In the midst of the holiday season and harvest time to update the contents of your home first aid kits and remember the rules of first aid.
- Often the wrong actions in the first minutes after PE seriously complicate subsequent treatment, " says the doctor "Ambulance" Michael Konevsky. - Often Modric people with burns, and other wounds are lining.
The stories of the doctors we have compiled a ranking of the most common mistakes when providing first aid.
1. Burn grease with butter and yogurt
In burn centers have people on the wounds which are the most exotic foods. Butter or vegetable oil, raw eggs, fat (pork, goose and even badger! ), kefir and other kilmallock.
- From the contents of the refrigerator
nothing cannot be applied and spread on the burn, " explains Michael Konevsky. Such assistance will make the wound only worse, she'll go into deeper layers of the skin.
No need to put on the burn cosmetics, you should not handle it even hydrogen peroxide.
Do not just spread on such a wound antibiotics (this should be done later, after first aid), there is no proven effect on the application of urine (it is not always sterile).
When you burn it
- To release the burn from service as quickly as possible and cool running water, a heating pad or an ice pack. Even if after you have been injured for half an hour, the ice will still be relevant. Keep at least 10 - 15 minutes. This will reduce the depth of burn and swelling.
- Apply on the wound sprays "Panthenol", "Alisol" or modern dressings (see below). If none of that, just to bandage the bandage, clean sheets.
- Give him 1 tablet antihistamine drug (tavegil, suprastin) and analgesic (aspirin).
If it burns to the face or neck and has a large area - do not wait until tomorrow, call an ambulance or take the victim to the nearest hospital.
2. Stop the blood running water
First of all when any wound to stop bleeding. And in any case it is not necessary to put it in the water, even ice! This will anaesthetic, but the blood will go longer and more abundant.
To stop the bleeding, it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage. But the harness impose only when severe arterial bleeding (when there is bright red blood). And then for no longer than an hour in a warm season and a half hour in the cold. To avoid confusion, under harness even a note to enclose with the exact time when it was imposed.
Another know-how - fixing bandage. Stretched "metered" in no way bend the arm.
3. Cuts and wounds treated vodka
Never pour alcohol, vodka, iodine, brilliant green directly in the wound! First, it will increase the pain. Secondly, you will burn internal tissues. And, instead of knitting together, the sides of the wound will begin to roblematic. And instead of mA-and-scarlet scar from a cut you can get a big scar.
Any of the above funds should be treated the wound EDGES - but only after stop the blood.
But if the cut is deep or the wound is torn, it still should be treated with special equipment - pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (powder, when dissolved sure to drain through cheesecloth), 3% hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution furatsilina (2 tablets in a glass of water).
Apply top dressing, preferably a sterile bandage.
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Which is better: iodine or Zelenka?
Iodine from all the "usual" antiseptics most effective from the point of view of protection against microbes. But it has cons: burns cause allergies (if there are urticaria, it is better not to apply), you may leave a scar, as it forms a crust. If a small wound to completely fill with iodine, then it will heal slowly.
Zelenka marks after not leaves, but it was very greasy. In some people it also happens allergies.
Hydrogen peroxide by itself helps to stop the blood, it can't be "adverse reactions". But disinfects it worse than Zelenka and iodine.
Some instead of antiseptic use alcohol or vodka. But actually these "materials" means disinfected much weaker than its 70% fellow - ethyl rubbing alcohol.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine
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