Monday, March 3, 2014

Why women fall in love?

Why women fall in love? Why we fall in love? Why our hearts begin frantically to fight with one glance favourite man? What makes us get him mad and burn inexplicable passion that arose so suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere? Is the reason the notorious chemical reactions that occur in our bodies? Or it's more complex and not limited by hormones?

Women with their inherent curiosity and desire to raslavich point on i decided to sort out their feelings, or rather the feelings of all women and to answer the question: "Why do women fall in love? ". After all, who we are not, themselves the hero of the occasion", will be able to explain the feeling of being in love.

We fall in love, let's love, waiting for the return of feelings, rejoice worship. And don't think much about why she chose this particular man, what caused feelings for him and that we have him captured.

Even we, women, are often unable to clearly explain how it was conquered our hearts. But we, unlike men, more candid, we are inclined to introspection and reflection on the theme of love, relationships and feelings.

Why women fall in love. Statistics

- 61% - I do not know how to live without problems,

- 13% - love money,

- 11% - not listened to in their time mother

- 9% - very fond of animals,

- 6% - just fools.

This statistics I found on the Internet, at first laughed, and then thought: Yes, there is much truth! And about the extra problems, and about animals, and even about mom.

Frankly, I think, probably, I will assume that love, as the woman can't be explained, it is something irrational, and to give him a clear explanation is very difficult. After all, we're not talking about love that is nurtured for years, which is forever for one. Love certainly does not justify some chemical reactions (even scientists, who adores all be attributed to hormones and biochemical nature of feelings - grief, happiness, motherhood, instincts, and so on - give in to it).

With love, things are different. She, unlike love, can occur out of nowhere, it's like running a spark, as a kind of magnetism, when a strange and completely different people are attracted to each other perfectly and even catched the meaning.

So can scientists not so wrong? Let's think and discuss it together.

Signs of love

What happens to us when we find attractive for us in every sense of the man?

Our heart begins to beat faster and just about ready to jump out of the chest;

Us throws first in the heat, then cold, and this change is per second;

Our palms sweat, and the hand - trembling;

The whole body begin to shiver run (even in the most unexpected places), and numerous flocks;

Our pupils dilate and live their own lives;

We are not leaving a wonderful feeling of flying and even some of intoxication (feeling fine until until it begins vomiting dizziness);

- Our senses, all in one moment;

- We lose our appetite (well, at least something positive is in love shape our becomes almost perfect);

- Cold, torturing us until this whole week, takes forever;

We feel the strange rise, it seems to us that we are all-powerful (a galloping horse, a mountain to collapse, the man out of a burning house to bear, and so on);

"We can't focus on anything except the object of his restless passion (especially at school and work);

We cease to be angry and argue, we begin to love everyone (even arrogant neighbor, even stupid head, even constantly climbing in our personal lives colleague at work);

- We want to sing and dance;

We don't need sleep and rest, we, generally, do not feel tired;

We go mad and, worst of all, we really like :)

Of course, You may be a little different, as love, as mentioned above, irrational and could be manifested in all different ways. Here the important role played by age, temperament and upbringing.

The hormone of love. The love and chemistry

So, believe the scientists and their claims that love is of a biochemical nature and related to the chemical reactions in our brain?

They even brought the hormone of love - phenylethylamine or abbreviated FENG. It has been proven that it sets the tone for our relationship with the opposite sex. It makes our heart beat in a crazy rhythm, our knees tremble, pupils to dilate, and so on (see above "Signs of love").

Moreover, love has an impact on the level of adrenaline in our blood, and the latter is known to exacerbate all the senses, accelerates the heartbeat and causes a General feeling of lifting.

Add to that the effects of endorphins, activating our immune system, and receive a quick recovery from colds, cough and headache.

Well, kissing and taking place during the reactions in our brain, to speak generally not necessary. Even I believe that kissing, we share not only with saliva and bacteria, but also information about each other (compatibility, health and so on).

I.e., from the above, it is possible to make a reasonable conclusion that love and, most importantly, its biochemical nature, causes our bodies to work hard, do not eat or sleep, to not be sick and well look.

Well, remembering his youth and the experience of friends, which was dried by not always worth it men (evil, like Quasimodo, adoring mother and only the mother, afraid of a serious relationship, living at the expense of women, lazy and just adventurer), when it was clear that they are not explicitly guided by common sense and clear mind, I start to believe that not all of our feelings are controlled by the mind, and that one of the first violins play here hormones and other specific chemical compounds.

But even this knowledge did not make me love less pleasant feeling, and the love - less fun.


Beautiful and successful

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