother of God and in honor of the venerable Theodosius of the caves.
In all these underground churches at different times are Divine Liturgy and blessing of water services. Special attention pilgrims and tourists visiting the cave Church, attract temple columns. Attached to them is a huge steel hoops. The monks told that during the time of worship they were bound people, those afflicted with unclean spirits.
Varangian caves
As in the Near and Far caves there are areas that are not reached yet the hands of researchers. For example, the Varangian caves (so named because during the invasion of Russia nomadic tribes there were hidden by the monks) are crumbling corridor large extent. Few have been there.
- Viscous sandy floor you can go from the power of ten to fifteen meters, " says the monk of the monastery Hierodeacon Peter. - On - water and landslides. And generally speaking, that the Varangian caves so long that if you let go of the hare, he will run out in Pochaev.
Living relic
When the Nazis came to Kyiv, then opened the monastery and allowed priests to carry out in the caves of worship. They were wondering, "what miracle is this - the relics, but they related to the Shrine without reverence. One day during the inspection, the German commandant ordered the novice to open the Shrine with the relics of one of the monk and suddenly slammed the handle of a revolver on the open hand of the ascetic. From the "dead" body and his eyes started to bleed.
Supernatural phenomena in the caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra happen to this day.
Once early one morning an officer came to the Far caves to pull the wicks on the ever-burning fires, the icons monk, tells the novice of the monastery of St. Sergius. Then in the caves he was completely alone. Suddenly, behind the glass reclusive cells have heard some rustling and rattling, but, looking back, the young man saw only a rippling curtain. Then in the cave he could not go.
Today, the caves are not overcrowded - crowds of pilgrims, and even more tourists come every day to worship the relic. And even the most skeptical, with a sneer looking at bearded monks secular people come from the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk quiet and peaceful. The great Kiev Shrine leaves no one indifferent.
Andrushchenko A.
Orthodoxy in Ukraine
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