Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Products for beautiful hair

Products for beautiful hairIt turns out that natural products act on the hair is much better than the creams and shampoos.

Creams and shampoos that are so widely advertised as a means for healthy hair, is unlikely to affect their strength and beauty better than natural remedies. But, it turns out that each person can make his hair perfect and without chemicals. For this you just need to eat some proper food.

Lean red meat contains a large amount of iron. Most of all it is useful for men after 40 years as a means to prevent baldness. Eggs nourish the scalp and nourish hair. When brittle hair, this product should be used necessarily.

Bananas, beer, oats, raisins contain silicon, which affects the thickness and strength of the hair. Spinach and broccoli contain vitamins A and C, which stimulate the secretion of sebum. Sebum is a natural conditioner for hair. Oysters and other seafood are struggling with baldness and dandruff. Sweet potato and protects the skin, hair, and hair from dryness. Beans need for a regular supply of hair.

Citrus allows the hair to grow normally. The omega-3 fat nourishes the hair follicles and prevents them from aging, therefore, to protect against baldness. Olive oil adds Shine and strength to hair.

Of course, you cannot forget about the cosmetics that make our hair healthy and beautiful. Hair dye professional help to deal with gray hair, giving hair lush, rich shades, adds volume to fine hair and changes the boring color for a more fashionable and expressive colour.

"If these products are for all hair functioned equally efficiently, you could eat them alone," writes one of polzovateley Twitter.

Edition " believes that natural products never hurt anyone. So worth a try in any case.


to be continued

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