Thursday, March 27, 2014

Male menopause: what to do?

Male menopause: what to do? The term "menopause" is quite common and probably not among the adult population of those who would not know what the word means. But there is one catch - all believe that menopause is only for women, but in fact men also suffer from this "disease".

When to wait for misfortune?

Recently, the cases of premature aging men. Partial deficiency of male sex hormones - androgen is a male menopause, which is manifested mainly from 50 to 55 years. In this hard for men time reproductive function of men is almost complete and comes with time impotence. Caused by this phenomenon is the reduction of the principal hormone androgen is testosterone, which affects the formation and activation of libido, sexual arousal and orgasm.

How to treat "dysfunction"?

First of all it is necessary to establish the cause of dysfunction do blood tests, special tests, Doppler blood vessels of the penis, ultrasound.

It is important to remember that treatment should be complex and individual, as it is necessary to normalize all the mechanisms that have shaped this syndrome. The treatment must be carried out by means of pathogenetic therapy with androgens, vitamin therapy, application of biologically active compounds, methods of physiotherapy and reflexology, correction of erectile dysfunction special preparations or intracavernous treatment method.

Maybe everything is fine?

But before you start treatment, think about it. There are two types of impotence: organic and psychological. So very often the onset of male menopause is associated with psychological problems and, what is most offensive in them, we blame the women.

Psychological impotence may occur after strong feelings, stressful situations. It is considered that women are gentle creatures, but actually men, not showing his true feelings, suffers then the other way. So try less to scold and shout at the beloved, if you do not want to have solely Platonic love.

How to prevent premature aging men"?

But often the main problem of the illness is a psychological factor, there are several other conditions that must be observed for those who don't want to be "overboard". To prevent the development of erectile dysfunction should lead a normal healthy lifestyle, it is desirable to perfect his practice of sports, not to abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs, to try to conduct a regular sexual life without long periods of abstinence, and, of course, in order to prevent going to the doctor to save his natural force within healthy potency. Tightness before going to the doctor obviously will be more expensive than if the time to seek qualified help.

More about impotence and erectile dysfunction read on


Women's Magazine

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