Advertisers working in the beauty industry, I know very well their job. They have learned what we need, what we fear and trust. They learned to do this kind of advertising that we begin to believe that Cindy Crawford is a friend from a neighboring apartment, which just recently tried the cream's and helped her. Seeing a man in a white coat, they immediately write it in the doctors and believe every word of it, although the mind is most likely understand that this is just the actor. Continue to infinity. But what actually lies behind the beautiful promises to return the youth? Really are all of these magic creams or we just make a fool of?
Myth 1. Botox
Botox is a very effective tool to visually reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but only if you apply it in the form of injections. His secret is that he paralyzes small muscles of the face, and they cease to be reduced, resulting in wrinkles. The cream is not able to penetrate into the facial muscles, making it completely ineffective.
Myth 2. Seaweed extract of black caviar
Dermatologists recognize that and seaweed and caviar moisturize the skin, but there is no evidence that these substances can reduce the depth of wrinkles. So the benefits definitely does not justify the price. If you use this cream and feel that your skin begins to razglazhivaetsya, it's probably only because she needed the moisture. A similar effect can be obtained, and using a cheaper cream.
Myth 3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a very good antioxidant, in addition, it is necessary that the skin was produced collagen. But for this it should be regularly applied in the form of vitamins, and not in the form of creams. Whatever was said in the advertisement, there is no scientific evidence that it can reduce wrinkles. In addition, in most cases, the vitamin C contained in anti-aging creams, not even penetrate the skin. The same, incidentally, often applies to other vitamins.
Myth 4. Natural ingredients
Creams with labels like "organic", "natural extracts", "natural" for many women act as a magnet. Somehow they believe that natural ingredients will be more effective. However, this is not the case. Synthetic components are often strength is not inferior to natural.
Myth 5. Collagen and elastin
The sad truth is that no matter how much uteri collagen in the skin, wrinkles less will not. Molecules and elastin, and collagen are too large to penetrate through top skin layer. It is simply impossible from the point of view of medicine. In addition, the use of collagen cream can affect your skin. As I said, collagen cannot penetrate the skin, so it will just clog pores, and this leads to you know what. However, with the help of collagen can be temporarily get rid of wrinkles - again, if you make an injection.
Myth 5. Alvaritosatu (ANA)
Alvaritosatu not only do not contribute to the rejuvenation, but on the contrary accelerate the aging process of the skin. The essence of the activity of the ANA is that they remove the top layer of skin, exposing fresh layers. Thus, it appears that the skin looks younger and fresher, but it is absolutely defenseless against ultraviolet rays and other harmful effects.
Myth 6. 2-dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)
Immediately after applying the cream with 2 dimethylaminoethanol causes skin cells to grow due to expansion of intracellular cavities, and then the wrinkles on the skin are smoothed out, however, this action does not last forever. In a few hours starts slow, and the rate of cell division in the skin decreases, moreover, some part of them dies.
Myth 7. Placenta
Rejuvenating effect of the placenta was discovered in the last century. The experiments revealed that the secret of her influence in steroid hormones, which, penetrating the skin, really rejuvenate it. But (and this is important) soon after it turned out that the placenta has many side effects: in particular it changes the hormonal background, which is not very cool. Therefore, scientists have tried to remove from the placenta hormones. That is exactly what rejuvenates the skin. However, in most cases, when you try to sell a cream with placenta, there is not even a placenta. Get human placenta for the production of creams now banned, and if you say that the placenta derived from animals, then there are three possible options:
it is a real placenta hormones, and then you get a lot of side effects
is "neutralized" placenta without hormones, and to sense from it will not be
- this is not the placenta, and that then the jar is unknown, and in the best case from the cream simply will not be confused.
Myth 8. Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is part of the human skin and is responsible for its elasticity, therefore, beauticians decided that if it be rubbed topically, the skin will become younger. The truth is that this method had the effect of hyaluronic acid should be contained in the cream in the low-molecular formula, and it is extremely rare, otherwise it will act as collagen, i.e., in any way, and even worse. Therefore, to achieve the effect it injected under the skin.
Myth 9. Liposomes
Unfortunately, it is also a myth, although it is a word we often hear from our television screens. Once there was a theory that as a result of aging of the skin thickens the cell membrane and liposomes are said to be able to merge with the cells and add them moisture, restoring them. However, the theory has not been confirmed - it was found that in young and old cells the thickness of the membrane is the same. So another myth less.
Myth 10. Royal jelly
This myth appeared relatively recently. Play here, as it is easy to see that the desire of women to think that they use only natural cosmetics. However, Royal jelly is also another myth. It is simply a waste product of bees and, as scientists have found, does not possess any magical properties.
Myth 11. Albumin
Many anti-aging creams contain albumin. Those who have used this cream, you may have noticed that after application, the skin looks as if it is better. So, does it help? The secret actions of albumin simple - it doesn't get rid of wrinkles, but simply creates on the skin of the film, making wrinkles less visible.
Of course, it's not all the "magic" ingredients, which lures us advertising, but should be sufficient so that the next time you go to the store for cream (any), all these strange words did not hit you up. And if in doubt, you can always ask a friend doctor about the new tool.
Often times, bought the tool from wrinkles really affect the skin in a positive impact. As already mentioned, in most cases, this is due to the fact that the skin finally got it needs moisture. For young skin hydration and nutrition is one of the most important components of care, and so for this you need to follow regularly. In addition, if you want longer to preserve youth and beauty of your skin, or just to keep it in good shape, follow these simple at first glance, but sometimes quite difficult to perform rules:
- Always use a cream with UV filters
- Make sure that your skin is kept well moisturized
- Do facial massage, to prolong fit facial contours
- Give up Smoking
- Do not abuse alcohol
- Try a good night's sleep, constant stress from lack of sleep can accelerate aging
- Drink more water
- Watch your diet: don't overdo the sugar, white bread, fatty, fried and too salty.
- Try to eat more vegetables, nuts and fruits
- Often fresh air and exercise regularly
- Smile. This will not relieve you of your wrinkles, but it will cause other people to forget about them
Makarevich A.
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