TOP 10 foods to improve tan
Sunny days have arrived, at the same time opening the season tan. In the race for beautiful skin tone not to forget that in our time the sun's rays, not always useful, sometimes it can lead to skin burns, allergies and other problems.
Therefore, due to certain foods can stimulate the production of melanin, which in turn without harm and threats to health will help you to get a nice tan as quickly as possible.
Carrot - very rich in beta-carotene. Helps to keep the tan for a longer time.
Apricots - accelerate the tanning process, provide protection from UV rays, help to get intense color.
Peaches - prevent burns, protect the skin, provide an even tan.
Asparagus - protects skin from UV rays and prevents the development of skin cancer.
Spinach - keeps the tan on the skin for a longer period, protects from UV rays.
Tomatoes - prevent oxidation and ensure the prevention of skin cancer. Accelerate the appearance of a tan.
Fish and seafood - protect the skin, prevent dryness and peeling.
Broccoli - source of antioxidants and skin protector. Reduces redness due to sun.
Watermelon - accelerates the appearance of the sun and protects the skin cells from ultraviolet radiation, regulate water balance.
Melon - accelerates the appearance of the sun and enhances the color.
Signs of predisposition to melanoma and the risk
(according to the International Agency for research on cancer)
Pale white skin risk 1, 4 - 2, 7
Blue eyes risk 1, 6
Bright and red hair risk 1, 8 - 2, 4
Freckles risk 2, 3
A large number of moles risk 2, 4 - 4, 1
Melanoma in relatives risk 2, 2
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