Misplaced lupane
Whatever you blushed and neither was ashamed, but your vagina can put you in an awkward position because from time to time she makes a strange sound. This often happens at the most inopportune moment - during or immediately after sex. The actual sounds also not be classified as melodic, and it's also unpleasant. And especially unnerving is the fact that these sounds are almost impossible to control! So what to do? Wait for the next disgrace? Oh no! There is one easy way to avoid awkward situations. Namely, immediately before the date do simple exercises prescribed in the famous Kegel exercises. For example, 25-35 times reduced the vaginal muscles at different tempos, from slow and gradually moving to fast. This will help to keep the vaginal muscle tone, and in addition, will make sex better.
Deep throat
What man doesn't like Blowjob? And what woman can boast that they never did pretty well during this critical process? Actually, the confusion associated with oral sex, there are many. First, it's just a very funny sight to see, especially if the girl is not trying to copy the heroine of the porn film, and practicing oral sex, that is, from the soul. Secondly, listen to your own prichmokivanie longer than a couple of minutes just unbearable. Thirdly, any man during oral sex sooner or later will want to "relax" you in the mouth, and if the ending will be a surprise to you, then you will face a choice: to sit like a hamster stuffed cheeks, just to spit it in your face or try to swallow, fighting back the gag reflex.
By the way, about the last. Especially he often wakes up in the performance so loved men machinery "deep throat" - when a girl lies, for example, on the bed, threw back his head back, and the man stands over her and sometimes too deeply enters your body right in the throat. What can you do? It may not be too romantic, but still need to agree in advance with your partner about how you accept oral sex and how far are willing to go. The man himself is unlikely to get pleasure from forced Blowjob. Peaks oral sex better be achieved in stages, gradually expanding its borders.
Laugh for no reason
Also fairly common confusion with the same frequency as women and men. Remember: evening, candles, flowers, two glasses of wine, romantic atmosphere, he does everything to bring you fun in a serious caresses your body, kissing lips, hands, you, too, he skillfully manipulate (and maybe to you it is pleasant seriously), and suddenly your thoughts are rebuilt from intimate to something more everyday, you open your eyes, look at him and start laughing. What's there to laugh, you begin to open "neigh". He really did not understand what was happening, offended, and you continue to giggle. The main thing here is not to remain silent about the cause of his laughter, otherwise the man will decide that you laugh at him. Honestly tell me what you amused, laugh together, and then calmly continue.
Gas attack
This is quite unpleasant topic, vulgar and slippery, so we will discuss it. Fortunately, it occurs infrequently, as the process of gasification in most cases controlled, yet these incidents occur. What happens when the beautiful and the sublime impulse of love and tenderness broke this disgusting sound? To say that it is necessary to translate this situation into a joke is ridiculous, because there is absolutely nothing humorous. Only do not take it to heart, not to get upset and not be disappointed in their sexuality - or wait, when this same trouble will befall your boyfriend that you were not hurt...
And was there a boy?
It is, perhaps, the only really funny embarrassing. It is typical exclusively for Oriental women or women of any other nationality who is about to marry a Eastern men. As everyone knows, is a mandatory condition of entry into marriage among Eastern peoples is the virginity of the bride. And all girls know that the act of defloration (or rupture of the hymen) is not always accompanied by bleeding. Now, if after the first wedding night on the sheet there are no traces of blood is considered a shame and such a girl may not want to marry her. What to do? There are two options: to examine before or immediately after the wedding night. The gynecologist may well qualified to explain the outrageous groom, what's the matter. Doctors usually in such situations believe more than brides.
Artushevskaya And.
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