Sunday, November 30, 2014

Liar! Liar! Liar!

Liar! Liar! Liar! Once, quite a while ago, I caught one girl's journal psychological test called "What a magical ability would you like to have? Was offered a choice: the ability to move into the past/future, the gift to morph into other people/animals, the ability to pass through walls, the ability to fly and, finally, the talent to read people's thoughts. Depending on the answer given recommendations on the choice of profession. At that time I wanted to be able to travel in time, to at least one eye to look at the XIX century, the world of classical literature, in which I was immersed. The author of the test advised me to go to the history Department...

Years passed, and the same test is reprinted in another publication met me again. It was in the first year of my stay in a foreign city. I didn't feel comfortable around people seemed to be closed and removed... My choice magical abilities at that moment was natural: I want to be able to read people's thoughts! Really want! The test result says study psychology.

It was then that I began to collect information about how the facial expression, the facial expressions and gestures to determine a person's mood, his attitude, how to calculate the lie. Yes, it was long before the protagonist of the series "lie to me" ("Lie to me") Dr. Lightman began to disclose to the audience their secrets. A variety of materials on "how to unmask the liar" had me thoroughly studies and compared with actual practice.

Figures lie

- Frequent touching of the person-to-face, hair, neck - it really works! Moreover, I myself several times, speaking the truth, noticed that my hand reaches for his nose! But this feature is only suitable for the detection of rather inexperienced liars (I easily learned how to control yourself).

- No gestures, tension, stiffness postures in combination with "how would a casual voice thread - looks awkward and immediately draws attention to itself.

- Excessive, exaggerated gestures, very often when people are trying to look him straight in the eye ("look into my eyes they don't lie! ") - it looks all your help, especially if the topic is not so serious as to require excessive pathos.

- The accelerated pace of speech, fake emotion often serve to hide in the stream poured out false information, "mix it with the truth" ("lie quickly and will not have time to give yourself! "- if not to give in to force on you excited state, and to remain quiet, then the lie is easy to recognize.

- Unnatural smile (unbalanced, not accompanied by muscle tension around the eyes), simulated laughter immediately give the liar with the head.

- Mismatched gestures to the content of speech: the person says "Yes", and he shakes his head - that I met only once, and it was indeed false.

The direction of gaze (according to psychologists, remembering the real experience, people always look left, inventing something right), increased frequency of blinking (it is estimated that the average person blinks six times per minute, lies involuntary blinking more often), dilated pupils - check these figures lie personally, I failed.

The lie is spontaneous and well thought-out in advance. To identify the first is easier, it is usually preceded by a bit confused, which is easy to read face (uncontrolled emotion). Besides, if you ask spontaneously deceived person to repeat the stated sequence of events in reverse order, he will most likely get confused (and later realize that you caught him in a lie, and terribly angry, I personally encountered such a reaction).

Elaborate lie is calculated harder, but it usually gives an overall feeling of theatricality, traitorousness human speech, he tells memorized text.

And yet - even in the opinion of the majority of liars constantly read hard question: "do You believe me or not? " Liar difficult: it is necessary to present the material, to ensure that their own behaviour looked as naturally as possible, and to constantly look at the interlocutor to understand, it took him a lie or not. The liar is in tension, no matter how he tried to hide it.

Of course, there are the pretenders-virtuosos, which does not cost anything to cheat almost any of us (except, of course, Dr. Lightman from the TV series). These liars have - but they are few. Most of us lying awkwardly, and most buy into the lie of an unskillful and poorly disguised.

"Do you love me? the girl asks with naive open eyes.

"Yes, " replies the young man, only in the corner of his lips on one side of the face, asymmetrically) is refracted contempt.

Is true love? - she feels that something is wrong here!

And then he kisses her... Lies swallowed. The girl just need love, too right - so she prefers to turn a blind eye to lie and to respond to the kiss.

"Everybody lies! "says another serial character, incidentally, is also a doctor - Dr. house. It is difficult to disagree with it. We accept the lie as a rule of the game in this world. We lie and we lie.

And we all know that deceived.

No, to read people's thoughts I don't want. And if I could choose one of those magical skills of the test, we would have preferred the ability to fly. Sometimes to rise to the clouds and look down upon our world, our lives, our lies. I don't remember just what the profession recommended for fans of flight.

Male and female false

On a false trail

The integrity test



Learn to say "No"

Learn to say Do not want such a fate for themselves? Then get together and get ready for a great work. Learn to say a firm "no" when circumstances require. Even the head.

A first step. Understand why you can't refuse?

You think that if you have time, and another person is not, you must help him?

Throw! This is a problem for your sister that she planned the day so that the evening doesn't have time to pick up daughter from kindergarten. You can help her, if you have the time and desire, but you are not obligated to do so. How not obliged to lend to a friend who urgently need to buy a computer and not enough "any unfortunate 200 green". Even if people are used in some issues to count on your help and will tearfully beg and accuse you that you fail, it'll be their problem. You don't governess on salary and not a Bank, giving loans at interest. You are a free person and you have your rights, one of which is the right to dispose of his time, energy, and money in its sole discretion.

You tormented by guilt, because it seems that without your help no cost?

And if you go away on business? I get sick? Die? So some way to deal with their Affairs they will find. Sister will find a way out by itself, will change jobs or leave the daughter in five days. Each pertinet anyone else, or delay your purchase for the month. But the same thing they can do, and in case of your refusal. And will do!

Expect gratitude?

And it is in vain. People like you are seldom thankful. Such assistance take for granted and each time demanding more and more.

Begins, of course, all very innocently: "Sergey, keep, please, for my children and I for a couple of minutes POPs up".

Further - more, "As well here he is our whiskered nanny! I don't know, what would we do without you, how would these Alamanni coped. Play with them? And we are still a little Prosvirnin". Well then - hit of the season: "Well, we still potuguese a couple of hours, drink beer, and children Serega home will deliver. Hey Grey, what kind of person? Fitter, happier! Well, let's go already, and then it will be too late". And Sergei promised to carry out his girlfriend. But it doesn't care. The girl is not small, can drive itself, and who will deliver babies in homes, if not Serge?

The story is real. Sergei was then 30 years. How long do you think he still was a girl after what happened? No! And not because she's such a bitch and could not without provolok, but because it is impossible to respect the human being, which give the shaft to all and Sundry. Since then it has been almost 6 years. Serge still be guided with children of their friends. And their children have no...

Maybe you are afraid?

It does not matter what it is: resentment, anger, revenge or asking something else. The main thing - fear makes you once again to go against yourself and accept what you do not want. Take this fear and do not try to silence is useless. But don't go at it on occasion. Use method "fear, but they do." Remember how when you were afraid to pass the difficult exam in school, but went and passed. Do now: fear, but in spite of fear tell her "no! ".

And let this fear others see: in the end, will be important not your feelings, and your actions. If you are confident in your actions - you will succeed.

The second step. Learn to refuse

Practice in front of a mirror. Repeat "no" up until this unfamiliar word will not sound natural. Your "no" should not be pronounced guilty tone and should not to sound rude (you have no desire to get nasty, you simply inform your decision). Talk calmly. But firmly - to avoid any attempts to persuade you again.

Learn to refuse the details. Each call to chat on the phone - interrupt him in mid-sentence, say, "I'm busy, call me tomorrow". Friend will ask for 50 rubles "until tomorrow" - say, "Alas, my friend, I have now every penny counts". By learning to refuse to detail, you are more likely to believe that they can refuse and serious things.

It is not justified. Want - explain the reason for her refusal, but absolutely can not do it. On the question of the requirement of "Why don't you want to do something? " you can reasonably answer "why should I do that? " If you don't promise to respond to asylum nothing.

Say goodbye to enemies. Be prepared for the fact that many people still considered your best friend, will treat you as a worst enemy. Still - they used to sit on your neck and go where they want, and then they politely asked from this neck peeling. Do not despair. In the worst case, the current so-called "friends" will leave, and you have a brand new, genuine, which you will need in themselves and not as a person, which can be used at their discretion. And the best friends and relatives will remain with you and will sauvageot you with terrible force.

Love yourself!

Catherine often suffered because could not refuse, and came up with this. When the Queen spoke with another request, it immediately gained a mouthful of water and a few minutes walking through the Palace, thoroughly pondering his decision. Spitting out the water, Catherine the Great is often answered: "No! ".


Open your mind, open your chakras!

Open your mind, open your chakras! Do come home, you are exhausted, feeling exhausted and devastated? If you constantly live on the edge, balancing, so as not to break, it means that you will lose or block their vitality. Meanwhile, our body has potential energy, which is enough for a month to cover a major metropolis.

Chakras - the energy within us, our life force

Life is nothing but energy. Understand that you are worried and what you lack, you will be able to consciously manage their energy, and thus to improve the quality of their lives. Our body works as a receiver and transmitter of energy, we have 7 energy zones, which are called chakras. It is through the chakras we receive and give energy. Each chakra is responsible for a certain aspect of our lives, and meets certain internal organs. Depending on what happens with us, you can specify where in our body there are problems with the power supply (where the energy is blocked and not flowing freely).

So, what are they - chakra:

1. Muladhara-chakra

Location: base of the spine.

- Color: red.

- Responsible for: the ability to survive, instinct, inner strength and physical endurance, willpower and dedication.

Muladhara-chakra is the most instinctive, it connects us with the Earth. Level this chakra is the first test of our consciousness, there arises a person. Here also gain a sense of security, here are all our fears and worries.

When this chakra is functioning normallyyou feel so:
- A sense of confidence, security, peace, prosperity and well-being.

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:
Emotional expression: a sense of danger, fear, insecurity, lack of something, lack of support, envy, feeling themselves in the victim role.

Physical manifestation: pain in the lower back, kidney problems, adrenal glands.

For achieving balance do:

Feel your connection with the Earth, it will save you from feelings of loneliness. Remember that you have all the resources in order to be safe and to have all that you wish. At the same time, it is important to understand that the possession of wealth can not give the sense of security and peace of mind, if it is not inside you. Instead, in order to defend and strengthen their positions, create within yourself a feeling of tranquility, confidence and prosperity - your inner energy will begin to appear, and the outer world will follow you.

2. Svadhisthana-chakra

- Location: the pelvis, between the pubic bone and the navel.

- Color: orange.

- Responsible for: the ability to enjoy life, having fun, forming sexual and creative energy.

Svadhisthana-chakra gives us the sense of joy of life and the opportunity to experience a variety of emotions. This chakra is driven by the search for pleasure in sensual and sexual level. Here are our desires and aspirations to their satisfaction. Here arise and our emotions.

When this chakra is functioning normally

you feel so:
- The feeling of joy of life, get pleasure from the process, not the result.

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:
Emotional expression: the search for new sources of pleasure, anger, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, dependence on another person.

Physical manifestation: pain in the lower abdomen, diseases of the genital organs.

For achieving balance do:

Give yourself the right to enjoy all the pleasures of life, but strive to get pleasure from the process, not the result. Cultivate a sense of satisfaction, it gives a sense of value the moment and the fullness of life. The fear of losing the source of pleasure is often provokes anger, jealousy and authority. Succumbing to these destructive emotions, you lose your sexual and creative energy. Get rid of fears. Each person is free. Give yourself the right to be itself, and other - other.

3. Manipura-chakra

- Location: the area between the navel and the heart, the solar plexus.

- Color: yellow.

- Responsible for: willpower, self-control, development, resistance to external influence.

Manipura chakra is located in the area of emotions and desires and associates instinctive centers (the first and second chakras) and spiritual (the four upper chakras). The third chakra is the source of self-confidence and awareness of their own strength. Here are the stereotypes, attitudes, values and beliefs. Here is formed by our ability to choose what we want, and to submit his will to achieve the goal.

When this chakra is functioning normallyyou feel so:
- Insight, understanding their needs and aspirations, ability to focus to achieve the goal and the ability to relax to get pleasure from the result.

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:
Emotional expression: the conflict, the desire to always be right, guilt, a sense of himself as a sacrifice, sense of duty, inability to stand up for themselves, helplessness, resentment.

Physical manifestation: diseases of the digestive system, liver and pancreas.

For achieving balance do:

Define your true values and needs. Develop self-confidence. When you realize its value, it will cease to hear other people's views as a threat. Suppressed emotions block the energy of the three lower chakras and lead to loss of strength and decrease your motivation. Openly Express your feelings calmly claim your intentions, and preserve their internal borders, then you will not feel like a victim. Dependence on someone else's opinion makes you live with the possibility of others? - Free yourself from the beliefs and stereotypes that make you unfree and prevent realized as a person!

4. Anahata-chakra

Location: heart.

- Color: green.

- Responsible for: a state of harmony, love for self and others, compassion, the ability to forgive.

Anahata chakra - the heart chakra, here unite your ego and soul. With the awakening of this chakra opens unity with the world. Three lower chakras work with personal energy, starting with the fourth chakra, your mind goes to the level of a collective reality. The heart operates on the level of cooperation, rather than competition and struggle for survival.

When this chakra is functioning normally

you feel so:
- Harmony, joy from complete acceptance of life and other people.

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:
Emotional expression: sentimentality, "broken heart", the lack of love for oneself, dependence on someone's love, guilt because of the suffering of others.

Physical manifestation: weak immune system, diseases of the heart, lungs, circulatory disturbances.

For achieving balance do:

The path to unconditional love begins with self love. Love yourself and start taking care of yourself. Learn to praise yourself, do yourself compliments, restore contact with his heart. When you love yourself, you don't have to earn someone's love and to prove that you are worthy of it. Love will free yourself from feelings of injustice and ingratitude. If you perceive the suffering of others as if this is your fault, then you can reconsider your attitude. Suffering is part of life experience. If you are suffering for the suffering of others, you only increase the amount of suffering. Learn not to suffer and be touched.

5. Vishuddha-chakra

- Location: the area of the throat, neck.

- Color: sky blue.

- Responsible for: self-expression, creativity and inner potential.

Vishuddha-chakra is closely connected with the second chakra and her sexual energy, necessary for the development and manifestation of creativity. This chakra leads us to self-realization. There is formed a powerful incentive for self-development and expression of individuality. Here begins the path to inner freedom, so the throat chakra is also called "the door to freedom". Third, fourth and fifth chakra determine the true nature of man.

When this chakra is functioning normallyyou feel so:
- Understanding of its uniqueness, honesty to oneself, creativity, creation, manifestation of his true "I".

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:

Emotional expression: the struggle for the right to be free, the desire to prove wrong the opposite point of view, the inability to Express themselves, insincerity to yourself.

Physical manifestation: diseases of the throat, thyroid gland diseases, metabolism.

For achieving balance do:

Following the way of other people or imitating them, you are violating their right to individuality and suppress their true nature. To maintain harmony should be honest to myself in my thoughts, words, and actions. After all, if you say not what you think, and do not what I say, and live too, don't you! Learn to Express your opinion, even if it is contrary to generally accepted. Dependence on someone else's opinion is blocking energy in the fifth chakra. Discover their potential and find a way to Express oneself. Follow your true desires and goals, you become the master of my life.

6. Ajna-chakra

- Location: the forehead, the area between the eyebrows.

- Color: blue.

- Responsible for: intuition, the development of the "Third Eye".

Ajna-chakra allows you to go beyond the real perception of everyday life, to gain new knowledge from the source of the Universe, and to expand the system of life values and views. Here is developing the consciousness of the "observer" or "witness", when you are involved, and sozdaesh their involvement at the same time.

When this chakra is functioning normallyyou feel so:
- Inspiration, insight, a sense of unity with the world and nature.

If it is the imbalanceyou feel so:
Emotional expression: a distorted view caused by alcohol or drugs, self-superiority, and exaggerated assessment of progress in spiritual development.

Physical manifestation: dependence on alcohol, drugs, sexual fantasies.

For achieving balance do:

Suffering and illness arise when we stray from his ways and turn their energies against himself. When you feel that you have lost the meaning of life, concentrate on the sixth chakra, listen to yourself. Start to communicate with your higher self, seek answers to questions. Stay open and you will get answers. The ability to remain suspended, and at the same time involved, will allow you to gain wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life. Listening to your intuition, your true needs, you will find your way. When you follow their way, everything becomes clear and easily as if by itself.

7. Sahasrara-chakra

- Location: the parietal area, the upper part of the head.

- Color: purple (white).

Sahasrar is a pure cosmic energy, it is a center of illumination and enlightenment. The vibration of this energy creates a halo around the heads of saints and people with high spirituality. It is sacred, the highest level of consciousness. People who open and works well this energy center is a self - sufficient, they often do not live in society, they are altruistic and free build world around them and not need anyone or anything.


the website of Lotus

Love and personal space

Love and personal spaceIn any relationship not to forget about themselves and their personal interests.

We are eager to lose their freedom and seek to merge fully with your loved one, dissolve in it. We forget about our dear friends. They, especially those who have not met their soul mate, they resent us and unsuccessfully trying to lure to a meeting in a cafe, theatre or just for girl gatherings. We forget about their Hobbies and interests - how are we going to waste precious time on something besides communicating with dear man!

For example, you all his spare time to spend in the company of his beloved. And suddenly the work causes him to go somewhere for a week. In this situation, you have a global problem - what to do?

You by itself, as it turns out, are nothing. Loneliness, as well as the society of friends-friends, it seems you completely boring and gray. You feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Any trip to the cinema or to the exhibition comes down to serious thoughts: "the Sooner the better he came, how hard me one! "

This scenario can lead to a very sad outcome. All your life is reduced to a single person. If we assume that this person from your life will go (believe me, anything can happen, even if at the moment it seems absolute nonsense), the meaning of your life will disappear together with this person. You cannot do something the main and the only joy of his life. It turns out that you have only one bearing - if it will fail, you will fall, too.

The lack of personal space leads to serious problems in the relationship. If you are used to do everything together, anywhere without each other without the pressing need not to leave the house, then automatically you have generated increased custody of a loved one. You not allow him to breathe, and he, in turn, overlaps you the access of oxygen. You grow with each other, which prevents each of you move.

Never forget that you are a valuable human being. You're Personality. If you feel that you start to depend on the loved one, and without it, can't get full pleasure from life, urgently get a hold of yourself.

Learn to take pleasure in the time you do not find the side of his beloved. Organize a trip to a nightclub with her friends, but if this method is for you too radical, just pochustvuy in pajama party exclusively in female company.

Find the activity that will have you like: yoga, swimming, aerobics, dancing, clay modeling, photography, drawing, shaping... the List is endless. The main thing is that you had some things to do in your spare time, with the exception of communication with your partner. Believe me, your classes will strengthen your relationship. Of course, provided that he, too, will find a good hobby. You will develop each in his own direction, and then to discuss emotions and impressions.



90 seconds to strengthen health

90 seconds to strengthen healthJust fifteen minutes you want to eat an Apple, toss the nuts in a salad or to stretch the muscles. What are the benefits for you!

Just imagine, you do not sit in a queue for the doctor, don't run the procedure and do not even go to the massage. At the same time, your immune system stronger than stone walls, smile whiter January snow, and blood vessels and heart in perfect condition. And now the most important thing is to be healthy, you spend a total of 90 seconds.

This is faster than block ads on TV. Tempting?

You have only to leave the most popular myth of our times: to maintain a healthy lifestyle takes time... actually not as much as you think. Yes, a 30-minute sports is still important, and sleep 7-8 hours is a necessary condition for healthy and beautiful. And still leading experts know very simple and amazingly fast ways to significantly improve health. So while your favorite movie interrupt bright rollers, take care of their health.

Watching the smile

Passionately Zelaya. Let your loved like it for other reasons... But if you believe the dentist Ann Murray, kiss activates the saliva in the mouth, which in turn cleans the teeth and washes away bacteria, creating conditions for the great and terrible Decay. If you, alas, no one to kiss, buy chewing gum without sugar.

Securable gastric

Watch the temperature in the refrigerator. If the indicator is cold 4 C or above, your food is in the area of highest risk is at a temperature well breed bacteria.

Every year millions of fans curd cheese, early watermelon salad with mayonnaise, cakes fall in the hospital with food poisoning. One of the reasons is improper storage conditions. All refrigerators new generation has a light. Watch that he was exposed to a sufficiently low temperature level.

Forget about the headache

Keep your posture. Remember, as you sit behind a Desk. Exactly as in the first class? "Poor posture often causes a headache. But as a rule, never take into account and consider nothing," says MD Roger Cedi.

One of the provisions, which easily causes throbbing pain: head forward, neck in line with spine. The nerves and muscles in the skull base are clamped, causing discomfort.

This often occurs due to the fact that you "sponsees" on the chair in front of the computer. Or try something better view on the screen. Watch that the head was in its place, they are not "moved" neither forward nor back. Physical therapists offer the following program:

Imagine a string running from the crown to the ceiling. And you, like a bus, can't get off the line.

Check from time to time, to the ears in line with shoulders.

Put on the phone reminder every 30 minutes to watch the first two paragraphs.

Slowing down time

Breathe lavender and rosemary. Night floral fragrance will give you a sound sleep, and a day will lead nerves. Just 5 minutes it took to those who participated in the experiment in order to appease the anger. They just inhaled the scent of lavender and the level of stress hormone cortisol in saliva decreased by 24%. If on the window sill there is no "cure" in pots, buy essential oil. Released to worry about nothing.

It's great because stress increases blood pressure and weakens the immune system. By the way, the scent of lavender and rosemary are very afraid of free radicals irritated molecules that precipitate aging and disease. According to scientists, the radicals quickly leave the body.

Strengthen the rears

Cook a bowl of cereal. Whole grains are not just useful, they can prolong your life. Those who ate 11 servings per week, the risk of diabetes, asthma and heart was below 3 times.

Make a choice in favor of oatmeal, brown rice, brown bread, whole grain cereal, and (Hooray! ) popcorn. "In whole cereals remains biologically active part of the plant, " says project Manager David Jacobs. Life to plant life and to the one who eats".

Take care of eyesight

Eat the egg. No offense carrots will be said, but scientists believe that eggs... better for the eyes. They have more important carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin. They have a positive effect on the retina and improve vision.

The content of carotenoids eggs are second only to dark-green leafy vegetables. But doctors advise not to rush with salads - the body to better absorb the antioxidants from eggs.

Worry about cholesterol? Not: one egg per day will increase blood levels of lutein by 26% and zeaxanthin by 38%. Indicators of cholesterol and triglycerides will remain unchanged.

Dialed antioxidants

Add avocado. The vegetables are annoying drawback: they are not fat. And without it your body cannot metabolize carotenoids, which cleverly fight with cancer.

The biggest fans of salads - women. Especially when you need to get into your favorite jeans. Scientists have proposed one group to sit on a salad with avocado, and the other without. The blood test showed that those who ate fatty vegetable" was 5 times more lutein, 7 times - alpha-carotene and 15 times the beta-carotene compared to those who avocado was not given.

Take for tea figs. Dried fruits are known as the rich in antioxidants. But in some more, in others less. Scientists say that the most useful are those that are not particularly in demand. Figs and prunes received the most points in terms of nutritional value! A small handful of these fruits will double your antioxidant protection, that is, the ability to eliminate free radicals. And it is almost twice more than after a Cup of green tea.

Eat fruit salads

. Antioxidants like the company: a mixture of oranges, apples, grapes and blueberries makes them 5 times stronger than each fruit separately.

The content of phenol (a kind of plant substances that reduce the risk of chronic diseases) components for the salad go in the following order: cranberries, apples, red grapes, strawberries, pineapple, bananas, peaches, oranges and pears.

Increasing muscle

Do gymnastics. Not necessarily to join the club or to invite the coach house. In order to be flexible, graceful and plastic, just normal stretching. That's not to mention the power that you feel in the legs.

Those who loved to lie on the sofa, and then complain of "tight hamstring", has offered to do stretching 5 times a week. Scientists measured their flexibility and strength of the thigh muscles at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Exceptions: all muscles have become stronger and more flexible. Together with the tendon and the quadriceps (front and back of the thighs). With strong legs you are not afraid of any Hiking or travelling through the Carpathians, no extra kg

Fight cancer

Eat the peel. How useful is on the surface... the usual Apple! Cutting off skin color, you deprive yourself of natural protection against cancer. Recent laboratory experiments have shown that a dozen chemicals that are in the skin of apples, inhibits the growth of cancer cells in breast, liver and intestines.

Scientists believe that the grade does not matter - peel everywhere equally useful. But if you don't want to overeat pesticides, buy fruit from the garden. Natural are not unnaturally square sizes.

Take supplements

Vitamin D and calcium every day, brick by brick build a wall through which cannot penetrate the cancer cells. 4 years it took scientists to prove the strength of this Duo: women who took supplements, the risk of cancer decreased by 77%. Vitamin D strengthens the immune system. And this is the first barrier to malignant tumors," says study author Joan Lap.

Your skin produces vitamin D when it gets sunlight. But to boast of good weather is not always possible. In order to get a daily dose drink multivitamins. They give the desired effect and not subject to health hazards.

Lower cholesterol

Love pistachios. If your kitchen has never been these overseas guests, go to the nearest supermarket - with a special invitation. This will allow you to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. At least 11%. If we convert this modest figure by the language of the heart risks, then you are as much as 22% better immune from trouble with the engine.
Pistachio is one of the richest sources of plant sterols. "Are substances that reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the blood," says study author penny Kris-etherton. Just do not forget that in the handful of pistachios not less than 160 calories. So if you put in the salad nuts, lei less refills. And when sprinkled with crushed pistachios vegetables, don't add a lot of oil.

Replace sugar with honey. You have a sweet tooth? Switch to natural desserts. Since ancient times, honey has been used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. In particular, it was applied to the wounds, because it has natural antibacterial properties.

Today, scientists say that its impact may be even deeper. Tests have shown that honey reduces the oxidation of bad cholesterol, and it is in this form it is deposited in the form of plaques in blood vessels. Of all the varieties best suited buckwheat honey.

Support the mind in the form

Drink green tea. About you long walks glory sharp-tongued ladies? In order to stay in this status, do not skip evening tea. Not only does green tea inhibits cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer, but also contributes to the development of intelligence.

In Japan, where tea is revered not less than the blooming Sakura, scientists have wanted to see for yourself the veracity of loud statements. And saw that those who drank 2 cups of green tea per day, successfully passed the tests of intelligence (in particular, for memory). The more they drank, the better were the results. Perhaps for clarity of the mind responds to something else, for example, communication, typical for a Cup of tea. However, these data may partially explain why, where in honor of the green traditional drink, dementia is less common.

According to the materials of the magazine "Prevention", may 2008

The program "Anti-depression"

The program Behind the holiday, sea, long warm evenings on the terrace favourite cafe, "Mojito", open sundresses and summer carelessness. Sad?

We have a vibrant autumn! Not true, though with the passing of the summer heat our spirits must become minor, and clothes are boring and grey. We propose to change the setting "autumn Blues" on "autumn positive". Discover in autumn a lot of advantages will help you 10 of our ideas. hateful things have no place in your wardrobe! So go on shopping (summer collections, which are now good discounts, you can easily find things for autumn). Nice new clothes is a sure way to cheer yourself up! This fall, fashion skirts, bell, cashmere shawls, cozy sviterki, thick tights with different patterns.

Go to learn. September is the month when starting many training courses. And indeed, in the minds of most of us this month is associated with the beginning of the new academic year. So use your "student" fuse with benefits: enroll in courses of foreign languages, driving, business seminars and personal training.

Relax to the max! Yes, it's time to leave, many were left behind. But this is not a reason to forget about the rest of the whole year! Make trips to nature, parks, open-air museums, sightseeing in old manor houses and palaces. In short, take the velvet season, all the best!

Experience pleasant moments again and again. Selling pictures is a great way to cheer yourself up in the whirlwind of everyday life. Save on your desktop computer or mobile phone is a small selection of the most favorite vacation photos-2010. As soon as you feel that addictive routine or the Blues, rethink your holiday collage and smile flourish on your mouth by itself.

Create comfort. Select one day and arrange a house-cleaning. Only let it not be boring exhausting exercise, but real creativity! Wash curtains, wipe off the dust from the cabinets, put in boxes all unnecessary things (or give them to those who really need them). Update something in the interior. For example, buy a cozy lamp, fluffy blanket or a nice vase. When we change something in your home, you automatically feel an update and in his own soul.


Encyclopedia of women's life

Advantages of halogen lamps

Advantages of halogen lampsHalogen lamps have become commonplace in our homes. They are ideal for interior design, so enjoy popularity among designers and consumers.

Let's look at the main advantages of halogen lamps

Diamond lightthe lamps are produced in shades, different from the traditional, which allows you to create a contemporary atmosphere in the interior.

Universality. Halogen lamps can be used as General lighting, decorative.

Choices varieties.

Small size - miniature light bulbs help in creating decorative lighting.

The duration of illumination - from 2 to 5 times longer than conventional light bulbs.

High light output - from 20% to 100% more light.

How do they differ from regular?

Halogen lamps vary in shape and design. In commercially available lamp with reflector without reflector. Also available halogen in the form of regular light bulbs, they are ideal for lighting in chandeliers and sconces.

What are the differences between halogen lamps from traditional? The trend towards the use of halogen lamps is purely practical advantages. They are more durable, they have a different light, in addition, they are more economical and Shine longer.


Lamps and chandeliers in the living room

Lamps and chandeliers in the living roomLamps, chandeliers and sconces are simply necessary in any modern home. Today we will talk about the selection of these items in the living room. Here, special attention should be paid to ensure that lamps and chandeliers seamlessly match the interior design, then they will create a good mood in the house.

The panic

If Your interior is calm, then the light must find soothing. In this case, the perfect solution will be the lampshades made from organic materials. Subtle colors and interesting textures of fabrics or crumpled paper. They will look great in the interior and the furniture is simple and casual.

Attractive round shapes

Above the round table is better to hang the lamp, which repeats its shape. It will fully illuminate it. In addition, you should pay attention to that table, chairs, Wallpaper and shade were made of comfortable and natural materials.

Moore, Moore, we love the glamorous

If You prefer the glamour, You'll like lamps, consisting of several equal bowls that enhance the lighting effect. These lamps can be decorated spacious room. These lamps are efficient and look great over a dining table. Often this type of decorative lamps designers can use in modern dining rooms, decorated tableware of steel, glass or plastic.

Classic is always in fashion

For lovers of bright backgrounds will fit stylish chandeliers in classic style. The fashion for them does not pass with time. Refer to the most beautiful designs of the past, fear not - this does not mean that You do not keep up with the times. Classic chandelier can add a little romance, even in the modern interior.

Selection of chandeliers, lamps just great, buy them no problem. You can go to the nearest hardware store to pick something modern hypermarket or look in Internet store fixtures, to save a bit of time and money. The choice is yours, go for it!


The choice of light source

The choice of light sourceIn the old days in any room was one light on the ceiling in the form of chandeliers. But today, experts suggest a more serious approach to the issue of lighting your home.


The kitchen should be two lights above the dining table and have a work area. In the first case it is better to give preference to low round weighing lamp that will create a cozy space. In the second case is a halogen light bulbs, which are mounted in the upper part of kitchen furniture. Don't forget about the light over the sink.


In the bedroom it is best to use hidden light: wall lamps, wall lamp, night lamp. Dim, dim the lights will create a pleasant warm to sleep atmosphere.


The main condition for the light in the office, it's his ability to govern. Lamp working place is not even discussed. Glass luminous ceiling with colored stained glass and halogen lighting will not only illuminate, but also to decorate the office.


The light in the bathroom should be in the closed canopy. You can use the "pill" or "plates", and also as addition, spot light above the mirror.


It is better to use the top scattered light or luminous ceiling that simulates daylight. Note the brightness. Due to the fact that it is rarely in the hallways are open - they look quite "dark" so the brightness of the bulbs should be the maximum.


Women's Magazine

How to tie a tie

Tying a tie is a big problem for many men. Now there are many methods of tying ties, but in practice, not every man can easily and without the use of visual diagrams to tie a tie. Although not all as difficult and scary as it seems at first glance! Here caring woman should be able to help and tighten, so to speak, the node tighten on the neck of a loved one.

Way # 1. Simple node

This is the easiest way to tie a tie. Ideal for men who have time to spare, as well as for those just learning to do it! Remember that a simple site despite all its simplicity should look neat and be without folds.

How to tie a tie

Method No. 2. Universal host

If the previous method is the easiest, this is the most popular among others. Ideal for silk neckties (standard width), as well as wide and narrow ties. The most popular way to tie a tie. Try it, maybe You too this way will be better.

How to tie a tie

Method No. 3. Elegant node

The name speaks for itself. This method will help you to achieve the most beautiful and elegant site! What else you need to, for example, to make an impression on important business partners or to impress your beloved woman?!

How to tie a tie

Method No. 4. Windsor and sex Windsor knots

If You are a supporter of a very simple style, these two types of tying a tie You will surely enjoy and will come in handy.

Windsor knot is a wide triangular knot that is usually used in formal situations. Ideally suited to a wide collar. Windsor knot looks very impressive. Absolutely not suitable for ties with thick cloth-lined, otherwise the whole thing will be too massive.

Polovictory node represents the average width of the triangular site with a greater touch of formality. Ideal for all occasions! Best suited to a shirt with classic collar. Also this site is the most optimal for a wide ties of thin and medium-density fabrics.

How to tie a tie

And a few rules:

- The length of the tie fastened in the form should be such that the tie covered belt buckle.

- The width of the tie, as well as the choice method of tying should not only depend on the style of the jacket, but from the texture of the tie. The optimum width of the tie - 7-9 see

- Tie definitely need to do a tight, extra folds, or loosely attached node is an invalid phenomenon.

- The best thing to do is to tie a tie right on the collar, and not in the hands of like to do some men. Otherwise, the proportions may be broken and the site will not work clear and dense.

- To tie a tie is careful not to stretch the fabric. Any node need to tie careful not to pull the fabric.

What men how to tie a tie right?

Wide nodes are ideal big man with a broad face and a powerful neck (for example, Windsor node);

Small neat sites recommended for men lean physique (simple or half Windsor knots).

Choose the most convenient way for you and be on top!



How to make bread with your hands

How to make bread with your handsIf you have basic skills of sewing or crochet, we offer you to make a bread or a package candy textiles. Bread, hand made, great to decorate the table in your kitchen.

Textile bread

The kitchen is considered the heart of the home. Agree any man, but a woman, and so holds in the kitchen most of the time. Therefore, it is important that the kitchen was all arranged rationally and thoughtfully. And comfort in the kitchen create a cute heart detail: napkins, tablecloths, coasters utensils and kettle, towels, pot holders, candy, bread bins, etc.


any cotton fabric, two squares h mm;

plastic 2 mm thick or thick cardboard: bottom h mm, 4 side - h mm;

- Scotch;

threads in fabric color;

- chalk;

- ruler;

- tailor's pins;

domestic sewing machine;

- iron;

- Ironing Board.

The preparatory stage of making bread bins

Details of cardboard glued on all sides with tape;

To seucurity seam 15 mm on the wrong side on all sides of the tissue parts;

To make a marking chalk stitching of the bottom bread bins (Fig.), square 200x200 mm


Folded fabric detail on each other, wrong side inside, equating slices;

To stitch 3 sides markup 200x200, insert cardboard bottom, stitch the fourth side;

To zastrochit zigzag (or straight) line the edges of the bread bins overlaid seam closed sections. You can pre-insert cardboard sides and take advantage of the unilateral foot or to perform an operation in stages: first, he jotted the edge, then put the cardboard (and so on three sides, the fourth side will have to zastrochit was put cardboard).

Put chalk marks on all sides at a distance of 60 mm from each corner;

Connect the marks to form a volumetric area bread bins, and to fix it manually by setting obmetochnye stitch. The labels can be pritchet strings of thin ribbons, even at the stage of zatrachivaniya side and then to form a volumetric angle, just stringing them. Also protruding "ears" can be turned inward bread bins.

Bread, knitted


yarn about 100 grams, depending on the type of thread;

hook - and-4 or 5 (depending on yarn);

- sewing and hand needle.

The stages

To link a chain of stitches length of 200 mm;

To knit the side of polystability without SC (or any other dense pattern) h mm;

Add to each side of the chain of stitches length of 60 mm, should have a total length of 320 mm;

To knit the canvas polystability without SC h mm;

Step back from the brink of 60 mm and knit the last side h mm will end up with the canvas, as in the photo, in the form of a cross. Depth angles 60x60 mm

Fold the slices over and sew, forming the volume.

Bread is ready!



Christmas star: a master class

Christmas star: a master class
Our Christmas bouquet can be done at home. In it, the characters of the upcoming holidays: Christmas star and spruce branches. He will decorate the holiday table and will be appropriate as a gift, if you decide to go to family or friends.

One of the main trends of the new year's decorations 2011 - purple color. Take this into account when choosing flowers and Christmas decorations for our holiday songs.

Christmas star: a master class


- 3-4 lilac-purple eustoma,

- floral sponge "picaflor",

- fir-tree branches,

pink raffia,

- thick aluminum wire

- thin wire-bolonka,

- Christmas tree bulbs purple color,

- wrapping paper with purple pattern,

- floral wire

silver beads on a thin wire

knife, scissors, shears

Christmas star: a master class
First, we need to make a frame for a bouquet. To do this, bend thick wire in the shape of a star attached to its ends. Do for frame "legs" from the same aluminum wire.

Christmas star: a master class
Wrapped all the "rays" star wire with silver beads. Leaving free only the middle: here we will insert the flowers.

Christmas star: a master class
Bindable purple Christmas balls to the rays of the stars by means of wire-bulance. Our framework is bright new year.

Christmas star: a master class
Cut out sponge"picaflor" a few cubes of size 1 x 1 cm, wrap them in wrapping paper, tips podklinivaet. We should get a little "gift" box.

Christmas star: a master class
Gifts are usually decorated with ribbons. Here we will bind it our "cubes" pink thread raffia.

Christmas star: a master class
Inserted into the middle of the "stars" sprigs eustoma, from the bottom of the frame have a fir-tree branches. Bind the stems of the bouquet raffia or technical plastic tape.

Christmas star: a master class
Stick "gift" boxes at the floral wire and attach our cubes to the "rays" of the star.

Cutting shears the ends of the stems of the bouquet: they should not be too long. Place the bouquet in a vase and set in a permanent place. Isn't it our Christmas star looks magically and beautifully against the bright green needles? It will make the atmosphere of your home a little romance and will create a festive mood.


Color mint for refined natures

Color mint for refined naturesThe so-called mint color for several seasons remains popular, without ceasing to create the impression of unsolved mysteries. Yeah, this simple color can not be called, and designers as if still not done playing with him, hold him not tasted. Always leaving the impression of freshness and coolness, the color mint is perfect for the summer heat. It looks very natural, if the texture is light and transparent, and the silhouette of clothes free and flying. In the autumn cold is harder to find application of this whimsical tone, but favorite silk blouse and stylish jewelry mint color deserve the effort. What is more thick and warm clothes color mint pleasing to the eye no less.

Mint from head to toe - mixed combination for misty September morning. This is a good choice, of course, not every day, and generally to maintain similar style only yoke, very passionate about fashion. However, as recently as a year ago, many stylists assured that mint color is absolutely self-sufficient and not combined with anything except black or white. Now he has started to find more interesting and varied surroundings: pale blue, calm grey, yellow and blue are often a good pair for mint things. At the same time have to agree that it is impossible to predict whether a good one or another combination. Each time it is determined individually, and sometimes the choice is for unexpected solutions.

Absolute luck - it marine style. In combination with a vest and jeans mint accent creates a very dramatic effect, changing the look completely. Even if it's a small item, plastic earrings, belt or nail Polish, is still a win-win option. Moreover, it is suitable even for a party, although mint is not always plays well in artificial light, and allows combination with other bright hues - acid orange, red and yellow. By the way, dressed in disco, also you can use this color combination.

Branded clothing, fashion shoes, articles about fashion, sales - all fabulous promotions and special offers for the most stylish.

What is the joint purchase?

What is the joint purchase? Many ladies today prefer to dress on the Internet. Why? It's very simple! It's like buying directly from the manufacturer - of course, if through the official website. Or through the websites of the dealers. Plus online stores do not spend money on staff and retail space, and therefore the prices are by definition cheaper. Further, the Internet does not have to stand in line, you can get advice or to make an order in an atmosphere of maximum comfort. In most cases, serious shopping provides easy return and exchange for clothes and shoes it is always true.

Is it possible to make Internet shopping more enjoyable and profitable? Surprisingly, this is possible. One way to achieve this is a joint purchase. Many had heard something about this kind of shopping, but never tried it and don't really figured out what was the matter. It is for these readers written this article. The sense of joint purchases to gather in one order of few wishes, and sometimes even numerous customers with the same queries. Thus, the total effort is formed wholesale party goods. As a result of shopping is much cheaper. Yes and delivered to the party as a whole, it is much more economical than shipping a large number of similar small orders.

Initially, the joint purchase existed outside of the Internet: just gathered together interested buyers, choosing a responsible and organized order. Someone would take the money, someone was negotiating with the seller, and of course, a special person was responsible for the distribution of orders on hand. Now has the opportunity to participate in such events without leaving your home. Specialized portals for making joint purchases are automatically placed in a General order of goods, which are baskets of individual users. Through these portals sometimes do cheap purchase instantly because warehouse for the same low price goods are sold, abandoned by previous buyers.

Dresses, blouses, suits and much more - fashionable wholesale clothing from Italian manufacturers. High quality and stylish design for women, men and children.

Advantages of natural fabrics in clothing and items items

Advantages of natural fabrics in clothing and items itemsThe tendency of people to choose natural fabrics are influenced by their properties:

• In clothes from them is not hot summers, cold winters, they have high thermal insulation capacity.
• Highly breathable, absorb moisture. Natural fabrics "breathe", which is especially beneficial for the skin.

• Not electrified, as is the case with the toe of products from synthetic materials,

• Clothes created from natural fibers, pleasant to the body, is soft and comfortable socks, buy and evaluate such clothes on the site

Natural fabrics and their properties

The most common natural fabrics are cotton, flax (plant origin), wool, silk (animal).

To cotton fabrics include cotton, Batiste, calico, flannel, satin and others. Cotton is processed in such a way that it can be a delicate cloth (sliders and vests), and hard (used for sewing jeans). Articles of cotton fabrics always attract a buyer, as they are pleasant to the body, practical to wear, breathable. Especially these qualities are important in the production of clothing for children, so cotton is often used in its manufacture. Good summer cotton clothes - it will not be hot.

There are also disadvantages of this type of fabric. She hesitated, needs Ironing, can shed after washing cotton bright and dark colors is not such a saturated color.

Flax, and cotton also absorbs moisture and is hygienic for a person. Clothing from flax is very relevant in hot weather, even if it is wrinkled. Flax attractive as a simple man and fashion designer to create exquisite images in clothes.

The coat is indispensable in everyday life, without it can not do in cold weather. Everyone in the wardrobe will be found sweaters, sweatshirts, scarves and other things made of wool. This fabric is a good moisture, holds the heat well. Therefore, in woollen things cold winters.

Silk is one of the most expensive and beautiful natural fabrics. It is produced by the silkworm cocoons. Silk durable, pleasant to the body, absorbs moisture, which gives a sense of coolness in the heat. This high quality silk can buy not everyone.

Despite the emergence in the last century, artificially created by man, so-called synthetic fabrics, natural has not lost its relevance and is still popular. More and more fans from natural fabrics. Many products one hundred percent better natural than artificial material: bottom and bed linen, clothes for babies and other elements of everyday life.

Victoria's Secret bra is worth $ 2, 5 million

Model Miranda Kerr on October 19, 2011 in new York presented a bra from Victoria's Secret. The product was developed by company London Jewelers. To manufacture this part, the bottom lingerie went gemstones with a total cost of $ 2, 5 million. Among the rocks there are 142 carats of diamonds as well as diamonds, pearls, citrines and aquamarines. Just izdelie brings about 3400 precious stones.

Miranda Kerr also will be showcasing

Fantasy Treasure in the directory Christmas Dreams & Fantasies.

Last year the honor to show the public the diamond bra from

Victoria's Secret was given to adriana Lima.

Victoria's Secret bra is worth $ 2, 5 million

Photo site

Victoria's Secret bra is worth $ 2, 5 million

Photo site

Victoria's Secret bra is worth $ 2, 5 million

Photo site

On open foreign materials resources.



Select the jewelry business image

Select the jewelry business imageThe tradition of wearing jewelry there so long ago that to trace its origins difficult. From the most ancient times, natural stones and metals, processed in a special way, was used by the ladies as for the jewelry itself, and for other purposes - for example, engaging men, ritual ceremonies, even of witchcraft and magic.

Nowadays everything has become much more prosaic, but jewelry does not have to play a smaller role. Only "conjure" a modern witch is not already on boilers with decoctions, and above computers, printers, faxes and other wonders of technology... many companies have a dress code, which imposes on employees rather strict limitations, including related decorations.

What you can use in the office and what is not? What jewelry to wear, to show ourselves, and to match your business style? Stylists distinguish seven basic rules of the office of jewelry dress code, which we propose to your attention.

1. The relevance. No matter how you liked the author's hand-made jewelry from wool or exclusive colored rhinestones - all this is better reserved for weekend and long air sarafan.

2. Elegant minimalism is a fashion trend jewelry industry in recent years, especially relevant for "business jewelry". Prefer a modest but stylish gizmos, conquering not the brightness and boldness, and unobtrusive style. Prefer quality over quantity is better than the one ring, but expensive than many, but as at all.

3. Nothing personal. Business style does not imply the presence of some personal intimate elements in the form of a worker. Pendants-hearts and earrings in the shape of your sign of the zodiac should be left for a romantic Friday night.

4. Also remember classic jewelry rule of "three things". Office dress code assumes the presence of a woman not more than three pieces of jewelry. This includes engagement and wedding ring, which can be supplemented with earrings or chain and bracelet.

5. White and yellow. Business style, and in General all rules of wearing jewelry is considered bad taste combination of gold and silver jewelry. As an exception you can sometimes avoid products made with the involvement of both metals, for example, such as the famous ring Cartier, but such things are rare.

6. The most fashionable metals last seasons is platinum, white gold, silver class. They look more strictly than yellow gold. Stones that are valid within the office style, this pave rhinestone and medium-sized friends all girls" diamonds.

7. Time is money. And let's not forget such an important accessory business women, like clockwork. The best option is a classic gold watch with a calm face and leather straps traditional black, white or a neutral beige color. Avoid models with shiny stones, inappropriate will be bright colored straps.

And, finally, the cost of the decorations. At their price, your business partners and clients will judge how well are things going with you and, accordingly, whether to work with you. In Europe it is accepted that watch, cell phone, ladies handbag cost about the same salary. The conclusion is not how to save on decorations and buy something super expensive, not corresponding to your level of income. And do not think that the price of jewelry will solve all questions - business skills, ability to work will always be ranked higher than any jewelry.



Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves 2011-2012 autumn-winter. Photo gloves winter 2011-2012

Fashionable gloves 2011-2012 autumn-winter - tissue, leather gloveslong, short and medium length. There are no restrictions in the color scheme. Note the most interesting models and trends of the season. A hit can be called colored suede long gloves. Fashionable gloves from Jil Sander are made in brown leather with white stitching, it is beautiful, stylish and original. Louis Vuitton has released a whole line of gloves with feathers. Gloves from Nina Ricci is elegance itself: high, solid with beautiful buttons in the middle will satisfy even the most capricious fashionistas. For lovers only unusual this brand has prepared a short line leather gloves with the texture of crocodile skin. Not less interesting models with knitted sleeves from Rochas and lacing from Trussardi.

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012

Fashionable gloves season 2011/2012



Losing weight after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancyThe problem of excess weight is not spared even the former "Miss World". Pictures plump after birth Aishwarya Rai has spread around the world. How to lose weight after giving birth?

Aishwarya says that simply enjoys the joys of motherhood, but the child she gave birth in November 2011, and the extra weight and chin, and now there.

Immediately reminded of a mother with many children Victoria Beckham or model Heidi Klum; both beauties with the advent of the next child only become slimmer. What to do in order not to repeat the fate of the former "Miss World" and look like large stroinski Beckham and Klum?

The solution is simple - to do and to follow a few rules.

1. Observe the daily routine

Many young mothers with the advent of the baby completely forget about yourself. As a result, these mothers out of routine and meals happen often when the baby is sleeping. Your task is to make your own schedule. Ask someone to watch the child for 15-20 minutes so that you had the opportunity at least a normal Breakfast. The evening will seat the baby in the hands of the Pope and quietly dine.

2. Avoid diets

To go on a diet a few days after birth is absolutely wrong decision, especially for those who are breastfeeding. If you feed your baby breast, and so you get rid of extra pounds, but you need good nutrition and not diet.

Heidi Klum

3. Try to walk more

Once you feel sufficiently recovered for physical activity, take the stroller and go for a walk. It is important not just to sit on the bench, shaking the stroller, from time to time. Your task is to walk. Choose a Park close to home and "twist" circles until the baby is peacefully snuffle in a stroller or sling.

4. Start practicing

If the baby is not one to leave, put him in the sling and begin to perform simple physical exercises, such as squats. Believe me, the baby will be delighted as you after such training will quickly return to the form.



How to cure a smoker's cough?

Is it possible for a smoker to get rid of morning cough. Hacking cough attacks known to every smoker. Over time, the cough begin to perceive, as a matter of course that invariably accompanies Smoking. Smoker's cough becomes a symptom of a very unpleasant disease - chronic bronchitis.

How to cure a smoker's cough?

This phenomenon suffer nine out of ten tobacco lovers. The number of smokers is increasing. Several years ago, the bulk was accounted for by men, while the share of many female smokers did not exceed five to ten percent, but by the late nineties it has already reached more than forty percent.

Dangerous if smoker's cough

Most smokers believe that the cough is a pushover, because the deterioration of health, it is usually not affected. But chronic bronchitis with frequent exacerbations may turn into disabled. Inflamed bronchi are narrowed, swollen, exposed to spasm. Lungs expand them in circulation. May develop emphysema, which is almost impossible to treat. A large part of the lung eventually atrophies. Because of this you receive the oxygen deficiency, come weakness, shortness of breath can occur with acute asthma. If fifteen years of Smoking one pack a day, emphysema can not be avoided.

When to see a doctor

Actually, you can put a diagnosis, if cough distresses you not less than two years (even if the sputum is necessary to produce only in the morning). It is important to monitor the character of the sputum. If the allocation of yellowish-green (purulent) or their number increases significantly, it speaks about the acute form, which must be treated immediately. The process of acute bronchitis are always accompanied by weakness and fever.

An indicator of the condition of your lungs can be the way you breathe. In normal condition, the duration of the breath is equal to the duration of exhalation. If you exhale longer than the inhale or requires additional effort, then you will need the help of a pulmonologist Kirill has. To stop Smoking, then extend their life.

How to treat smoker's cough

Along with quitting Smoking will have to resort to expectorant and expand the bronchi tools, oxygen, etc. In the case of acute bronchitis are prescribed antibiotics. Try the antibiotics take as many days as you have been prescribed by a doctor, even if the temperature was lower and the amount of sputum decreased. But it is not necessary to assign the antibiotic itself. Bacteria will get used and adapt to the antibiotic that you feel safer area. If the mucus is removed with difficulty, you will need effective expectorants.

Use natural means:

the thermopsis;





the thyme.

Essential oils of these plants stimulate the mucous membrane of the bronchi, liquefies phlegm, help her Department. Using these tools, bronchi gradually cleared of mucus.



Soy diet on obesity and anxiety

Soy diet reduces anxiety caused by chemical substance bisphenol - this is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of North Carolina, reports

Soy diet on obesity and anxietyExposure to bisphenol a increases the level of anxiety by altering gene expression in the amygdala - the part of the brain responsible for response to fear and stress. Bisphenol a with properties similar to the hormone estrogen. Incidentally, he can become a cause of cancer.

The study's author, Professor of biology Heather Patisaul (Heather Patisaul) States that bisphenol a can cause anxiety in some animal species. The main objective of the study was to understand why and how this happens. To do this, scientists have studied five groups of rats. In the first consisted of animals treated with food low amount of bisphenol a, and one group in addition received dietary soy. 3 group consisted of rats that received normal food. Rodents of the fourth group ate foods rich in soy, 5 group consisted of animals receiving more estrogen.

The results showed that in rodents exposed to BPA, and not treated soy, anxiety was significantly increased. However, in animals on the soy diet such changes are identified. In addition, the first time scientists were able to establish that the anxiety caused by the changes of gene expression in the brain.

Researchers believe that the beneficial properties of soybean caused contains phytoestrogens, however, for more accurate detection this regard, they will need a number of new research.



Sit on bread and water!

Bread diet Israeli nutritionist Olga Times quite effective, but to starve you don't have to.

Bread diet consists of two stages. At both stages, it is important sufficient fluid intake: 8-10 glasses per day for women and 10-12 for men, this does not include coffee and black tea. Also at both stages, it is important to take one tablet a day multivitamins and one tablet of calcium.

Sit on bread and water!

The first stage of a meat diet

8-12 slices diet bread per day for women and 12-16 for men. Every 2 slices diet bread can be replaced by one of ordinary. Bread can be applied almost everything, but very thin, almost transparent layer. You can put a thin piece of fish - salted or from banks, ham, thing, anything sweet!

You can have any non-starchy vegetables in any form and in any quantity! You can eat 3 eggs a week, in any form.

Be sure to eat one jar of yogurt (200g) per day. 3 times a week - serving of meat or fish with vegetables, on this day, to reduce the amount of bread 3-4 slices. One serving of fruit a day(one Apple, pears, 3 plums, and so on), you can sometimes replace it with diet dessert. Must have every 3-4 hours, even if you do not want, do not skip meals!

The second stage diet

At this stage diet bread can be replaced by other products.

Every 2 slices of bread can be replaced with a glass of boiled beans, a Cup of cooked pasta, two-thirds Cup of cooked cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, pshenki, Fig.

Every 2 slices diet bread, you can substitute 1 boiled potato, 1 corn on the cob. Sometimes you can replace 3-4 tablespoons of cereal for Breakfast, 1-2 spoons of muesli. 2 slices diet bread, you can substitute 2 diet crackers. Vegetables still without restrictions. The fruit can be increased to 3 servings per day. 1 yogurt a day is mandatory. Must have every 3-4 hours!

The first phase lasts for 1-2 weeks.

The second stage - almost all my life.



Comedy will help to cope with the pain

Comedy will help to cope with the painA small British study has proven that laughter can increase tolerance to pain. It turns out that while laughter causes chemicals to be released endorphins, known as the hormone of good mood, which are also highlighted during physical exercise. Laughter is useful when it hurts, because it's hard work for the body. A full-fledged, sustainable laughter is a good workout for the muscles of the chest and lungs, and this can cause the release of endorphins to ease the pain. To such conclusion scientists from Oxford University, which conducted the survey.

When the levels of endorphins increases pain threshold of the person grows. For the study, researchers conducted a series of six different experiments in the laboratory and one in the real world. Many tests were conducted in small groups, because other studies have shown that laughter is 30 times more likely to occur in social circle, rather than alone. In some studies, half of the volunteers watched a Comedy video, while others watched a documentary about such boring things as instruction on the game of Golf or training of domestic animals, or nature programmes.

Each participant was tested before and after watching the video by using such known techniques as tight tightening the cuff for measuring blood pressure around the shoulder or placed on the forearm of ice sleeves as man can endure. The researchers also recorded the amount of time that participants had edmeades. However should only be considered a full-fledged real laugh, not a polite titter or a tight smile. Those participants who watched a funny seen, felt less pain than those who watched explicitly Nesmachnyi transmission. So, laughter is one of the best natural medicines for pain.

It's all about coffee

Perhaps a few drinks cause so much controversy about their use as coffee. Some believe that it is very harmful, others, real coffee lovers, drink several cups of this drink on a daily basis. So dangerous is coffee?

It's all about coffee

It is impossible to definitely say, harmful if coffee or harm is exaggerated. Each person has individual peculiarities of the organism. For some, coffee mozete to present absolutely no danger, and someone it should not be used.

Many people call coffee drug, considering that it can cause dependence. Actually, it is, for the most part, a myth. Coffee does not cause psychological dependence and does not require increasing the "dose". A complete rejection of this drink is fraught, however, some effects, such as headache, irritability and sleepiness. So, if you decided to give up coffee, you should not do it abruptly.

And yet, coffee has some bad properties. You should not drink for people with high blood pressure and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Do not abuse coffee and pregnant, as it may lead to deviations in the weight of the child, though to a minor. Also, coffee is not recommended for people with high anxiety, atherosclerosis, and kidney disease.

Although all of these contraindications are relative and apply only if you drink in a day too much flavored drink. But, one or two cups a day usually safe.

Now let's talk a little bit about the benefits of this wonderful beverage, which is much greater than the minuses. Coffee is useful for people with low blood pressure. It also increases efficiency and reduces fatigue. However, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, otherwise the effect will be quite the opposite. Coffee improves blood flow to all organs, helps alleviate asthma attacks, prevents caries. Due to the content of serotonin, coffee helps to avoid depression. Coffee contains vitamin P, which is necessary for blood vessels.

It was also made an interesting remark in the process of studying the coffee: people who daily consume coffee are less likely to suffer chronic alcoholism.

So, as we can see, coffee has more pluses than minuses. So, give it no meaning. However, everything is good in moderation. The marginal rate is four cups of this drink during the day. And when large quantities of coffee has damaging effects on the body.

All these remarks prepared for a natural coffee drink we, alas, not often. But instant coffee contains much more caffeine than natural, so doctors recommend eating it less often.



Things to do in Groningen, Holland

The Netherlands is a beautiful country with a fascinating history, unique architecture and interesting traditions. Tickets there are very popular, especially as tours in Holland from Moscow today offers quite often and are inexpensive. They include not only stay in Amsterdam, but also visit other equally impressive cities.

These can safely be attributed Groningen, located in the North of the country in 30 kilometers from the North sea coast. Officially, the city was founded in the XI century, but historians say that the settlement existed here in the IV century BC. Now Groningen is the administrative center of the homonymous province and the largest scientific settlement Holland.

The city's University, founded in 1614, is considered one of the oldest in the country. Its alumni include many famous scientists, politicians, and educators. Now in the school has students from all over Europe. The University is famous not only for its architectural decoration, but also a wonderful Museum which tells about the history of its formation and significant events.

Of great interest is the groeninge Museum, transformed into a modern arts centre and situated in a beautiful, futuristic building. The city also operate a tobacco Museum, Anatomical Museum, Anthropological Museum, North sea Museum, Museum graphics, Historical Museum and Museum of comics.

The city is decorated with several beautiful temples. The most significant of them is the Church of St. Martin to the old tower, which towers over the city for more than 500 centuries. The core values of the Church are the largest in Northern Europe the authority and dated to the XIII century unique frescoes. Very beautiful ancient Church AA-Kerk and Give-kirk.

20 km from Groningen is a small town of Slochteren, the main attraction is the castle of Palembang. 70 kilometers from the city is the monastery Ter-Appellants, the construction of which lasted over a hundred of summer in the XV and XVI centuries. Close and place Pieterburen, where you can visit the seal sanctuary.

Travelers are attracted national Park, located 42 km from Groningen on the shore of a picturesque lake. There are several exciting Hiking routes. The Park attracts an enormous number of migratory birds monitored. Among the tourists are popular and excursions to the surrounding city farm animal.

In Groningen, as well as throughout the Netherlands, hosts many festivals. The most striking of them is the flower festival, held every summer, during which the entire city is covered in a beautiful floral decoration. Great emotions will give the festival of pop music, photo festival, and other festivals and fairs, accompanied by a cheerful festivities.

In everyday life Groningen quiet and peaceful, surrounded by manicured gardens and flower beds. Surrounded by an atmosphere of a noble of the middle Ages, he is not burdened with such side effects of civilization, as the noise, traffic and stress. The town is perfect for a leisurely, relaxing holiday.

The climatic conditions here cannot be called soft, summer in the city is pretty cool, as it affects the proximity of the rough North sea, where storms caused by cold wind, is quite a common phenomenon. As an alternative to warmer weather you can always choose a cheap holiday in Spain or in Italy. The Mediterranean coast is ideal for a beach holiday, and the number of attractions in these European countries to say no.