Filling resistant light acrid smoke marijuana, johnny struggled not to cough. Hundreds of times he saw this in the cinema, and now he had a perfect to play this scene in real life. The situation was complicated by the fact that he smoked marijuana for the first time to the beginning of the performance has already managed to drink half a bottle of gin. With careless as johnny brought the cigarette to her lips, looked with undisguised superiority of the guys gathered around and, as if reluctantly, dragged.
- Yy, you... you can Immediately see that not new. It seems that every day you smoke shit?
" ...
And LSD might have tried?..
- And how. And not once.
And crack?
- Yes, it was. Guys once treated.
Oh my! And cocaine?
- Of course - hard inhale, johnny said, holding in one hand the jamb and the other with a bottle of gin. In the next second his eyes darkened, his throat squeezed to gag spasm, arms and legs felt rubbery and, dropping the Smoking cigarette from his trembling fingers, seven year old johnny collapsed on the pavement as knocked down.
Released on the porch Betty sue, mother of johnny Depp, he saw his infant son pale, with sunken cheeks, torn and zabryzgannoj it is unclear what the shirt. "Drag him into the living room. What you have done with him, the little rascals? Johnny, what you look like? From you shall be, as of the slop bucket! " - Betty with undisguised horror and disgust looked at her child, who didn't seem to recognize her. Johnny came around three hours later. All this time, Betty sue, smoked one cigarette after another, puzzled over the fact that say to the husband, when he would find her son in full out. Fortunately, johnny managed to open his eyes before Roger crossed the threshold of the house. "Are you on drugs?! " - quite angrily asked Betty, nervously appraising the room. "And you live with an alcoholic and shave legs, no seconds without hesitation, replied johnny and went to the door, barely moving his stiff after a long sleep feet.
Childhood johnny Depp was not happy. Miserable provincial town Miramar Florida. The mother is a waitress working in a bar with cheap furniture and plastic utensils. The father is eternally dissatisfied with the type that get drunk every night and found out the relationship with his wife, but would not think that at any moment he can kick at the construction company where he earned the least, and worked virtually around the clock. School - johnny had not received there is nothing but slaps Yes comments. Alcohol and drugs - towards them Depp addicted much earlier than has mastered the alphabet. They helped to forget about all the imperfections of the world and look in the circle of peers really cool guy. To twelve years johnny had tried everything somehow was able to expand his consciousness and became famous throughout the district as the most demented juvenile psycho. Melissa was the name of the first girl Depp, was his senior by seven years, and could boast of having slept with all the boys of the quarter. Once she saw johnny standing in the company of her friends guys. Depp drank and swore more than others, although he was the youngest, so she decided not to delay more closer. "Kid, have you ever had sex with a woman? "she asked, looking at the enlarged pupils Depp, struggling to look confident and sober. "What the. And not once. Needless to say" trying to make your voice more calm, he replied Melissa, which is not blinking, looked him straight in the eye, not even thinking to retreat. The situation was complicated by the fact that the guy was rather vague idea of what usually happens between a man and a woman in such circumstances. Nevertheless, he somehow coped with the hooks on the bra Melissa and gave her to captivate themselves into the darkness neighbor's garages.
Two days before the guy celebrated its fifteenth anniversary, his parents, killing all available in house ware, disagreed. Johnny had no choice as to throw in a backpack a couple of sweaters and some ripped jeans and go to sojourn previously "borrowed" from my mother's bags thirty dollars. At twenty-five he bought himself a guitar, the rest lived during the week.
The music did not require him nothing but strong fingers and a loud voice, and in return gave a tremendous sense of freedom. Evenings johnny was playing with his friends from the group of "Kids" in rock clubs and cafes, and in the morning went to the construction site where he was working as a laborer. Money is only enough for beer and cigarettes, so Depp had to stay in the car buddy, good back seat was roomy enough. Lori Ellison was a make-up artist, and everything else the younger sister of dick is one of the band members. "Dude, she likes you, " he said once the Depp. "I saw how she looked at you last night at the club". "Let them come. Let's see what the girl can", is quite indifferently replied johnny, sipping from a bottle of dark beer, what topic sisters dick was closed. After a week Lori really came. The girl smelled of cheap powder and looked slightly embarrassed. Johnny liked how willingly she gave him her innocence, as it is affectionately uttered his name then, and that a week later received an offer to move into his apartment.
Having to thirteen years all the pleasures of adult life, johnny Depp has decided that it is much better than going to school and listen to sermons adults.
"You're the man, since you are not able to earn?! In the house for a week no coffee and bread, and you are somewhere hanging around, jammed beer or smoke pot! Do you think I should get the money?! " - Laurie for several days did not see the man; he had only to materialize on the threshold of their apartment, as he was hit by a stream of profanity. "I think you should shut up and let me sleep". - Johnny looked tired and pomatum, showing everyone her that is not going to sort things out. Neither now, nor ever afterwards. Not removing heavy army boots, he walked into the room and, without undressing, and fell on the bed. Hearing a rumbling snore husband, Lori burst into bitter tears.
Musical career Depp brought him satisfaction, adrenaline, fresh emotions and new acquaintances, but not wealth. Lori was still working makeup artist and johnny took any, even the most strange. Top absurdity was the trade ballpoint pens, which Depp worked with a guy that plays in the "Kids" on drums.
Recently Lori increasingly mentioned the name of a certain Nicolas cage, novice actor, with whom she occasionally met on the set of. Depp was not at all surprised to see Nicolas cage in one of his concerts. The guy has made it quite a pleasant experience, except for the fact that Lori whole evening hung on the neck of his friend, persistently ignoring her husband. Word for word, cage invited johnny to act in films. "You will not lose anything if you go on a couple of auditions. Looks you have excellent brains out there, and with the agent, I'll help you, " said new friend. Ben is a professional, he must find you something suitable". Not bobreshova the help of Ben, johnny next week went to audition for the film "a Nightmare on elm street". The casting was more than strange, so how to play no one had. Five candidates (more willing to star in the horror movie was not) lined up in a row. Wes Craven, the Director, for a moment, looked up from reading the log, ran his eyes over anxious individuals aspiring actors, and then asked his daughter, whom would you like to see in the role of Glen. "This, shaggy," replied the girl and pointed to a confused Depp, who at this moment was ready to burn with shame. " it will be. Shaggy let them come to the administrator, the rest are free," said Wes and plunged into reading log. So thanks to the sympathy of a minor girl and her unusual hairstyle johnny Depp received his first role in cinema.
After weeks of shooting, getting a small Deposit and a lot of unexpected emotions, johnny went to the cage to thank him for his help. The door of the cage opened not quickly and visibly embarrassed, seeing at his doorstep Depp. "Come on... time has arrived," wrapped in crumpled the sheet, said owner. Johnny came in and less than a minute later heard from the bedroom the familiar female voice. "Nicky, whoever they brought? "In the living room toward the two men went Laurie, which was not even sheets.
The money earned on the first film, Depp spent unexpectedly reasonable enrolled in acting classes, where it was finally convinced that in the movie he has a great future. And so it happened. "A nightmare on elm street" was a success, Depp began to ask persistently in Hollywood and on TV. In the end, he starred in several successful paintings, supermassive series "Jump Street 21" and by the end of the 80's has become one of the best actors of America. The hype around his name seemed Depp something unnatural, therefore, when in the most luxurious hotels in new York city he was met savivaldybe smiles and constant "As you command, sir", he carried on and tried to behave as ignorant and unintelligent. A couple of times he blasted gilded suites, started a fight with the staff, had set fire to the sofas in the lobby, restaurants, and "yellow press" declared johnny my idol. Cost Depp to appear on the cover of People magazine, as in his hotel room, the phone rang - it was Lori, his former wife. "I was thinking, " she said, trying to sound more languid and confident - maybe we should start all over again? You, me, we are together. Remember how we had a good time? "No, I don't remember. Probably, you got me with someone confused," said Depp and without hesitation hung up.
Love women, from lack of which he was suffering at the time of its homeless youth, fell upon him like an avalanche. Former girlfriend, model, budding actress, wife, Directors and producers - they all wanted to be near him. Too overwhelmed by all the attention, Depp had only to choose with whom to spend the night and go to the next party. It is this secular parties johnny first saw Winona Ryder. Sleepy and pale, she was standing in the corner with a huge guitar at the ready, and was similar to the lost elf. By the time Depp drank enough whiskey to approach a girl to lean on a wall behind her and say, looking at her pale, slightly parted lips:"do you Play? " "In anything but the guitar. But I really want," said Winona, not looking away from the persistent eye johnny. "I want...", intentionally drawl said Depp, after which the couple left in an unknown direction.
This and all subsequent nights johnny and Winona spent in a hotel room Depp. Both have turned off the phones, canceled all filming and meetings, pushed her curtains and plunged into each other, in silence or night. Three weeks Winona lost six pounds, making it even more like a teenage girl. A month spent with Depp, Ryder did not know about it anything. Johnny, on the contrary, from the very first minutes of their communication realized that, despite his tough character and boyish habits, Winona in your soul are infinitely fragile and delicate, like a little frightened dove. Raised in a family of hippies, intellectuals, she still believed in the big and bright feeling, capable to unite the lost souls. She never talked about their feelings, but Depp knew that he had only to ask her to be with him, to share the entitlement failures and disasters, Winona, without spending even a second in doubt, say "Yes". What to say if girl with johnny began to take drugs and not because of the fact that without them the world seemed bright enough, but because I wanted to be closer to his beloved, who at that time did not imagine themselves without the morning "dose". Her devotion was for Depp and simultaneously intimidating and appealing, and he could not understand what in his heart more pity, passion or love.
A few months after their acquaintance Depp was walking with a rider on the streets of new York. Both were "stoned", and all the surrounding objects slightly quivered and rippled. "Baby, sit here. I'll be back soon," said johnny friend, leaving her at a table in a small café, while he went to a nearby tattoo parlor. Two hours later, Depp showed the girl tattooed on the arm of the phrase "Vinonа forever" ("Winona forever"). At the sight of his name deleted from johnny on the forearm, Ryder began to sob. Depp felt uneasy. He just wanted to make the girl happy (too often Winona looked at him with deep eyes looking a woman in love and he didn't know what to say), and then stirred so many emotions. "Lord, thank you... I'm so happy. You really want to be with me always? Are you sure of this? "through tears wailed Winona. "What the. Needless to say," said johnny, trying not to look at the tender-eyed girl. The situation was complicated by the fact that Depp was not entirely sure he wants to remain permanently with Winona. He wasn't sure he wanted to be with her. Too many she wanted, and too little he could to give her.
Early in the morning johnny went on shooting. When he left, Winona was still sleeping, not reacting to a TV or dishes clattering. Returning a few hours later in a hotel room, Depp was expecting the girl went to her friend or went to the shops. Winona got home, she animatedly talked with someone on the phone, flipping through the pages of a thick glossy magazine. "I'm more than confident that this will happen very soon. He finally asked me to marry him, and I will say "Yes". Of course, it is strange. But with me he will change, because I love it. As soon as we get married, it will be prudent and will throw drugs. I have found for both of us a good clinic. Dear, open to page forty-directory. What a wonderful dress! And the veil is just a fairy tale..." - Winona continued talking, oblivious to frozen in the doorway Depp. Trying not to make noise, johnny threw in a sports bag a couple of sweaters, a notebook and cigarettes. Less than five minutes he closed the door behind him, which had planned never to open, and left behind her a girl that never wanted to see. In the evening of the same day, the phrase "Vinonа forever" turned into "Vino forever".
Kate moss was much easier and more cynical of Winona. She didn't want any ardent Declaration of love, no endless proof of love. Kate was quite enough that johnny appeared with her at a trendy Hollywood parties and wore she bought designer clothes. "You have to look like a real macho. Expensive and perfect, " she told Depp, dressed in his jackets and pants from the latest collections of the best designers. To oppose and resist it was useless, so he lit another cigarette and wearily closed her eyes, not to see the worried faces of top models. All the women wanted to make him something that he really was not. Each one had their own opinion on how johnny should look and what to do. One is not concerned about what he wants Depp. They all tried to use it to solve their personal problems: one is to compensate for the lack of love and stability, and the other to make his way missing Shine. It was not until until...
"You promised to go with me to a party in "Costes", friend and Director Roman Polanski is slowly but surely coming out of himself, " I don't care that you're tired. Alive get ready. You meet so many people! You can't me to bring". Depp, who arrived in Paris in the morning and had already managed to work a full day, was not configured to attending, but to deny the Novel did not dare. Upon arrival at Costes" johnny immediately found himself in a small circle of journalists, actors, producers. Polanski happy with the work done, looked at each other over the crowd and smiled. After hours of close contact with the audience johnny finally made it to the bar. Cost him bring it to his lips for the first evening, a glass of whiskey on his shoulder lay a narrow female brush. "If you need me with you took a picture or give an autograph, let's quickly. I'm fucking tired," said johnny, angrily turning to the stranger. At him looked cold grey eyes, framed by fluffy fan unnaturally long eyelashes. "I just wanted to ask you to light me a cigarette. And the autograph itself can give you... " said the girl with a gentle French accent. "And who you actually are? "irritated, but not without interest asked Depp. "And you? The first time you see here". The girl looked nervous, but his eyes still not averted. "I, after too long a pause, replied the young man, " johnny Depp". "I just boldly cutting syllable, said the girl, " Vanessa Paradis". "The first time you hear," he sounded simultaneously from both sides.
It so happened that neither johnny Depp nor Vanessa Paradis did not suspect about existence of each other until then, until an argument at a party in "castes". Despite this, Depp and Vanessa went out together. In the morning Depp woke up alone and found on the pillow and a note that said, "will Be back in Paris, come on in. Vanessa". No address, no phone girls at johnny was not. When you are finished shooting, the actor went back to new York. Continuing to lead a normal life - visit fashion shows and parties with Kate moss, booze, drugs, a reprimand from the Directors for being late to the shooting and endless interviews, he subconsciously all the time returned to his Paris friend. Her gentle way did not in keeping with what was daily surrounded Depp, but despite this, at the thought of Vanessa in his chest began an unusual whining, as if the heart were sitting acute wasp sting.
Kate moss walked around the apartment in shoes at dangerously high heels and underwear. Vivalis on the floor multicolored mountain blouses, skirts and dresses, girl looking for a suitable outfit, shuttling between the mirror and wardrobe. The pair were together at the premiere of the last film Depp. Kate noticed that johnny grabbed her travel bag, left the room, only ten minutes after the front door slammed. The girl called him on the mobile and heard the following: "Go one. All say that I got sick, drunk, died... don't know, think of something. And you know, another thing... I fell in love with another." "I don't care who you love! You must go with me to the premiere! And tomorrow we have a photoshoot for a magazine. You can't throw me at least, because we have to settle things! "Kate was so pissed. Not paying attention to screaming tube, johnny threw the phone out the window of a taxi that was taking him to the airport.
Already from Paris Depp ordered through his agent Barry to home Kate moss has delivered the last model double "BMW" silver worth 100 thousand dollars. "I knew he would change his mind", ' said Kate, taking from the hands of the agent's car keys. "Johnny asked me to convey that this is a farewell gift," replied Barry.
Worthless father
Aloud they didn't say anything, as if afraid to scare falling on them happiness. Not breaking up arms even in my dreams. Refused to shoot that could separate them more than three days. Depp never touched alcohol and the grass not because Vanessa was against it, but because of the fact that they felt the others sobered awake happily doubting all. Leaving Vanessa never said how many will return, and will return if any. Johnny didn't find out, and just sat in the evening on the bed and waited until until forever not poured lead weight. He felt like a dog or a child, not daring to ask and not thought of its existence without Vanessa, who became mistress of all his thoughts and feelings. The girl was so independent and perfect that johnny Depp and his head could not come, she from him anything we need. Vanessa was a special. She sucked it like a funnel and kept stronger than any trap.
Last week, Vanessa was clearly concerned about: talking to johnny, she thought about his passing cheat on his finger a strand of blond hair and were sitting for hours, staring into the void. "Darling, did something happen? "I could not stand it finally Depp. "Nothing serious, not even trying to give his voice a touch of carelessness, said Vanessa. - Have much to do. In the spring I'm going to have a baby". "From whom?! " - Johnny was shocked. "Actually, from you... I'm already on the second month," said Paradis, still indifferent gray eyes from the window. "And you tell me so?! With me you never thought to discuss it?! And I... Yes you..." - Head swam, his cheeks burned. Depp difficulty breathing. "Let's talk, discuss, since you insist. Although I all decided a long time ago. On account of you, I highly doubt... so, dear, do you want to have a baby? You want the mother of your child was I? "said Vanessa, having moved over closer closer to the Depp. There was a long pause, during which Paradis and Depp looked at each other eyes, which was all - and doubt, and resentment, and tenderness, and passion. Vanessa regarded silence johnny is not in their favor. The girl stood up abruptly from his chair, put on the shoulders of the jacket, and in that moment, when her hand touched the door handle, johnny broke - he ran to her, pressed his body against the wall and buried face in her light hair, whispered, "Sweetheart... my gentle... I don't know. I'm not sure of anything. I'm afraid of change... the Only thing I beg you, be near me, even though I am the most unlikely candidate for the role of father to your child". The situation was complicated by the fact that only now Depp understood as a way of Vanessa him how long he was looking for her that she is his only possible mate. "I agree... " replied the girl moved. "But promise me that you will leave without another word, once I understand what you're useless father for my daughter".
P.S. They got married a few months after the birth of Lily-rose melody Depp. The wedding was preceded by a moving johnny Depp in Paris, where he bought a spacious house. Their first house until the end of the film essentially lived in hotels or with friends, referring to the fact that on earth there is no place where he would feel right. In his last interview johnny Depp said, "The happiest day of my life was the day when I asked Vanessa to give birth to me the second child. I hope it will be a son." On a question about creative plans johnny, smiling, replied: "I'm Going to rebuild the billiard room in another baby".
Filmography Johnny Depp
Aptekarev D.
Arguments and facts
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