Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pitt and Jolie divorce

Pitt and Jolie divorceThe most beautiful Hollywood couple Angelina Jolie and brad pitt diverge. Preparing for divorce began in December last year.

They decided to divide equally their earnings over $ 330 million dollars, as well as real estate in California, France and New Orleans. Legal documents that were allegedly signed by the couple this week, indicate that they plan to divide his fortune equally, equally each of them assumes custody of six children. The reasons why the couple decided to separate, not called. Recall that the pair are not officially married. Angie and brad promised to go to the registry office, when homosexuals are officially allowed to marry in the USA.

The contract is an individual version of the marriage contract stipulating the gap for those who are not officially married. Although this agreement gives them the right of joint custody, children (three of whom are adopted) will live with his mother. According to the documents brad pitt in any case will have access to their biological children, similarly, under any circumstances, will be able to communicate with foster children, write новости

Preparing for divorce, reportedly began in December 2009, when the couple visited one of the law firms in Los Angeles. This message appeared after several months of speculation that the couple are not officially married, increasingly moving away from each other. Special attention is now paid to the smooth preparation of their children for the inevitable rupture parents.

Last week the magazine National Enquirer printed an article which stated that the relationship of the spouses ended after furious scandal that occurred in a new York restaurant earlier this month. The article said that brad has organized this dinner in order to get angelina to seek the help of a therapist. The fact that Jolie fell into depression after his mother's death from cancer. The tragedy happened three years ago. Since then, Jolie has sharply started to lose weight and even tried to commit suicide.

The last time the couple appeared together in public. Last Friday telethon Hope for Haiti pitt attended without Jolie. It was filmed behind the scenes "Hope for Haiti", in which to collect money for the victims of the earthquake. However, the 34-year-old Angelina next to him was not. There was the ex-wife of pitt - Jennifer aniston.

Recall that pitt and Jolie began Dating in 2004 after co-starring in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". In 2005, Brad divorced from his wife Jennifer aniston, which until then were married four and a half years. They are raising three adopted children - five-year-old Zahara from Ethiopia, eight-year-old Maddox from Cambodia and six-year-old pax from Vietnam. Also the couple have three biological children - three-year-old daughter Shiloh, and twins Knox and Vivienne, who was 17 months. All children have a surname Jolie-pitt. The General condition of the family Jolie-Pitt Forbes estimates more than $ 100 million

During the joint life of the couple bought the property around the world - in France, California and New Orleans. In fairness it should be noted that the American tabloids have repeatedly bred pitt and Jolie, but the most famous pair of Hollywood were still together. I would like to believe that this time Brad and Angelina will be able to overcome all differences and will keep his large family.



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