Do not try to "catch up" for the team of instructors, especially in the beginning: the pulse count and reduce the load when the heart beats "pop up" for critical 140.
The course is all: and many cosmetics, and diet, and "heavy artillery" in the form of plastic surgery. Today to correct external age-related changes - the question is not so exorbitant amount. But unfortunately, not all signs of age can be eliminated using only the achievements of cosmetology. No wonder that in ancient times it was believed that the true age of the woman first of all give hands and... gait.
It is the ease of movement is a good indicator of the condition of the whole organism, and therefore, biological young women. You can get rid of wrinkles, insert white teeth, tighten the abdomen and return the weight itself of eighteen, but the body does not disappoint. If you do not keep it in the "working" state, then the first step on bent knees will give out all of your life experience.
No wonder they say that movement is life. Modern fitness clubs offer a great selection of programs (sometimes more than forty) which, as expected, you with benefit and pleasure will be using physical activity to fight for the improvement of the exterior. But how to choose from all this the correct training?
Let's be realistic: for 40 years to deal with the same intensity as at 20, is impossible. And even harmful.
How to approach the selection of age-related sports programs?
Lola Zavoina, fitness and Wellness consultant, advises to begin to objectively assess their health. As a rule, special attention should be paid to the condition of the heart, joints, spine and blood vessels: these are part of the living "mechanism" over time, suffer most of all, and therefore, their training must be approached with special care.
Physical exercise in anti-aging (anti-aging) classes should be aimed at improving blood circulation in the body, prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, posture correction and improve the oxygen supply the brain.
The basic rule for selecting the sports program "for those who... " must be the identity and dosage of the load. To improve your posture, you can do Pilates and Wellness training. To pump up the press and to strengthen the spine will help special power lessons, such as functional training.
When performing any main motion is smooth, slow tempo, no sudden movements, jumps and bumps. Should not be long and monotonous movements (for example, on a stationary bike to continuously pedal need no more than 15 minutes). Even better, if the structure involves training exercise does not account for the instructor, and the beat of his own breathing. Has value even music: clearly defined, ripped, just a compulsive rhythm contraindicated, but the background, meditative music will be just right.
Expert commentary
For best results, all sports should be especially meaningful. Simply follow the instructions of the coach is not everything. You need to listen to your body, to understand what he likes and what doesn't. In the fight against age, it is important to overcome, do not load "through can not", but on the contrary, receive joy and pleasure from each movement. And over time, these movements will become more and more".
Lola Zavoina, fitness and Wellness consultant, President of the Wellness company Wellcom: "To combat age-related problems fit all stretching exercises, training of balance and coordination".
Pilates, various stretch rates, orthopedic gymnastic exercises with the ball (fitball) is the power of the program. From dance - Latin, belly dance, body ballet. Ideally, you should choose only those lessons, where the movement is mainly smooth, not sharp.
- If the fitness club has a course of breathing exercises (more basic) - fine, do not pass by!
- Swimming pool - swimming, Aqua aerobics and all possible classes in the water: water resistance work more (and stronger! muscle and joint stress is minimal.
- Classes, where, in addition to physical exercise, the necessary concentration, meditation, control of internal energy. It could be yoga, tai Chi and other Eastern practices".
You can, but carefully
Work out in the gym can only be under constant supervision of a trainer, strength and weight of the load is small. Avoid trainers that provide vertical load: additional stretching and compression of the spine in adulthood is not only useless, but even harmful.
We consider the pulse
During the occupation of any need to monitor their heart rate: the frequency should not exceed 140 beats per minute (optimum - 120). On most modern simulators have a counter pulse, if not, better to use an individual bracelet-counter pulse.
- On a treadmill is better not to run and walk fast, changing speed, and, if possible, the angle of the track: in the course of employment must work all the muscles of the legs in turn.
- In the list of services to many fitness clubs offer a variety of cardio classes. For example, Cycling is a special program of studies on exercise bikes. It is ideal for training the heart muscle. There is, however, an important limitation: Cycling is a serious exercise modes "drive up the hill", "speed" and so require more attention. Do not try to "catch up" for the team of instructors, especially in the beginning: the pulse count and reduce the load when the heart beats "pop up" for critical 140.
Avoid activities which are practiced frequent and abrupt movements, jumps.
- Go around the side of Boxing, Tae-Bo, karate, Wushu (martial arts and others).
Classic aerobics, too, will not work.
- Flamenco and tap dance is not the best way can affect the joints: it is too much load.
What is Pilates?
The main directions of yoga
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