The best of two worlds
How nice to start the day with a Cup of coffee, enjoying a leisurely conversation with loved ones. It inspires and energizes positive for the whole day. But the fast pace of life, in which so much noise, tasks and haste, puts its own terms, and we run Affairs, cradling the phone with his shoulder, one hand adjusting her hair, and the second taking the Cup and making a few hasty gulps of coffee.
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Every day we have to compromise. So it is with coffee we choose between the ease of instant coffee and rich taste of the grain, the preparation of which can not devote enough time. 70% of Ukrainian households consume instant coffee*, but many of us want that coffee was more rich taste. Today, the global expert in the field of coffee Jacobs Monarch is Ukraine a new category of coffee - whole grain instant coffee Jacobs Monarch Millicano. This is the first innovation in the history of coffee in the last 40 years.
Jacobs Monarch Millicano combines a rich full-bodied taste and aroma of maltahohe and ease instant. In each granule Jacobs Monarch Millicano connected instant coffee and roasted coffee beans ultra-fine grind.
How is the perfection of the new coffee?
• Selected coffee beans are carefully roasted
• Grain thrown ultra-fine grinding - the size of one particle is 50 microns, which is less than the diameter of a human hair
• Particles of ground coffee is mixed with granules of instant coffee. Innovative technology allows you to connect in a single granule Millicano two types of coffee.
• Wholegrain soluble coffee keeps the rich rich taste and aroma.
Take the best from life, enjoy the taste and rich aroma JacobsMonarchMillicano. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, while keeping the time to communicate with the most expensive and, enjoy life to the full!
Marichka Padalko, TV presenter, mother of 3 children and a loving wife: "In connection with the birth of 3 children, I was faced with the fact that I don't have enough time to communicate with her husband. And one day he suggested that the tradition that has helped us become closer to each other: every week we organize "meet for coffee" without children, or friends. This time we pay only for themselves. In addition, I always leave time for individual communication with each child. For example, with my son swimming, with the eldest daughter of gymnastics. But in the resurrection is necessarily a family vacation when we usefully spend time together. Communication is the main thing that unites our family".
Help from the history of coffee:
The history of coffee has many discoveries, inspired by the search for the perfect coffee recipe. But over the past 40 years there came a quiet period...
1901 the first instant coffee as an alternative myotomy, which met the demands of the rhythm of modern life. First drink was not fragrant, but people were attracted by the speed and ease of preparation.
1938 - opening technology for preparation of coffee with spray-drying. The drink was prepared by the method of steam treatment followed by drying, after which the coffee powder has developed into large particles pellets with greater solubility than the powder.
1963 - instant coffee is produced according to the methods of freezing, in which the concentrated beverage frozen and dried in vacuum, and then milled.
1968 - start technology agglomerated granulated coffee. Coffee powder after drying again hydrate to obtain large porous particles. The result is improved solubility, and the drink becomes more saturated color and taste.
2012 - the appearance of whole grain ground coffee JacobsMonarchMillicano, which combines the best quality of ground and instant coffee.
*Data from the Consumer panel of households GFK Ukraine 2011
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