Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poor sleep can lead to obesity and diabetes?

American scientists conducted a study which was attended by young people, who were divided into two groups. Groups differed in the duration of sleep.

The essence of the experiment was to test how the duration of sleep and sleep deprivation affects the blood and health in General.

The first group slept about eight and a half hours, the second four and a half, i.e. almost twice less. Subjects had blood tests done every day, in consequence of which was able to establish that those who sleep less have variations in sensitivity of adipose tissue to insulin.

In this regard follows the scientific evidence that sleep deprivation can cause diabetes and obesity, according to the fact, established in the course of the study. Though this was kind of hypotheses, but now there is a practical confirmation.

In this regard, it should be noted that healthy sleep is not necessarily an 8-hour "lights out". The human body of one person differs from another, and that normal sleep for one, the lack of sleep or Parisiana for another.

I want to note that you should not neglect a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition to prevent the same from diabetes or obesity. For example, cedar oil is widely used for the treatment of many diseases, including the endocrine system, including diabetes.

Don't forget that moderate exercise will benefit in the prevention of obesity and even the insomnia, which affects many.


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