Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why am I not losing weight, or 6 female bugs

Why am I not losing weight, or 6 female bugsWomen's Magazine will tell you about the 6 mistakes that make women trying to get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Mistake # 1

Torture yourself with diets in the hope that without exercise will be able to lose weight? It is possible, only then you have to buy a "subscription" to the gastroenterologist. Better to spend 30 minutes a day gymnastics or favorite sport, than a long and painful to try to heal the effects of harsh rapid diets.

Mistake # 2

In the hope to lose weight many refuse to Breakfast, and vain! Have you ever noticed that, not having eaten in the morning, your dining portion increases in half, however, as the volume of the hips and waist. Conclusion: it is better to have Breakfast oatmeal with fruit or any other porridge, than to torture yourself in the morning fasting.

Mistake # 3

From dinner, too, do not give up. All you need is to follow a calorie servings.

Mistake # 4

Many of us in the pursuit of slender figure limit or even exclude from your diet bread. Unfortunately, we forget that the bread is a source of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, which is necessary for our intestines to normal operation. There is one "but" - your bread should be whole grain of wheat flour and no butter bread or baguette.

Mistake # 5

Do not deny yourself a long time in sweet, because the effect will be quite predictable. Suffering, but, overcoming temptation, after a week of such torture you attacked cakes and pastries, which can lead to excess weight. Better to pamper yourself, but rarely in the first half of the day.

Mistake # 6

Excluding completely from your menu fats, you may deprive your body the basic building materials for the body tissues, organs and skin. Give preference to plant and fish fats.


Matilda Stoss

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