Herself HP expounded its essence very briefly and clearly:
I cook, you wash the dishes. All, balance is restored. I cooked and I washed the dishes - the balance is broken, and I'll be sad and angry.
L. nicely turned out not only to present his theory, but to embody it in life. In the end, if it's vacuuming, then I'm sure my floors, if she cooks, then certainly not be ignored: it is clear who will wash the pan. Balance (as was) is a terrible thing, try debate.
About this theory I remembered when I started to think about the household in General and Housewives in particular, after the editor has stumped me with a question: how men relate to Housewives. And I can confidently say that the average man like Housewives. Even if it is corny, but when you come home, don't want to stumble over a bag of garbage that you both forgot to throw in the morning was late for work. Don't want to contemplate how in the sink't turn sour pale-gray form pan with the remnants of something on the muddy sides - in the evening, both lazily we rested after a day of labor.
If a man has a head on his shoulders (and money in his pockets, he will persuade his half not to spend the lady's power is at work somewhere far from him, and to devote all the time home, to be here, next to it. Not without secret thoughts - because in addition to order and coziness in the house it will have to wait for dinner. And if you can easily find a man who is indifferent to the web in the far corner, a daunting task to find indifferent to hot borsato and fried potatoes. But there is a special danger that stems from the fact that men are essentially the rationalists. Believe in what we see, and make conclusions mainly from my experience. In practice it looks like this. Every day in the house of comfort, peace and a delicious meal. Magic. Because the frame is the entire workflow fairies (cloth-cloth, broom-smokestik? ), and many are in sweet ignorance, where did that come from and do not value women's work. Hence the classic criticism of "Yes you all day I'm just sitting here, doing nothing! ".
There is also another problem, and it applies to the ladies, who in the heat of the "harvesting and gataveckas" passion don't notice simple things - a husband to them colder. Perhaps the imp procedure is infused into the weaker sex, because you tend everywhere to look for ideals, and if you can't find, then create their own hands. It all ends with the fact that many women finally get hung up on the household, not noticing anything around. And the charm just vanish. She chatters about what an incredible sausages found "good sausages, by the way, are you listening to me at all, with you or with whom you talk? ". Well, or there, "Oh, a new recipe I found, did you notice, what flavor, Yes? ". The average man more and more realizes that he's got no nothing to do with this woman. Earlier, it was, but not now. And he already knows exactly what he...
...not like Housewives. Heart we don't have to talk about calderhead and carrots, discussions gossip from the Playground - that is, everything that lives a woman, being at home every day. And what happened to your passion for dance parties on Fridays with old friends-friends that you dressed like a ball? Sparks, highlights, secrets and other feminine wiles fade under the pressure of life at times. And the idea that a woman should work, it seems quite reasonable and justified. Evenings to discuss, whose chief gurney who Gedney chief accountant and who has a snack bar cooler. Not so bad in the end. Disappeared border? No problem, you two sit in a cafe next to the house.
But one day she casually mention how cute she marketer at work. And one hateful Monday she will remember that, Yes, it turns out that she has a meeting today - she will be late. And every day you can sneak a peek of how care your beautiful half make themselves more beautiful, spending on women's stuff at least half an hour, and the maximum cannot be determined - these "5 more minutes" truly infinite.
Within six months, as we will secochem for the days when the house smelled like cheeseburgers, when the cleaner is not kisli dull pans, and our beautiful half was always there for us and with anyone more (Yes, we are the owners), and finally realize that we...
...like Housewives.
Yet this article is not about the Housewives, it's about balance in your relationship, on what concessions you are willing to go to half your was well. They are ready to forgive, that they are willing to overlook. And what better to talk: money issues, the workload of household chores and things that POPs up, if a woman is forced or decided to stay home. We should not conceal simmering until innuendo and omissions will not result in a quarrel.
As you find your balance, you decide for yourself.
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