In General, enumerating the advantages of Aqua-fitness can be long. That's why women's website drew attention to it. Today we will tell you what is water aerobics for weight loss, as lessons, reviews girls about water aerobics and a few effective exercises to work all muscle groups.
Advantages of Aqua-aerobics for weight loss
Water aerobics is the same aerobics, only in the water, and what is its advantage. After all, in the water our bodies are practically invisible, and we can do "without complexes", not ashamed of his body. Water reduces body weight, therefore, easier to do, but gives resistance, so the classes effectively.
In the water, our body is constantly trying to stay warm, even at a comfortable temperature, so extra pounds quickly disappear: metabolism is more intense. And since, as already mentioned, creates a vibration of water at classes, retreats and also cellulite - body is resilient, the contours of the body more clearly. Water removes the weight, gives body elasticity, strengthens muscles, but does not allow you to gain muscle mass.
In General, with all its pluses, Aqua aerobics for weight loss often choose people curvaceous form, and when the weight begins to steadily decrease, it is not so scary to move to a "dry" types of fitness.
Contraindications Aqua aerobics: it is impossible to engage in water for cystitis, genital infections and during colds. Before class starts, consult with your doctor!
How do water aerobics
In principle, classes are held in a standard way: first, the warm-up, then the basic set of exercises, study of the problem areas, and finally stretching. You have to run, jump and walk in the water, waving his hands and feet, spinning around its axis and perform dance moves. All the exercises shows the instructor, but you can do yourself in a normal pool. This women's website results below are some exercises water aerobics for weight loss.
For Aqua aerobics not necessarily be able to swim. If you are going to do together with your instructor, you will receive special Aqua belt. Yes, and without it will be quite difficult to drown, because to do you will either be in the water on his shoulders, or holding the handrails.
To increase the load in the pool you will receive special gloves that increase the resistance of the water, fins and special boots, Aqua belt, heaviness, aquapanel, etc. so that the load does not seem too easy. Also have a rubber cap and connected (closed) swimsuit.
And best of all, for the month of Aqua aerobics, when you diet, you can lose about 6 kg!
Exercises water aerobics for weight loss
Exercise Aqua aerobics quite a lot, so we will cite only a few. Based on them, you can make your exercise programme. Although, of course, it is best to practice with the instructor.
Exercise 1. Running in the water, the water level is up to the chest. The knee lift is high, and the hands move in the same way as in normal running. You can run not only on location, but the pool at least 15 minutes.
Exercise 2. Working through the thighs and buttocks. Stand face-to-rail, water on the chest. Raise your straight right leg as far as possible then move it back and lower. Keep your back straight. Repeat 15 times for each leg.
Exercise 3. Holding the handrails, podprygivaya, turning the torso to the right and left. Worked obliques, the muscles of the arms. Perform each exercise for water aerobics a few minutes.
Exercise 4. Turn your back to the side of the pool, lean. Raise your legs forward and begin to perform crossing legs ("scissors"), or movement, known as "the bike".
Exercise 5. In the same position, tighten the knees to the chest and return to its original position.
Exercise 6. Do lunges feet in the water on the belt. Worked out thighs and buttocks.
Exercise 7. Stand in water up to his waist. Before him lay something Neonode, for example a piece of foam. Put his hands on him and start to push down, trying to drown. Keep your back straight, doing an exercise Aqua aerobics 2-3 minutes. Worked out chest muscles and arm muscles.
Exercise 8
. Lean on the side of the pool. Pinch between his legs the ball and try to dip their feet in the water. Exercise works out the inner thighs and press. Follow 3 minutes.
Beautiful and successful
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