Thursday, March 27, 2014

Get rid of cold on the lips

The most common manifestation in wet and cold weather - it's cold on the lips. Since it is in such weather conditions immune system drops, the protective forces of the body are depleted, and people become easy prey for viruses.

Cold is activated on the surface of the lips only in those cases where special circumstances and favorable about them was written above. At another time, if you have a stable state of health and a strong immune system, you may not even suspect that in the body of the herpes virus is already present. The best defense against viral cold on the lips - to the General prevention of colds, strengthen the immune system, and also to use a protective lip balm.

Often cold manifests itself in the form of bubbles or small blisters. After the inflammatory process begins to decrease, most often on the lips formed small sores that are very painful when you touch them. With the herpes virus is actively fighting cosmetology and medicine, so you can pay for any of these methods, but to run the herpes and to delay treatment is not recommended.

Medical treatment: of all the funds of medicine for herpes treatment most popular "Zovirax”. And among domestic and budget options, you may prefer acyclovire ointments, which are very effective.

Traditional treatments of herpes on the surface of the lips: this trouble in the lip area may be not the herpes virus. In cold weather, the lack of moisture is triggered by the drying and cracking of the lips that under the conditions of the contaminated environment and in the presence of wind will cause a variety of inflammatory processes on the lips. In this case, we come to the aid of folk remedies, which tested more than one generation.

First recipe: toothpaste against herpes on the lips. The most common manifestation in wet and cold weather - it's cold on the lips. Since it is in such weather conditions immune system drops, the protective forces of the body are depleted, and people become easy prey for viruses.

Cold is activated on the surface of the lips only in those cases where special circumstances and favorable about them was written above. At another time, if you have a stable state of health and a strong immune system, you may not even suspect that in the body of the herpes virus is already present. The best defense against viral cold on the lips - to the General prevention of colds, strengthen the immune system, and also to use a protective lip balm.

Often cold manifests itself in the form of bubbles or small blisters. After the inflammatory process begins to decrease, most often on the lips formed small sores that are very painful when you touch them. With the herpes virus is actively fighting cosmetology and medicine, so you can pay for any of these methods, but to run the herpes and to delay treatment is not recommended.

Medical treatment: of all the funds of medicine for herpes treatment most popular "Zovirax”. And among domestic and budget options, you may prefer acyclovire ointments, which are very effective.

Traditional treatments of herpes on the surface of the lips: this trouble in the lip area may be not the herpes virus. In cold weather, the lack of moisture is triggered by the drying and cracking of the lips that under the conditions of the contaminated environment and in the presence of wind will cause a variety of inflammatory processes on the lips. In this case, we come to the aid of folk remedies, which tested more than one generation.

First recipe: toothpaste against herpes on the lips. Among conventional and home recipes need to pay attention to simple toothpaste, which can be found in any bathroom. Toothpaste has a mild drying effect. As soon as the first signs of the emergence of the cold on the lips, it usually cestocide sensations in the lips, before bedtime to the skin of the lips causing a small amount of toothpaste.

Recipe two: perigaum cold oils. The most effective and simple method to stop inflammatory processes, as well as to accelerate the flow of cold is to burn cold essential oils. If you choose this method of treatment be sure to pay attention to the use of essential oils was not excessive will be enough spot cautery foci of inflammation 1-2 times per day for the first 2-3 days. For these purposes, the best such essential oils: tea tree oil, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, lemon.

Recipe three: miracle tincture of propolis. Populicola tincture is another remedy for colds, but to abuse them too does not follow. After you burned on the hearth cold propolis, after 10-20 minutes you need to apply the cream that will soothe the skin, it is better if the cream is with natural herbal extracts.

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