The first thing to do is to clean the skin. The way you used to do it every day. And you're used to, right? Gently apply to the skin nourishing cream and wait a few minutes. Pull your hair, so they do not interfere and do not fall on the face. Are you ready!
1.Attune yourself to the gym exercise with the code name "horse finicky". Deeply inhale through the nose so that the nose wings were stretched. Slowly, till the end, vidoni through the mouth.
Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 seconds.
2. On queue
the game in the "land whale". Deeply inhale through the nose. Hold your breath. Is the voltage of the internal muscles of the face and rush blood. Not palm and clenched jaws, nadwi cheeks. After 2-3 seconds strong pushes out the air through the mouth.
Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise "thick skull" strengthens the muscles of the upper lip and smooth nasolabial folds. Deeply inhale through the nose, at the same time utani cheeks. In a second, make a slow exhale through the mouth. With slightly pursed lips - cheeks inflated.
Repeat 2 times.
Exercise "smile"health. The left hand grasp the right cheek so that the thumb was inside his mouth, and the other tightly to the skin, running from the nostrils to the corners of the lips. Breathing in through your nose, try to smile. The charm of that smile you will not add, so do not perform operation with capture before home. But the exercise is perfectly toned muscles of the cheeks.
Repeat 2 times for the right and left side.
The exercise of love to the dentist" tones the muscles of the chin and neck. During a deep inhalation through the nose with the power press the tongue to the lower jaw just below the teeth.
Repeat 5-6 times.
For the elasticity of the lips and getting rid of parotid okologubnaya wrinkle - exercise "mad flute. On the inhale through the nose, hold your fingers on the corners of the mouth, and try to pull the lips as if you are going to play the trumpet. Vidoni through the mouth.
Repeat 4 times.
Exercise "fight club" - to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and neck. Fix the right hand the left side of the neck. Three fingers of the left hand put it on the left corner of his mouth. Straining her neck and lips, inhale through your mouth. Shortened muscles pulling down left corner of the mouth, and the hand holding it in place. Same thing with the other hand.
Repeat 4 times for each side.
Exercise "the long-awaited orgasm" - for the correction of the chin line. Throw his head back. Relax the lower jaw and lift it toward the top so that the lower lip is covered top.
Repeat 10 times.
Exercise "I - Brezhnev" - tones the muscles of the forehead. Index fingers press the eyebrows and under that weight try to pick them up.
Repeat 4 times.
"Me no understand" wrinkles around the eyes. Put your fingers on the closed eyelids. Let forefinger hold the outer corners of the eyes, unnamed - the inner and the middle - the middle of the eyebrows. Without lifting your fingers, try to squint my eyes closed.
Repeat 4 times.
Popova N.
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