Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Beautiful manicure at home

Beautiful manicure at homeBeautiful manicure at home under the power of each of us. Here are some tips that will help make your hands beautiful and tidy.

Techniques manicure is divided into two types: "cut" and "uncut". When you "trim" the manicure cuticle (skin around the nail plate) cut with scissors. When "uncut" manicure cuticle is extended or retracted by means of special tools. However, the scraping and scratching damage the nail plate and the nail root. Circumcision cuticle leads to its roughness, for rapid and alastname growth. The newly grown she will be dotted with small burrs. There is a probability of falling into a blood infection.

Experts advise to use two new ways neobreznogo manicure. The first consists in softening the cuticle in a special oil or gel, and then in the careful and painless retreat of the cuticle with special sticks. Another way nicer and easier first: on the cuticle applied a small amount of a special cream with softening, exfoliating and eat your cuticles action, and after 3-5 minutes just wiped off. The cuticle is gone, its growth slows down and the nails look well-groomed. Cosmetic companies liquids, gels, creams and other products that dissolve dead skin cuticle cells and contain beneficial oils and vitamins to nourish and protect the skin around the nails from cracking and cuticles.

How to make a manicure

Remove the old varnish for day to nail "breathed". Do not use traditional liquid varnish remover - there is solid acetone - harmful substance to nails. Use of preparations containing esters. You can use special wipes, creams, emulsions and the like or a liquid varnish remover that does not contain acetone.

Bath for hands. In a container with warm water and planted a little sea salt or liquid soap with a softening effect. If the skin is dry, then instead of salt to add a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile. Soak hands for 5 minutes Wipe hands.

Remove the cuticle. On the softened cuticles apply the tool to remove the cuticle or using chopsticks slide the cuticle. After a few minutes, remove the tool to remove the cuticle and adjust okolonogtevogo space using the sharp end of the nail sticks, removing the remnants of the skin layer on the nail.

Clean interior portion of the regrown nail with nail sticks and cotton wool, moistened with cream or other liquid with nutrients and antibacterial properties.

Shape the nails with the help of pilosec with a diamond, box, or sapphire-coated. Metal nail files rasclaat the nail. When the abundance of forms, each of them chooses one that is more comfortable in life and looks nice in the hand. It is better to file your nails and shape them so: make the sides of the nails straight lines to make a rectangle. Even if you will be then round and vyravnivat the nail, it can easily be done from the rectangular shape. Look - whether organically looks the nail on the hand. To "cut" nails should be only in one direction - driving a nail file from left to right, otherwise you can split the nail plate. Nails should be of equal length.

Before applying varnish to a healthy (! ) nail, degrease and wipe them, otherwise the varnish badly to lie down and not be fixed.

You must use a base coat or a so-called substrate. It keeps the varnish on the nail, straightens it, prevents the penetration of dyes and solvents varnish contained in the varnish.

Apply the varnish. Swipe the brush in the middle of the nail, and then from the base to the left and to the right. Depart from the cuticle to 1 mm If the varnish got it, use special sticks impregnated with liquid varnish remover. They are thin, and all the fixes will be neat and unobtrusive.

Experts advise to cover the nails with colored lacquer twice with an interval of 10 minutes.

Dry the varnish. Use clear lacquer - "defenders" from external influences. Easy lucky 2-in-1. They function as the basis for lacquer and varnish-coat. Varnishing-fixer increases the brightness and brilliance of colour varnish.

How to extend the life of the manicure

In principle, painting nails is bad. But this damage can be greatly reduced if you follow the right technology: first apply a base coat, then paint, then fixing composition. This will prolong the life of the manicure and the longer it is, the better for your nails, and your wallet.

The Foundation's application under the varnish is a prerequisite for a quality manicure. For many reasons the nail surface rough from lack of vitamins, due to mechanical micro-damage. The Foundation smoothes the surface, so the varnish is better than lies and keeps longer. In addition, the base serves as a buffer between the nail and coloring substances varnish: it is no secret that the nails can absorb pigment, and after some dark varnishes (especially the poor) to use light or transparent shades is simply impossible. Part of the canvas is often injected firming agents and vitamins. Application basics seals the nail, making it stronger. Sometimes in order to give the nail a well-groomed appearance, enough to put a base and a fixing part.

Protective coating that is applied to the lacquer at the end of the manicure, plays not only a decorative role. It establishes the lacquer, making it more resistant to external influences. Fixing composition protects the lacquer, as well as the base of the nail. But in addition to the protective effect, the fixer can do another service. Because varnish of the same color will look different depending on, glitters or not he. You can change the appearance of nail Polish, not perekrashivat nails: it is enough to apply a special clear coating gives the gleaming lacquer or coating with a matte effect. Matt, the so-called satin, floor today it is very fashionable. If you don't like bright varnishes (namely, these are in fashion now), decent way out will be French manicure. A sort of varnish that mimic the surface of a healthy nail. For him to choose lacquer skin tones, and the tip of the nail is painted white. The nails look very well groomed and look great with makeup and clothing of any style. However, it is now fashionable extravagant variations on the classic French manicure: nail is covered with bright varnish, and the tip is too bright, but a lighter shade. Another white stripes varnish can stick a tiny rhinestone is visually lengthens nail. French manicure best looks on the nails of medium length. But it is fairly complex in design and requires the use of several different varnishes shade, and it is not cheap. As a simpler day options it is best to use only one basis, putting a new layer on top of the old. Now there is a very good Foundation with a matte effect, which washed away quietly, leaving no sharp boundary between painted and surface devoid of make-up.

Dark varnish visually lengthen nails, bright colors are visually reduce. Even very long nail looks with bright lacquer accurately enough. As for fashion trends, artistic painting nails is now second in popularity to the multi-colored rhinestones. And popular earlier landscape scenes on the distance they merge into one colorful spot. Therefore, the images became more abstract, geometric - so they are visible from afar. Acutely fashionable trend - coating with the effect of old China. For this nails first varnish favourite color, and on top put a special composition. Dries, it cracks, and cracks visible varnish the bottom layer. You can combine colors to achieve different effects.

The "correct" lacquer is best to remove the "correct" way. But whatever tools varnish remover - even vitaminizirovanniy, is to use them sparingly. It is better to invest in a good nail Polish, which keeps a very long time.

P.S. If nails flake or break off, the reason in most cases you need to look at them the wrong treatment, in particular in the filing. Common metal nail files with diamond coating, it turns out, is very harmful: diamond baby leaves on the cut nail mikroskopicheskie grooves, which stratified nails. It is better to use soft cardboard pilotscale, processing the nail from the edge to the center. The sawing procedure is best performed no more than 2-3 times per month, in any case not steaming out before the hands in hot water the nails are softened, and the file of them simply destroys.


Women's magazine Cleo.Roux

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