Watching the Olympics, you may have noticed that all the athletes on your body shape different: stayers, that is small and thin, sprinters - muscled, and jumpers - high. This is one simple but truthful conclusion: training should be selected so that they fit your body shape. Only then you will see the maximum result and the effect of physical loads.
Women's Magazine will tell you about exercises for each type of shape that will help to overcome the path from dreams to ideal.
The representatives of the abdominal type of big bones, strong muscles, strongly developed internal organs. People like that are either full, or "hard coats", but they are never bad. The eternal problem of women with a curvy shapes are the buttocks, thighs, and if to be more precise, breeches and belly.
Workout. Bike, walking in hilly terrain, as well as weight training: push-UPS, pull UPS will be effective and not as boring as walking, swimming or Jogging.
Representatives of muscle type are sporty since birth. They are not inclined to corpulence, and to build bulk muscle is not difficult. But, unfortunately, you can't relax: the waist is the only problem area. With age it is added to the buttocks and thighs.
Workout. Classical training, such as Jogging, swimming and Biking, you can add new types of fitness, whose exercises require you higher coordination. In order not to get bored, alternate workout.
Thin people
People who belong to the thoracic type, thin by nature. To gain weight for the representatives of this type is problematic, but if it appears, then immediately "settles" on the thighs and buttocks in the form of cellulite. Also don't forget about the hands that without training seem flabby.
Workout. Measured training will fit better than others: swimming, walking, Jogging, Cycling for long distances. But, don't forget about strength training, because without them not to put in order all of your problem areas. Push-UPS, weights and dumbbells will make your body strong and fit.
Women's Magazine
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