Come on, as wise women, we will look into what features in the character of men not subject to challenge, and thus will do with them our life together almost cloudless.
- A man accustomed to make all the crucial decisions. He will not forgive you advice on serious issues. So, if you want to have it done the way you want, teach him that the decision came in his bright head, and you just support him and admire his ingenuity.
- Never ask a man where he was so long and why he was late home for twenty minutes. Do not force him to lie and Dodge! In addition, with great attention listening to his nostalgic memories, never vysprashivat him about what he wants to tell.
"Don't tell him about his previous novels, and, moreover, do not compare him with former fans. This is a sore blow to his vanity.
- Allowing the man sometimes to spend the evening in a purely male company, it is not necessary to give their girlfriends attention more than loved. Feeling that he is not the main point of your life (even if it is not, men are very suspicious) he will be very disappointed. Remember: a man admires you as long as you admire them.
- If you have achieved great career success than your beloved, never discuss it with him. If he will lead this conversation - explain that this is a coincidence, and, since you were able to achieve much, he, with his bright mind, will accomplish much more when they get a chance.
"Stay a bit unapproachable and a little elusive. Men like to hunt, so you will get much more compliments and confessions, if not every day to pester him with calls, distracting from work. Not vyprashivat words of love, otherwise they will lose meaning and become just words, and not an expression of true feelings.
"Don't try to wean her man from purchased in the old days of bad habits. This will cause an uproar! You knew about these habits, when she married her Prince.
Man, unlike women, are not able in the evening vividly to think and to talk a lot. Therefore, all the important conversations leave in the morning. At Breakfast a man is more flexible and able to discuss any issues.
Loving, caring, understands the woman, the man will be on hand all my life. He would be happy to give you sometimes hate your whims and foibles, just because you take it for what it is.
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