- Julia, in August released a new movie with your participation, based on the book "Eat, pray, love". What is in your life play these three words?
- Huge, perhaps, to any other person. Something very personal, something funny. But the work of this picture was very interesting and taught me a lot. For example, the fact that India is really easy to pick up infection is seriously ill, not only I, but also the Director and several members of the crew! Thank God, nothing happened, but my character I would advise to take a trip somewhere else... Although, seriously, and the book was delivered this picture, and the film itself make readers and viewers to think about many important things.
- Could you, as the main character, to give up the familiar life and go somewhere for the whole year?
"I don't think it would be easy to do, given that I have coming soon new movie, ends up working on the next picture, and about seven projects are in active development... But if I left America, it would go to Europe. There, by the way, I really like from the point of view of the film industry. Age favorite Actresses doesn't matter for European producers and, most importantly, the audience. And it gives the possibility of such amazing women like Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Sophia Loren, to continue the fruitful activity... I am 42 years old, I feel very comfortable and do not hide their age. But don't blame my colleagues who do not want the public and the producers knew how many they actually. After 45 even known and recognized actress to get in Hollywood role is not so easy.
Journalists have calculated that for the work in the movie "Valentine's Day" you had to pay 500 thousand dollars. per minute of screen time. You are still considered to be the highest paid actress in Hollywood. Why do you think?
- It's very simple - the audience continue to go to the movies with my participation. As for money, I've learned to treat them philosophically as to success in Hollywood.
- Your most successful heroine Vivian from Pretty woman movie you scripted remember in the movie "Valentine's Day". And they have long been revised legendary tape?
- Director of both films was my friend Garry Marshall, and remember "Beauty" was a pleasure for both of us. But the last time I accidentally saw her about 10 years ago on TV. And I thought I never was in a state of rest somewhere running, shouting, waving. In short, jump like a rabbit! (Julie laughs.) But "Beauty" has drawn to my attention, brought the audience love and nominated for "Oscar". I fondly remember about working on this picture.
- You have three children. In our country you would call a large mother. How do you cope? How much time could be given to babies?
Of course, I spend with children all my free time. How do you cope? Try many things to do around the house itself - and to do Laundry, and vacuuming. I believe that family is the most important achievement. My husband Danny is a professional cameraman, he has a lot of work, but this does not prevent him to spend a lot of time with our little daughter hazel and sons Finneus and Henry. By the way, Danny is an excellent cook and can still wash dishes!
"Why do you rarely go out?
Even before birth we are with Danny tried to spend their free time together and at home. They had a romantic dinner, watched TV or listened to good music. We now do this, but with the children. And all these Hollywood parties I quite uninteresting. With rare exception, I only visit the premiere of my film and charity events.
- We know that you will love to spend time in the American province. We have a provincial life is difficult and boring. While in the US? Do you and your children to grow up in the sticks?
- I like to spend time in the province. Like any man, I want a quiet life for themselves and their families. Unfortunately, in Los Angeles too many paparazzi who earn money, rudely intruding into the lives of famous people. The situation should be changed, but, unfortunately, for similar images tabloids are paying thousands of dollars, it is still the same. I hope that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (or his successor in this post) finally accept a law that will curb paparazzi. Or do I really have to raise children in the province...
Rules of life Julia Roberts
Arguments and facts
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