Monday, March 24, 2014

Ah those lips!

Ah those lips! Every day we paint the lips, but never think whether we do it? Using lipstick can change the shape and volume of the lips, visually emphasizing their beauty or strengthening of disadvantages. Each woman is an individual. And her lips too. Start up correctly.

For starters...

First put on a little lip moisturizer lip ( it can be any lip balm). Such action will protect them from chapping and drying.

- Make the so-called "primer", put it on the lips makeup Foundation with a makeup sponge. Carefully fill every crack and crease on the surface of the lips, the surface should be completely smooth.

- Then apply a little powder over Foundation. So the lipstick will stay longer.

- Draw the outline of the lips special contour lip pencil. Gently roll it between your hands, it will get warm and it will go smoother. Start coloring with the upper lip, clearly Obrosova a "tick" in the middle. Then draw a neat circuit on the bottom. You can lightly shade lip pencil - then the border "pencil-lipstick" will be completely invisible, and the lips will look very neat and natural.

- Brush, apply lipstick, enclosure, apply all the folds on the surface of the lips. To paint the lips should not only outside but also inside, otherwise while talking or laughing mucous membrane is dramatically different from the color of the lips, will produce a bad impression.

The lipstick will stay longer if you wet the surface of the thin lips with a paper towel, then apply another layer of lipstick and again to wet his lips with a napkin.

Correction of the shape of the lips

- To impart bulk and increase the size of lips in the middle you can select a lighter tone.

For more brightness and durability, you can apply a second layer of lipstick or gloss.

- To give more relief and volume, you can make the highlights lighter lipstick. The upper lip is one of the flare on the bottom two. Paint it to blend in, but the bright spots should be visible. bright colors optically enlarge the lips.

Tinting thick lips, no need to emphasize the outlines with a pencil. The lipstick glides on natural contour of the lips and the corners of the mouth is better to leave devoid of make-up.

- With wide lips better to use lipstick, darker colour.

- To reduce the mouth shape can be obscure corners of the Foundation.

On unevenly wide lips lipstick should be applied as follows: on a narrower lip - a lighter shade, wide - darker.

Drooping corners of the mouth can be raised: lower lip paint is not until the end, i.e. not to the corners of the mouth; the contour of the lips, not reaching corners, raised up.

If you decide to increase or decrease the lips, remember that the deviation from the natural line more than 1-2 mm makes lips unnatural and grotesque.

If thick to paint the upper lip, this bit will mask a wide nose or round face.

Oblong face look round, if more saturated to paint the bottom lip.

If you are not sure that you have correctly said, the shape of the lips with a pencil, then you can do without liner, lips, putting a lipstick brush, then you will be able to create a clear natural contours of the lips and evenly cover with lipstick.

The choice of lipstick color

Strict rules of choice of lipstick, in principle, does not exist, they are very relative and individual. Previously it was thought that blondes need to use pink, light shades, and brunettes and brown allowed a more vivid color. If you are not sure in the selected tone lipstick, stick to one rule: the color of the lipstick should match the tone of Your skin. That is, if the skin tone you cold (you belong to the "cold" type), and lipstick should be cold (from light pink to dark blue-black). Conversely, if you treat the "warm" type, then select a color from bright orange to rusty-brown. Neutral color lipstick (e.g., bright red) will fit ladies with a cool skin tone, and warm.

Using a neutral pencil and moisturizing lip gloss, you can end the day without makeup lipstick. Thus, it is possible to make the lips the desired shade, if before applying the glitter to bring lip pencil corresponding color and carefully to hatch them lips.

The latest trend of ways of applying makeup show, which is now very topical lip gloss! Apply a gloss over lipstick, it will give the lips a soft and attractive. And in the evening the makeup lip gloss. Apply glitter on top of bright lipstick and you are irresistible!

Professional makeup artists recommend

- If you do not shade lip pencil, and only stroke a path, the sum of the lips neutral colors, even if then, put on bright lipstick. The fact that when the lipstick fades or "eaten", the bottom layer may be bright orange or red.

- If you're going to change day makeup for the evening, try only to curl the eyelashes and eyelids brighter lipstick.

Experiment with colors. Try to the dark eye shadow bright lipstick or Vice versa. Watch how they change your appearance!

- Do not just forget about the fact that the oral cavity requires no less attention and care, and brightly painted lips emphasizing the whiteness of the teeth, or Vice versa, the yellowness.


Cosmetic bag

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