Expert Nadia Pereviznyk, independent specialist PR and Communications (PR/SCR, managment/consulting, producing, mentoring)
Regardless, you are doing your reputation or not, it is always created around you in the information society. The conclusion is simple: it should do. This is the power of each of us, and today, in the era of global peace, is extremely important. You want to announce you learned - presented itself. Preferably beautifully.
Briefly about
as a developing career. Five years as a specialist with PR (advertising, marketing, business education, cultural and public sector), three years of them in advertising agencies. Then became closely in this area (although I think it giperborei for their professional development) - wanted new, diverse projects and to be itself. But before your business is to grow and grow. Today I am an independent specialist, advising and leading projects as PR, also productyou and trying to do art as a curator.
As shown by recent post-crisis year, the demand for such Advisory services. Sometimes the small and medium-sized businesses just need good advice, understanding the motive of their PR and freelance illustration, and not paid staff person for the full day and the more global, far-fetched PR campaign. And the Institute of counselling we just emerging at the professional level.
Freelancers, independent professionals need to worry about the image is the part of the profession, because most orders take place just through connections, recommendations, and your reputation.
You - mini-company
Every freelancer is a mini - company. His image, knowledge, experience, explore, developments directly affect the fee. To be a freelancer, an independent expert is significantly different from hired work or managing your own business. It has a kind of art that can be learned, but you want to have an innate tendency.
About the qualities of a freelancer
Formula 2C 2P
- Self-discipline
- Timeliness
- Transparency
- Understanding client
Good spoon for lunch
Especially important is the timely submission of work (as is the default). In my practice met that freelancers impose penalties for the violation of the deadline, sometimes 25% of the fee. I think this is normal - what screams, resentment, broken relationships? You don't "own" at work, which can be "reproach" (old Soviet habit) - there is a simple mechanism of influence - financial. Once I went with a conflict situation, she offered to reduce the fee (actually, this was my mistake), the customer was satisfied, and we continued fruitful cooperation.
Talk about useful ties
As in the behavior of nature, and in relations, there is a Golden rule of "do not litter", moreover, to leave a good reputation. Because we are talking about communications, and there is a good chance to meet tomorrow with this person important to you project.Everything is intertwined, as the French braid, publicists, advertisers, marketers, business owners, art critics, journalists, celebrities, public figures. In fact, my work is impossible without good communication. But they had to earn. It took almost 5 years, and now I am proud of my phone book. Talk a lot with people from absolutely different social groups, subcultures and intellectual preferences. It enriches me: you can read books, I try to read interesting people. Sometimes people ask me, why are you hanging out with Marxists, actors, or restaurateurs until morning? At this point I can't answer, but then at some point this knowledge is needed, moreover, they built a chain of events. This is how the points mentioned by Steve jobs at Stanford, which you will connect in the future.
What to say and what to silent
In addition, you need to clearly understand that personal problems and personal, i.e. only concern you. Discuss them with the employer, or - worse still - to hide behind them for the outstanding job for a freelancer is unacceptable. To do this, and you employ that you dry the pros and in addition to the portfolio is nothing about you not need to know: you come and should solve the problem or request (as in the movie, and it's true). But agree on the official works, in 2/3 of the cases we tell that it is not coped with the task, because she felt bad (sick child, turned off the light, celebrated birthdays, were not in the mood, something not very successful with ideas). Freelance mechanisms "protection" is not allowed.
If you are unhappy, and you know that bad coped with the task, you need to clearly answer that prevented you to do the job (if objective reasons! ), and to say what date do everything. All. It relieves tension and further inquiries, provides clarity.
How often to inform the customer about the work done?
There are no algorithms (if they are not clearly spelled out in the contract) you need to feel your client: some CEOS are absolutely not interested to know what you do every day, they only care about the result at the end of the cooperation period. Others should see almost every step, they need always to be in the backup. It must be understood, because from a moral point of satisfaction for you largely depends on your effectiveness in the eyes of the employer. And do it quickly, because you hired a specialist, no time to lose. I have a degree in psychology and it really helps.
In freelancing is a very important agreement, registered and certified documents. This is often overlooked, because in Ukraine there are many freelancing "wild" gentlemen's agreements. Now I very rarely work on oral agreements: empty arguments, the desire to "cheat" impossible, when there is a contract.
To learn new things constantly
In order to become a professional, you need to practice and keep learning. The last is particularly important, everybody is talking about it, but some do. I decided for myself this question simply: at least one hour a day for new knowledge. Basically this info from sites about science, technology, trend forecasts in futurology, art and the public. Confident, successful person is not possible without this knowledge. Plus social network facebook has become for me very effective in building your own brand and good professional relationships.
P. S. it is Important to try to satisfy all stakeholders. They say it's impossible. But it's your job, if you chose the profession, about which we are talking about. Geisha I began to call male counterparts, after several difficult projects, we were able to meet almost all parties participating in the communication.
The Bogutskaya D.
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