During the holidays most outdoor enthusiasts rushed to the ski resorts, away from the urban bustle and smog. Of course, the skiing has a beneficial effect on the body, and we return to the city full of vigor and energy. But do not forget that while riding, we are exposed to many potentially dangerous factors - cold, wind and wetness. And it is the most dangerous thing is falling. There are even so-called "disease skiers" you need to know about in order not to spend such a long-awaited vacation in a hospital bed.
Mountain sickness
This ailment is known to many skiers and tourists. Headache, noise in ears, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, lack of oxygen, dry mouth - all these symptoms are associated with low oxygen content in the air. Most susceptible to altitude sickness cores and people suffering from obesity or with a athletic build. For them, every glass of alcohol during the Christmas holidays can end hospitalisation. In fact, due to the large mass of adipose or muscle tissue to eliminate the alcohol takes additional oxygen. And the brain at this time suffers from its lack. If you didn't pay attention to the deterioration and do not take action, possible muscle cramps and fainting. The first thing you need to take out the man from the mountainous region, and then to act symptomatically. For headaches use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, to neutralize the effects of leaching of carbon dioxide - drugs acetazolamide. But most importantly, rest for 2-3 days.
Poulnabrone the position in which we descend from the mountains, creates a large load on the rump. This is usually not dangerous, but at great length and in combination with climatic factors - cold and dampness can cause the development of sciatica and sacral and lumbar regions. When it twists so that the tears from her eyes, and not be so stiff you cannot. If the lower back is your weak spot, never start skiing without a warm-up and do not forget to take short rest breaks in shaded from the wind places. If you still twisted sciatica, then immediately remove skis and go to bed. Drink a couple of tablets analgesic and ask them to RUB a sore lower back anesthetic ointment (and if it is not, then vodka, then a good sametimes woolen scarf. At this time, let your friends or loved ones will acquire anti-inflammatory medication, vitamins and warming agent (special ointment or tincture of bitter pepper). Skis have to wait, because for 1-2 days, you will rest and bed rest. If the pain does not subside, then perhaps sciatica was the result of loss of intervertebral disk, and you need to urgently go to the doctor.
Snow blindness
Snow ophthalmia, or blindness, is burns of the conjunctiva and cornea with ultraviolet rays of the sun reflected from the snow crystals. Disease develops gradually: at first, you will cease to distinguish the difference of level of the surface, then in the eyes, feeling of sand. By the evening the pain become unbearable. Watery eyes, inflamed, swollen eyelids, and the vision slowly falls. The simplest cure for snow blindness - darkness. One or two days stay indoors in a dark, opaque bandage is enough for full cure. To ease the pain, you can use cold compresses and apply 3-4 times a day in the eyes of local anesthetic solution (dikain 0, 25% or trimekain 3%). And not to get such a burn, you need to remember the simple rules of prevention. Paradoxically, but on a cloudy day the danger of blindness is much higher than in the solar. The thing is that on a cloudy day because the ambient light all around is equally white: snow mounds and pits, even large ones, do not cast shadows and become indistinguishable. Because of this, skiers, to avoid an obstacle or not to fall into the pit, you have to squint and strain eyesight. Fortunately, the vast majority of skiers use goggles filters that negates the risk of blindness. The best is considered t.n. smoky glasses, reducing the brightness of the lighting, do not change the perception of surrounding objects.
During exercise should be a measure, especially for lovers. But, as a rule, we get into the mountains for a couple of days and come off in full. And at night suffer from leg cramps. This suggests that we have perenapreglis muscles and they have accumulated a large number of lactic acid. Should give your body a rest for a couple of days, all the symptoms will pass. On the night wrap the leg with an elastic bandage, and if brought cramp, pull the socks on yourself, hold them in this position for 10 seconds.
The most common cause of hospitalization skiers in the hospital, of course, is the injury. Some of us cost injury and cope with them yourself, the other "lucky" on fractures and dislocations. And here is the important first aid. Because x-rays on the mountain will not bring to any injury - whether it is a dislocation or sprain - need applies to the fracture. And only in the case of open fracture injury first apply to the wound. The first thing to do is call rescue personnel, while you are waiting for them, immobilize the injured limb. Locking it in the position in which it is deformed limb, in any case without trying it yourself to set a. Handout materials - sticks, boards, cardboard. Your goal is to create a likeness of the box, and empty space to score rags. The tire is applied so as to fix the joint or bone before and after fracture. While you are waiting for the doctor to reduce the pain, you need to apply the cold: the most simple - snow. It should be applied for 15 minutes, take 5 minutes and put another 15 minutes if pain increases. If the doctor certifies that you got off lightly and there is no fracture, remember that even a gentle stretch or tear ligaments need immediate cessation of exercise, and the treatment for at least 2-3 days.
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