When choosing toys is necessary to consider not only its usefulness, but also never forget how it looks, because even a simple piece educates the kid aesthetic taste. Almost simultaneously with the pyramids at kids appear cubes - they are diverse: there are cubes, which consists of paintings, there are cubes with numbers and letters. Later, the cubes can be replaced by the constructor. Using cubes develop logic and attention, the ability to select the part and the whole, and of course imagination and fantasy. It is important to understand that you want to see from a child's toy - if you want to entertain your child for five minutes, then suitable soft toy if you want your child a long time spent in games, then buy him a designer that helps you creatively Express yourself child.
The toy is not only fun
It is important to think why you buy a particular toy, the image and the information that it carries, is imprinted in the soul of the child for life, influences the mind of the child. She can carry kindness, and perhaps aggression. Her image can balance the child's condition, and can destroy the peace and harmony of the soul.
For example, the traditional soft toy or rag doll unlike plastic, largely removes the psychological barrier between the child and the outside world, promotes the education of his kind, tender, warm, trusting relationships to the world and people.
Psychologists believe that for the full development of the baby should not buy baby toys that can move independently, to walk and talk - the child needs a toy that he can change, transform - all this gives the child a flight of fancy. Also, do not forget that children's toy, you need to choose with love, feeling that it is through this toy she wants to bring the new into the world that recognizes your child.
Toy - it is a spiritual image of the ideal world. Appearance is important and the way that bear toy. Beauty, sublimity, peacefulness, kindness in his eyes doll - this toy brings kindness, and may play a psychotherapeutic role, can help the child cope with fears and reassure him, and can help to stop crying from the hurt.
How many toys should be of the baby?
Do not buy your child a lot of toys, because then the interest will quickly disappear. When children are constantly distracted, grab the toy, then another, they quickly get tired of the abundance of impressions. The game is boring and does not develop the imagination. But it is the other way: the child may isralowitz and then claim all the new toys, and to please him is becoming more difficult.
If you see that some thing the kid is tired, it is better to hide it and give the child to play with something else. Then, when the old toy "return", the baby will be her very happy. Well, if the parents are too involved in the games, show love to the baby. Giving the child different toys, you need to call them, to show how they play, so the kid knew that Teddy bear is a bear, but a dog is a dog, and it barks, the cat meows.
We should not think that, if the child is still unable to speak, he does not remember the words. This is not the case, and noticed that the more parents talk with your baby, the sooner he begins to speak.
Toy diagnostics
Of course, every child is different, and you should not judge the emotional state of the baby, guided only by what toys he chooses. And yet psychological studies have proven that the choice of toys can say about many hidden qualities of your child.
At preschool age, both boys and girls love playing with dolls and "mother's work". Some parents, especially fathers, are horrified at the sight of five sons, enthusiastically engaged in feeding doll. Do not worry that because of this, your baby will not become a real man. Playing dolls in young men focused only on the development and strengthening of instinct, which will encourage him to care for her family.
Weapon (in a toy, of course, variant) must be present in children's games. The more parents protect baby from pistols, fearing to provoke aggressive manifestations, the more aggression will come out on the mountain. Games with guns (as transport) is aimed at expanding the internal and external borders - the conquest of space. Any child, especially boys, hunter and Explorer. But don't worry, and if traditionally boyish games played by your daughter. Because each person has a masculine and feminine. Just your girl highly developed leadership qualities, and at this stage it is more interesting to win and learn, than to look after and babysit.
Your child chooses a terrible toy - monsters, pokemon, aliens? This is not a reason for concern, because cartoon characters are so popular now. The kid saw the monster from one of the boys in kindergarten and wanted to own the same toy. But if the child shows interest only to "stratila" worth thinking about. Children strongly developed aesthetic sense, and the ugly is supposed to frighten them, and not pull. The reason for the preference of monsters can be in the inner fear of the child that he subconsciously tries to overcome. Now, playing with a terrible hero, the kid just wants to be friends with him, and to stop it I'm afraid.
The study's behavior associated with the selection of toys, has shown that the greatest success with the kids use toy animals. Found that the texture of the material from which made the "fauna", plays a significant role: soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions that encourage the kid to the game. Teddy bear or Bunny acts as a true friend who understands everything and does not remember evil. In addition, a certain proportion of the toy causes patronizing attitude: short oval faces animals, chubby cheeks, small nose and big eyes - these features shape give birth to the child burst of tender feelings. Because plush friend so similar to the baby. Don't forget that soft toy for a baby is, first of all, positive emotions. Tender feelings, love and care are linked, of course, with my mother.
Do not be surprised if the child prefers to toy around with pots, pans, and other household utensils. Most likely, the reason is that the kid really wants to be like mom. Mom played with dishes - and the kid also wants to put pots and pans in one another. Dad switches the TV channels with the remote alarm system and crumbs interested in pressing the buttons. Child - your "mirror": if the mother uses cosmetics and dad shaved, and the baby, remembering these procedures in memory, will soon begin to fan brush cheeks and carry a lipstick on sponges. Imitation is very important for the further development of crumbs - game in washing dishes or sweeping the floor will accustom the baby to your home. However, it is important I'll mention about the succession of bad habits. And if parents, for example, Smoking in the presence of Chad, then clear its interest in the cigarettes and lighters.
In addition, it is important to remember that if the child chooses mostly toys black or grey colors - it will most likely depressed, the world is for some reason not happy with it. If the daughter generally avoids taking dolls in hand, and only tinkering with toys-animals, she might have no relations either with adults or with children. If your baby always prefers plain, soft toys beautiful and expensive - he probably feels ugly duckling who lacked parental warmth. And frequent game with boxes says about shortage of personal space on its territory usually invade without permission.
Remember, a toy for a child - this is the first "fitting" of the world, it depends on the parents how much they will enjoy it.
Women's Magazine
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