That love ends in marriage, and sex - orgasm - couldn't argue with that. Another thing is that orgasm is genuine, and sometimes imaginary. Most of all in its imitation of successful women. However, to blame, if at all, to use the language of the proceedings) should not them, and men. As the joke versed in love games lady, cute learn to orgasm. So, all right, and no sexual disorder.
However, few people know that in love the play with the final phrase, "I commit" can sing flat and men. At first, this seems absurd. How can a man play the orgasm, if the final phase is the eruption of sperm? And how can inflate the partner in such a sticky situation?
Turns out you can. To this conclusion came the English sociologists who conducted a survey among the adult population. According to the results, 19 % of men, that is, every fifth, without feeling blissful state at the end of intercourse, just portrays it, and quite skillfully.
For a start, we emphasize that it is still impossible to imagine. Against it - and male physiology. If you omit the details, then this is the situation: in the urethra near the root of the penis is the thickening of seed tubercle, through which pass samovyravnivayuschie ducts. Getting to them during ejaculation, sperm their stretches and irritates the nerve endings in the area of seed tubercle. This process causes in men, the state of orgasm, delivering pleasure. At the same time from pelvic outflow of blood.
That is why people relax, experiencing a feeling of weightlessness and other pleasant sensations. Including psychological - joy, delight, rejoicing. That is, in fact, the whole sexual act is a movement towards the top of bliss. No sperm, there is no bliss. This is one of the most stringent laws of nature.
But, it turns out that it is also possible to break and not be put on trial.
This is dedicated to even some Eastern sexual teaching. The most popular of them are based on the technique of multiple orgasm, when the sperm stops in the area of seed tubercle and back. However, it's a good practice to learn how to easily manage your internal muscles.
There are sex gymnasts who are able to spew seed "in itself" - more precisely, into the bladder. They do this by using a "switch", which comes into effect by an effort of will. Because, as you know - through the urethra in men goes either urine or semen. But if its "lock", then the sperm will not outward, but inward. But such equipment is owned quite a few, so orgasm without sperm cannot be called a mass phenomenon.
But, contrary to popular opinion, to convince Her that He felt raptures it is not difficult in the absence of sperm. This requires only one condition is to use a condom. As is known, only by its contents, you can check how the goal (orgasm) justifies the means (the sexual act itself). If It will not check the rubber for the presence of sperm, then artfully simulated orgasm men take for the natural. You'll only need to do this a good try - actively move noisily to breathe and time to publish the "death" groan.
If you make love without a condom, no oohs and sighs will not help. Woman found lover in fraud without much difficulty. The exception would be maybe just a novice that doesn't know that part of the sperm after the act stems from her genitals.
But about the "sex without orgasm can agree amicably. They say, we'll just povozitsa, and if you fail, you will have a chance to win a blissful state. However, who and why, it is difficult to explain.
With this revelatory information, women fit to be indignant: Oh, do men cheat?! However, to resent, perhaps, not worth it. Just men in the course of evolution adopt women's small women's tricks (like women in men). Since we are for equality, why should he not be felt in this?
By and large, loving people does not matter, ends intercourse orgasm or not. The main thing is that both the man and woman had their physical Union real and not feigned pleasure.
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