Netoptix, corn, or...?
- the most common "ailment" leather legs. Corns usually appear on the feet and outwardly represent the hardened skin of fuzzy shapes. Often corns are painful and can last for years. Corns occur due to wearing tight shoes, uncomfortable her pads. Interestingly, corns can occur when the body weight is unevenly distributed across the sole of the Shoe. For example, when wearing shoes with high heels, corns are formed, as a rule, at the foot of the toe. You should know that chronic corns indicate the development of such diseases as flat feet, so it makes sense to visit immediately orthopedist and receiving his advice, buy to wear orthotics. Corns, fortunately, does not affect the deeper layers of the skin, do not have the so-called "rods roots", so to effectively deal with these defects it is possible at home.
- also painful thickening of the skin often occurs on the heels and toes. But, unlike corns, calluses are small (a few millimeters in diameter), have a clear, often rounded shape. They are divided into dry and wet. In places wet corns comes through the blood and, over time, accumulates the fluid is the result of tissue damage. Such corn must be processed antibacterial solution and to treat small wounds or cuts. Over time, wet corn can be transformed into dry: having already deep "root" or "core." Treatment of dry corns - session time-consuming and laborious, so it is better to use the pharmacy means.
Before you take the above matters into their own hands, should determine whether it is corn or you are dealing with another scourge - the so-called plantar warts. Unlike corn, wart is live, neoregelia fabric. So if pricked or cut the wart will appear blood. The puncture or incision dry calluses can be painful, but without blood. In addition, warts are often located in clusters, while corn can be only one. To remove warts it is best to visit a beauty clinic. By the way, calluses and corns are also effectively removed in the clinic or salon. This is done using liquid nitrogen (it pisses Horny plot), the laser beam (softens, smoothes and even some semblance of a drill, when the rods corns "drill". But such a serious procedure is justified only in the case when the corns or calluses chronic, there are long. Usually the same time to hike on the treatment rooms are sorely lacking, and fresh, nesessarily sometimes corn or netoptix it is possible to eliminate the available methods at home.
Select the tool in the drugstore
Modern pharmacy offers us a choice of a dozen means for removing corns, it is difficult to enumerate all the existing names. It is not necessary, because the active substance in many drugs are similar, and get a mini advice about the range and choice of tools can now directly to the pharmacy the pharmacist. Favorite component antimasonry medications is salicylic acid. You can buy 10% salicylic ointment or creams or ointments in which salicylic acid is combined with other active ingredients (e.g., benzoic acid). Salicylic and benzoic acids have keratolytic, softening effect. But it should be remembered that the use of creams and ointments with caution; avoid contact with healthy, soft skin. Wherefore, corn, or netoptix first steam, using antibacterially bath.
Then place steamed corn or Netopia put the patch in which the cut hole so that the toes (netoptex) were not covered by this patch. Further impose healing ointment and a layer using the second layer of plaster, which will cover the toes (netoptex) and previous, protective piece of tape. This is the same principle applied antimasonry patches, where the fabric patch is already impregnated with the active substance. Ointment and a bandage should be left on the skin for 6-8 hours. Then softened the corneal tissue to gently scrape pumice, brush or by using a foot scrub. The fresher the keratinization, the fewer procedures required for its complete removal. If necessary, procedures should patiently repeat until complete disappearance of corn, or notoptera.
Vegetable oils (linseed, corn, olive) is able to deeply soften the skin, preventing its keratinization. Therefore, these oils are often included in the means for removing corns (corns). The presence of vegetable oils in the formulation of the cream for daily care of the feet makes it effective preventive. Buy pure vegetable oil in a pharmacy or store (unrefined, non-flavored, preferably the first pressing). Soak cotton socks this oil, put it on the night, wrap with plastic, and put on top of the second sock. In the morning is enough to clean up with mild soap and scouring the place of corn or Netopia. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated. Significant group antimasonry means contains castor oil. It stimulates circulation, supports the vital functions of tissues, quickly softens keratinized area. You can use the compress of castor oil and glycerine in equal parts. Here again fit "trick" with cotton sock.
Folk remedies for dealing with corns and calluses
The most simple, effective and popular tool for removing calluses and corns - regular
soap-soda baths (2-3 teaspoons baking soda 1 tablespoon grated soap in 1 liter of water). The bath lasts 30-40 minutes. Then scrape razmjagshuju skin, dry the feet and apply a nourishing cream.
For painful corns effective
bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. In warm water to dissolve the potassium permanganate to the water was pink, add a little salt. Lower legs for 15-20 minutes. After not wipe. The pain passes quickly.
Help to dissolve dead skin and
cold salt bath of 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water, the duration of the procedure - 20-30 minutes. Bath relieves pain, burning sensation and makes the skin soft. The number of baths depends on the speed of resorption, i.e., it is necessary to make as many baths as needed for full recovery.
Also, to soften corns and calluses will help
a compress of acetylsalicylic acid. Take 5 tablets of aspirin and a good mash them. Add to the powder one tablespoon of boiling water and lemon juice. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together until you have a homogeneous paste, which you will cause to the problem areas. Then the feet need to be wrapped in polyethylene and okoiti warmer. After 10 minutes you can remove the compress - all excess skin will easily cleaned with pumice.
Finally - a few simple tools for resorption of calluses and corns.
prunes in milk, remove from bones. Hot to make calluses, and when cool, replace again on the hot. Continue the procedure for 20-30 minutes. Blisters will quickly come down.
Before going to sleep to steam the foot in hot water, wipe dry and bind to corn
lemon rind with a small amount of pulp. Repeat the procedure 2 to 5 days. Then steam the leg and carefully remove the softened corn.
Raw potatoes
peel and grate. The resulting mass is put a folded several times cheesecloth and pribinova to corn at night. In the morning, the feet thoroughly clean if necessary in the evening to repeat the lotion.
Apply at night on the toes of cut
leaf aloe Vera and tie well. By the morning the corn is soft and can be easily scraped off.
In addition to these funds, keratinized skin on the soles of the feet are well removed
onions. Thinly sliced or gruel Luke cast feet, wrapped with a polyethylene or an elastic bandage. From top to wear socks and leave overnight. In the morning, the feet should be washed thoroughly to remove the softened skin blade and wipe dry.
The same principle can be used
garlic mushtrue , the latter is not too popular because of its strong smell.
Green Mama
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